
The 5th Hokage And Me - Tsunade Senju x Female reader gxg

"I will be waiting for your return, my love" had been said by the 5th Hokage for the past 10 years with a sad tone. "Ah, I'm finally back to Konoha," Said a happy and carefree voice by an unknown female with black and red clothing. This is a short story of Tsunade and her female lover who suddenly disappeared 10 years ago, as If she never existed. How will Tsunade react if she is to meet the woman of her life again? _____________ A/N: This is a draft story.

Kuh_Sian · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


Y/N pov:

Walking around with my arms behind my back, a straw hat on my head, and a piece of grass in my mouth while whistling looking up in the clear blue sky, I suddenly see a very familiar bluebird flying in the south direction.

Spitting out the grass I start to happily run after the bird with my hands waving around and a huge smile on my face while screaming out to the bird "BIRDIE".

I run and screamed after birdie until she stopped and turned around, noticing me trying to get her attention birdie flies towards me and starts to circle me chirping happily once she realized who I am.

Stopping it looks at me then towards the south direction again before chirping and flies away slowly, looking at it departing thinking 'does she want me to follow her?'.

My guess was right because when birdie noticed me not going after her, she flies over to me taking my rope between her beak, and tries to drag me there.

Smiling at the little bird I pet her head gently and say "I will follow you, little friend"

Letting go of my robe she chirps happily again and flies towards our destination.

Walking fast until I noticed that birdie picking up the pace so I do the same until we are literally running as if our lives depended on it.

Feeling that she is slowing down but still in a rushed way finally stopping I look around my surroundings as I have been too focused on catching up to her that I didn't notice how I have gotten to my own destination.

In front of Konohagakure or Konoha for short, standing there I see Izumo and Kotetsu.

Calling birdie to me, when she gets close I tell her that "I will not walk in there as a human and risk of starting a war or seen as an intruder"

Tilting her cute little head as if I had 4 of all body parts I sigh and transform into a small black bird with a red chest.

Chirping surprisingly at me before flying around me with her beak open, I laugh to myself before chirping her to start moving to where she is leading me.

Getting out of her trance she quietly chirps and starts to fly above the Konoha wall, flying after her with an amusing bird-like smile on my beak.

Looking around all the people below me I start to think about, the ninjas, the civilians, the children, and the clear sky.

That is until I accidentally fly inside the window of a building, looking around the room I see a very familiar woman crying.

Flying and landing in front of her, I chirp trying to get her attention, she looks up and I get so shocked that I didn't notice that I turned to my human form.

Still shocked I kneel with both my knees and just look at her, just as shocked as me she wipes and tries to clear her eyes before looking at me again.



This is a draft story.