
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

The Death of an Akatsuki

Days drifted by, and Kai found himself nestled within a solitary plain. Here, amid the tranquillity of nature, he engaged in familiar training. He summoned forth his energy,the typical that he used, birthing a fireball jutsu that ignited the air with its brilliance.

Yet, Kai knew, he had one more energy ready to be used. He wanted to merge his newfound chakra, a gift from the four-tails, with his usual systematic energy reserves. As he weaved this energy together, a transformation unfolded before his eyes.

The fireball, once vivid and blazing, now bore a different color – a deep, resonant orange crimson. Its radiance was laced with an intense capability, as though the God of Fire have descended upon the Earth. The very essence of the flames seemed to resonate with his transformed energy, exuding an aura of power he had never experienced before.

With determination in his eyes, Kai decided to experiment further with his newly merged energy. He concentrated deeply, channelling what was originally an ocean blue chakra armor into one that is vibrant crimson energy. Slowly, the energy surrounded him into shaping a chakra armour, infusing itself with the potent wind element. The energy enveloped him, creating an intense aura that crackled with power.

As he harnessed this formidable energy, Kai visualized a crescent-shaped blade made entirely of wind. Focusing his intention, he projected the blade towards a towering tree in front of him. The moment the blade made contact, it unleashed its incredible might. The wind blade tore through the air with a haunting whistle, its edge gleaming dangerously.

The impact was astonishing. The wind crescent blade effortlessly sliced through one tree after another, leaving behind a trail of destruction. The sheer force carried it through the bark and wood, sending splinters flying in all directions. It wasn't until the blade had cut through tens of trees that its momentum began to wane, finally coming to a halt.

Kai stood there, amazed at the devastating power he had just demonstrated. The forest around him bore witness to his newfound abilities, marked by the path of destruction left by his wind-crescent blade.

Afterwards, Kai continued to explore and refine his enhanced abilities, he quickly realized that his newfound "chakra" had its limits. He observed that this potent energy could only be sustained for a short span of time, approximately 2-3 minutes, before it completely depleted his chakra reserves. This realization made him understand that this power should be reserved for critical situations when he was truly pressed against the wall, otherwise, he should stick with his regular energy, which has a relatively large reserve.

Amid his practice and contemplation, a sudden interruption shook his focus. Konan, a fellow Akatsuki member, appeared before Kai, bearing important news. Her words were direct and urgent, "Deidara is dead. You need to attend the meeting."




In a somber and profound meeting room, the Akatsuki members gathered as Pain, their leader, addressed the group with grave news, "Deidara has fallen in the line of duty. Kai, you will now take his place as partners with Tobi."

Tobi, known for his playful demeanor, extended a greeting to Kai, his new partner, "Hey! Looks like we're partners now." His tone, however, didn't fully conceal the underlying tension of the situation. Kai reciprocated the greeting, acknowledging the change in dynamic.

Tobi's lightheartedness continued as he posed a question, "Does this mean I'm your senior?" A playful jest, but Pain's stern interruption swiftly brought the banter to a halt, "That's enough, Tobi."

Pain's authoritative tone shifted the focus back to the matter at hand, "Kai, you will follow Tobi's instructions for now."

Kai's understanding nod marked the end of the meeting, and the assembly dispersed.




Before long, Tobi and Kai found themselves in a predetermined field, the designated spot for their rendezvous.

Kai's first words conveyed empathy, "Sorry for your loss." However, Tobi's demeanor had shifted, his cheerful façade replaced by a more serious countenance. The situation had changed, and the atmosphere between them grew different.

In a tone that carried the weight of experience, Tobi opened up, "I had Pain assign you to me for a reason." His words signaled a departure from his previous persona. Tobi, or rather Madara Uchiha, was revealing his true self to Kai. His next words carried even more significance, "Let me reintroduce myself. I am Madara Uchiha." As he spoke, he revealed his Sharingan, a powerful visual ability of his identity that had remained hidden until now.

Kai's brow furrowed as he struggled to comprehend the weight of the names being tossed around. These were unfamiliar terms, an internal knowledge that he couldn't quite grasp fully yet.

The masked man's chuckle, muffled by the cover, seemed to echo with amusment. "You really are an outsider in this world. The mere mention of 'Madara Uchiha' is enough to send shivers down the spine of most. Yet, here you stand, untouched by that fear."

"I am the one who truly leads the Akatsuki, we may.. be able to work together to achieve our goals" Obito declared, a weightiness in his tone underscoring his claim.

Obito's gaze bore into Kai's, and the young man felt a shiver run down his spine. "Your unique skill, the one that absorbed the tailed beast chakra... Even now, the Four-Tails' chakra remains within you. Do you think you can do the same with the other beasts?"

Kai nodded, "I should be able to do so with the other-tailed beasts."

Obito's agreement came with a nod of anticipation. "I'm eager to witness the growth in your abilities. All that is left for us now is to capture the 8th and 9th tails."

"The task of capturing the 8th tail will be yours alone. It'll be a test to your capabilities. Absorbing the fourth tail's chakra and your existing skills make you a fitting candidate for this challenge."

Curiosity burned within Kai. "You speak of cooperation as if you possess a way for me to return home."

Obito's gaze held firm. "The Moon Eye Plan."

Kai's brows furrowed as Obito explained further. "It requires god-like power, which can be achieved by harnessing the tailed beasts' energy. As the plan's executor, I'll ascend to godhood, and with that authority, I'll facilitate your journey back to your world. It's clear you don't belong here, I will help in sending you back home."