This here is a work in progress of a vast collection of abilites from all over fiction along with explantions of how they work and their effects. Anime? Comics? Novels? Video games? You name it and i'll do it!
(requested by Destructorsan)
Void Maker
Taboo Taboo
Black hole creation
The Void Maker tattoo, manifests as an intricate design etched onto the users skin, this unique tattoo possesses the ability to generate miniature black holes, aptly referred to as "voids." When activated, these voids possess an insatiable gravitational force that instantaneously engulfs and devours anything unfortunate enough to come into their path.
One of the distinct aspects of the Void Maker tattoo is its nature as a "trigger-less tattoo." Unlike other tattoos within the series that require specific conditions or actions to activate their powers, the Void Maker defies these prerequisites. The user can unleash the power of the voids at will, simply by focusing their intent. However, it is worth noting that Void Maker harbors a rather peculiar characteristic: an insatiable craving for blood. This unique attribute indicates an inherent connection between the tattoo and the life essence it feeds upon, possibly drawing strength or sustenance from it.
Tattoo make black hole
Multiple meters, most likely vastly farther
However, it is worth noting that Void Maker harbors a rather peculiar characteristic: an insatiable craving for blood. This unique attribute indicates an inherent connection between the tattoo and the life essence it feeds upon, possibly drawing strength or sustenance from it. Despite the considerable power it bestows upon its bearer, the Void Maker tattoo possesses a will of its own, separate from the users intentions. This lack of complete control over the tattoo often leads to moments of unpredictability and potential danger. The user may find themselves struggling to rein in the chaotic and destructive nature of the voids, amplifying the risks associated with utilizing the tattoo's power.
There is NOTHING on this ability, had to use a ai to get more information