
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

The Three Parties

Kakashi summons his faithful ninken companions. His skilled pack of dogs dispersed, fanning out in the forest in search of any trace of Kai. Their keen senses were finely attuned to the task, their acute sense of smell designed to pick up even the faintest of scents.

Time ticked by, marked by the shifting of sunlight and shadows. The forest remained quiet, the tension building as Kakashi and his pack diligently scoured the area for any signs of their quarry. The chase was consuming, hours passing with almost agonizing slowness, each moment stretching as they followed trails, examined clues, and kept their senses on high alert.

And then, a sound pierced the air, cutting through the stillness like a blade. A long, haunting howl reverberated through the forest, the mournful sound echoing between trees and undergrowth. Kakashi's heart quickened; he recognized that distinctive howl.

His dogs had found something.

Without hesitation, Kakashi moved swiftly, following the howl's origin. His dogs had converged, and their collective energy led him to a specific location. As he arrived, his eyes fell upon his ninken, gathered around a small clearing. Their attention was fixed on a piece of torn fabric, a shred of clothing caught on a branch.

Kakashi's mind raced as he studied the torn cloth, his thoughts piecing together the puzzle. This was no ordinary scrap of fabric; it was a clue, a breadcrumb that Kai had unwittingly left behind. His keen intuition told him that they were on the right track, that this was the trail they needed to follow.




As the eerie howling sound reached Kai's ears in the secluded cave, a sense of unease tingled down his spine. It wasn't a sound he could easily dismiss, for he recognized it as the mournful call of a dog, an animal that have never been part of this forest.

His instincts kicked in, urging him to action. Swiftly and without hesitation, Kai drew upon his newfound abilities. With ink and focus, he manifested an eagle, a majestic creature that he used to soar through the air. Guided by the howl's source, he soared over the forest, his senses sharpened as he approached the location.

Beneath him, Kakashi's squad came into view, gathered around an object that seemed to be the center of their attention. Kai's heart pounded, realization dawning upon him. They were tracking him, using some method to follow his trail. The piece of cloth Kakashi held was likely tied to him, a string that would lead them straight to his hiding place.

Kai's mind raced as he contemplated his options. He couldn't afford to be cornered, to become the prey in this deadly game. With a quick decision, he soared away from the scene, his eagle guiding him deeper into the forest. He knew he needed to act fast, to throw off their pursuit and shake the scent trail they were following.

He swiftly cut a piece of his own clothing and scattered the fabric fragments throughout the forest, like breadcrumbs leading in multiple directions. This would confuse them, hopefully making it harder for them to discern his true path. He then took to the river's edge, washing his body to eliminate any traces of scent that might linger on his skin. Meticulously, he covered himself with the ground of the forest, blending his scent once more into the surrounding.




The scent of confusion hung in the air, even for the keen noses of Kakashi's trained dogs. The once-trail that seemed straightforward had now splintered into an array of divergent scents, each leading in a different direction. The dogs, usually reliable in their tracking abilities, found themselves at a loss.

"The smell has dispersed," Kakashi noted with a hint of frustration, realizing that their quarry had outwitted them once again. The scent had fragmented, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact direction Kai had taken.

Kakashi's decision was clear: they needed to split their efforts further. "We may need to split once more to find him," he said, his voice betraying a mix of determination and resignation. He instructed his pack of tracking dogs to disperse and search, each canine pursuing a different trail in the hopes of zeroing in on their elusive target.

As the squad took a moment to catch their breath and rested, a chilling howl sliced through the air, originating from the west. Kakashi's instincts kicked in, a sense of urgency coursing through his veins. He knew what that sound meant – one of his tracking dogs had met an untimely demise. There was no time to waste; they had to move.

The squad rallied, heading towards the source of the howl. They were in pursuit, driven by the urgency of their mission. However, their pace was interrupted by another howl, this time echoing from the east. Kakashi's keen senses picked up the grim truth – another one of his tracking dogs had been silenced.

Panic mingled with confusion. This wasn't a mere coincidence; something was systematically taking out their dogs. Kakashi's eyes narrowed, a knot forming in his gut.




In the two separate scenes, the web of events was unfolding without any of the participants truly comprehending the bigger picture. As the first dog's life was abruptly extinguished, it was Hidan and Kakuzu who stood as the culprits behind the act. The duo watched in silence, fully aware of the significance of their actions – silencing a key instrument in Kakashi's pursuit.

Meanwhile, in a nearby realm of the forest, Kai had taken control of another twist of fate. A howl ceased, its source vanquished by the very hand of the fugitive it had sought.

Kakuzu, driven by the lure of profit, relished the idea of dispatching Kakashi, renowned as the "Copy Ninja." His monetary ambition fused with a chance to assert dominance over a skilled adversary. "A bounty once again," Kakuzu mused with a gleam in his eyes, contemplating the potential rewards this endeavour could yield.

Their intentions were multifaceted – rescue Kai from the clutches of his pursuers and, simultaneously, further their own agendas.

In contrast, Kakashi's squad stood amidst confusion, the shadows of uncertainty looming over them. Pakun, one of Kakashi's trusted dogs, emerged as a he sensed the incoming danger. His keen senses detected the impending threat – "It looks like we have company"