
The 99th Divorce

In her previous lifetime, they had married for five years. He meant everything to her, but she was thrown away like an old shoe. After her rebirth, she gave him a divorce contract preemptively— “Divorce after one year, the terms of the contract are as follows: husband and wife shall not share a room or bed. Intimacy forbidden?” he raised his eyebrow. Who knew that after she got drunk one day, leaning on the headboard, he rested his deep-set eyes on her. "You broke the contract, Mrs, Li."

Wan Lili · 都市
2321 Chs

I Am Your Mother

翻訳者: Nyoi-Bo Studio 編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the plane landed, it was already past two in the afternoon. The children had slept on the plane, and they were quite energetic. They jumped off the plane, cheering and returning home. The bodyguards came back with their luggage, and Qin Shuhua and Li Xiao came back with their grandchildren.

They entered the door, and saw their father waiting. They quickly came forward. "Dad, it's so hot outside, why not wait inside?"

The old man acted as if he did not hear the words of Li Xiao. When he saw the children coming back, he was so happy that his face was wrinkled, walking up to them.

"Great grandfather!" Li Jianqian shouted.

"Great grandfather!" Li Mosen called politely.

"Hug!" Li Jianyue was the most direct, reaching out to the captain.

The old man took Li Jianyue up lovingly and smiled. "Was it fun?"

"So much fun!" Li Jianyue happily hugged the neck of the old man and said, "Mom has become a beautiful bride, so so pretty!"