
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Shinobi Fight

Through the distance, Kai's eyes caught glimpses of fire and the shimmer of water in the distance. Faint echoes of urgent shouts reached his ears. Intrigue piqued his curiosity, and with his newfound 'Stick to Surface' ability, he approached cautiously, each step deliberate and calculated.

Moving with the stealth of a shadow, Kai closed the distance, ensuring he remained hidden from the chaotic scene unfolding before him. His eyes widened as he took in the peculiar attire worn by the figures engaged in the intense battle. They wore traditional headbands emblazoned with what seems like a symbol, they also wore dark jackets adorned with intricate designs. Lastly, strapped to their bodies were an array of pouches as they took out Shurikens and Kunai to fight against one another.

As Kai observed from his concealed vantage point, the shinobis continued their relentless skirmish. Fire leapt from their mouth, as the earth itself maneuvers through the terrain. The clash of abilities, a symphony of power and skill, unfolded before him.

What caught Kai off guard, however, was the uncanny similarity in the abilities wielded by these figures. It was as though these techniques has a standard in a way that everyone could have access to. This realization sparked a sense of curiosity within him.

He had witnessed people with control over fire and earth before, but this was different. In his old world, people do have such abilities, but they are often unique in their own way. There usually is an intricate difference amongst each individual abilities.

Kai's senses tingled with a growing realization – something was amiss. It felt different, as though he had stumbled into a realm different from his. His eyes remained fixed on the battle before him, the clash of jutsu among the different symbolised shinobi.

His instinct urged him to step forward, to seek answers. But a quiet voice of reason cautioned him against hasty action. He understood that revealing himself now, in this unfamiliar territory, might only complicate matters. He needed a plan, a strategy to navigate through this issue.

Kai realised he needed more abilities, and more tools in his arsenal to survive. The holographic system, his connection to the abilities of defeated creatures, held the key to his evolution. Each ability gained would bolster his strength, and enhance his chances of surviving and understanding where he is.

With steely resolve, Kai made his decision. He would bide his time, gather more abilities in the shadows, and emerge as a force to be reckoned with when the moment was right. It wasn't cowardice that guided his actions, but a calculated strategy born from experience and wisdom. He knew that to confront the shinobis now would be to invite needless conflict.

Kai shifted his focus from the intense shinobi battle and ventured deeper into the forest. His eyes scanned the surroundings, seeking out potential sources of power. It didn't take long before his gaze settled upon a praying Mantis, its vibrant green form blending with the foliage. With a swift, determined movement, he crushed the insect beneath his palm, his mind already anticipating the new ability it might yield.

True to his expectations, the holographic interface materialized once more, presenting him with a new ability 'Summoning Blade'. A spark of intrigue flickered within him as he read the description – the ability to summon tiny blades integrated into his hand. While not razor-sharp, it can serve as a useful weapon to him currently.

Without hesitation, Kai chose to absorb the new ability. He felt a surge of energy, a connection forged between his being and the potential held within the Praying Mantis essence. As he focused his intent, a subtle transformation occurred. A short, slender multiple tiny blades materialized on his arm, its form sleek and unassuming from hand down to his elbow.

Testing the newfound ability, Kai swung the blade in a controlled arc, slicing through the air with a satisfying whoosh. His eyes followed the trajectory of the blade as it met a nearby leaf, the fragile foliage parting with ease. Almost three-quarters of the leaf fell to the ground, severed by the blade's edge. A small smile tugged at Kai's lips as he nodded in approval.

"This will suffice for now," he said.

Next, Kai knew exactly what he needed – an ant. These tiny creatures were renowned for their incredible strength, capable of carrying loads up to 20 times their own body weight. This strength was what he sought to infuse into himself, a boost to his raw power.

With his purpose clear, Kai's eyes scanned the forest floor. He moved, searching for the ant that would grant him this newfound might. But life had different plans in store. As he treads upon the forest's tapestry of leaves, an unexpected rain of creatures began to descend from above. They tumbled from the tree canopy, an unsettling surprise that shattered his focus.

Leeches – dark and slimy, they wriggled through the air like falling raindrops, their presence ominous and unwelcome. Kai's instincts kicked in, and he instinctively raised his arms to shield himself from the unexpected onslaught. However, his actions seemed to attract the leeches rather than repel them.

Drawn to his blood, the leeches latched onto Kai's outstretched arm. Their small, sucker-like mouths adhered to his skin, and a sensation of tugging followed. Kai's heart raced as he watched the leeches congregate, forming a small cluster along his arm.

The leeches were drawing his blood, their tiny mouths locked onto his arm like miniature anchors. He instinctively tried to peel them off, but their grip was surprisingly unyielding. His mind immediately racef for a solution to this unforeseen dilemma.

His gaze flickered to his hand, his fingers twitching with urgency. Kai summoned his newly acquired blade, the slender weapon shimmering to life in his grip. With a swift, controlled motion, he pressed the blade against the leeches, the edge grazing his skin. A sharp, tingling pain radiated from the point of contact, and the leeches reacted – their grip wavered, and a thin trickle of his blood seeped free.

It was a temporary solution, and Kai knew he had to act swiftly. Summoning and unsummoning his blade, he repeated the process, each time coaxing the leeches away from his arm. The technique was effective, each manifestation of the blade caused the leeches to relinquish their hold, their engorged forms wriggling with discomfort.

Yet, as the leeches fell one by one, Kai felt an unexpected drain on his own strength. A wave of dizziness swept over him, and he stumbled slightly. The rapid loss of blood, even to leeches, had taken its toll. His movements grew sluggish, his breathing labored.

Desperation fueled his determination. He continued the cycle of summoning and unsummoning the blade, his focus unwavering despite the growing fatigue. The leeches, once plump and active, began to shrivel and twitch, their grip weakening with each successive assault.

Finally, the last leech released its hold, its shrunken form falling away from Kai's arm. He gasped for breath, his heart pounding in his chest. The forest seemed to spin around him, his vision swimming with disorientation. He sank to his knees, his strength all but spent.