
The 808

Adam is a normal everyday student on earth 808 the only spectacular thing about him is that he is best friends with a super genius, when one day his friend dies leaving Adam with his prized possession. Sinking into depression Adam is living life day by day when one day everything changes. He becomes a "higher lifeform" changing his life forever. Follow his journey as he finds a new place in this universe.

4o4oNoved · アクション
6 Chs

Experiment SS genome

Adam POV.

Date: unknown..

Location: unknown..

'AHHHHH' I try to scream out but my voice doesn't come out. My body aches, as though there is a fire spreading through it. My chest feels heavy and my vision is blurry. I hear distant murmuring, almost inaudible foreign words I can't understand.

The world goes dark again -

Unknown POV.

Location: Planet Derêkee

Monarch the experiment has worked! Our team has manipulated their genome to bear the pressure of our supernatural genetic code. "Very good but it is not enough to defeat them.. WE need power higher than anything THIS UNIVERSE has ever seen.. only then can we defeat the council.." The monarch says in a menacingly desperate tone.

Adam POV.



suddenly I hear a voice. "Doemlymoksoshekn." HUH?! WHO'S THERE!? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! I try getting up but my body won't move. I look to my side to see I'm strapped down with some type of technology I've never seen on Earth. 'WAIT- WHEN THE F*CK DID I GET TATTOOS AND WHY ARE THEY GLOWING!?'

I look back toward where I heard the voice that's when I see a bunch of figures, I can't make out their faces from here. "WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!?" I scream. One of the figures steps up, that's when I see it. A monster-like creature with blue skin and gills. It is wearing a long golden inscribed robe. The ugly monster has a red slash on the right side of its cheek. It finally speaks after a couple seconds of thought. "Doemlymoksoshekn"

"WHAT?? WHAT ARE YOU." I shout with a crazed face.

It looks at me with a confused expression then it appears to have come to a realization. It suddenly motions with it's left hand to one of the other aliens.

It creeps towards me with a smile, showing its sharp edgy teeth. I try to scream but my strength has already left my body. It pulls out some type of syringe and sticks it into my neck.

The world goes blank again...

Soon I woke up again, I look around to see if the monsters are still hoarding around the room but nobody is there.

Time goes by..

One hour? A day? A year? it feels like forever. When I suddenly hear faint footsteps, they slowly get louder and louder till... *ERKKK DOOOOM* The wall slides into the floor. I see it... the monster, it is alone now. walking with its hands behind its back it says with a deep voice, "Hello Adam Ware, I am Esel the Monarch of Derêkee. Do not fear we have not hurt you but allowed you to evolve into something.. Greater." Huh?? What is he talking about?


"I have one question.. can I bring my friend back from the dead?"