
The 101st Legion (English)

In a world plunged into chaos and darkness, "The 101st Legion" tells the epic struggle of a group of young survivors facing a devastating apocalypse caused by mysterious supernatural forces. Led by Rayber, a determined and brave young man, the group must confront monstrous creatures and the constant threat of the APX-WET disease, which turns humans into relentless zombies. The story begins in the Dominican Republic when Rayber and his friends Rohwder, Henry, and Axel find themselves in the middle of an ordinary school day that quickly transforms into a nightmare. A sudden attack within their school marks the beginning of a series of events that lead them to fight for their survival and seek answers in a world that has lost all sanity. With the city in chaos, the group embarks on a dangerous journey to La Romana and beyond, encountering other survivors, facing betrayals, and forming unexpected alliances. Throughout their odyssey, each member of the 101st Legion develops unique skills and faces their own inner demons, while working together to unravel the mysteries behind the apocalypse and find a safe haven. The narrative is infused with anime influences, with references to series such as "Attack on Titan" and "Fullmetal Alchemist," and is characterized by action-packed scenes, unexpected twists, and deep bonds of friendship. Amid the despair, hope and courage intertwine, leading the protagonists to discover the true strength of their union. "The 101st Legion" is a story of survival, friendship, and the tireless fight against the shadows that threaten to consume the world. As they face increasingly deadly challenges, Rayber and his team must decide whether to succumb to the darkness or ignite the spark of resistance to save humanity.

Rayber_Polanco · アクション
34 Chs

War or friendship, What do you decide?

Three years had passed since The Legion 101 settled into the mansion. The group, now consisting of Rayber, Rohwder, and Moreno, had expanded with several survivors, yet emotional scars from past losses still haunted them. The mansion, once luxurious and elegant, now served as their refuge but also a prison that contained painful memories. Rayber, once the optimistic leader, had lost some of his spark. His eyes, once full of determination, now reflected a mix of sadness and anger. Rohwder, the brave strategist, continued forward with strength, though a shadow of melancholy occasionally crossed his gaze. Moreno, the mysterious guardian, hid secrets behind his tired eyes.

On a dark and rainy night, as they gathered in the flickering candlelight of the living room, a hooded figure appeared at the front door. Suspense filled the mansion as the figure revealed herself to be Aurora, the girl thought lost in the sewer explosion. Aurora, visibly more mature, still carried the same spark of hope. Her return stirred mixed emotions within the group, and their conversations were filled with intertwined questions and answers.

Rayber, astonished, exclaimed, "Aurora…!"

With a faint smile, she replied, "I've had company. We escaped the explosion and found refuge in a safe place."

The conversation continued, revealing the existence of a new organized faction of survivors called "The Resistors." Aurora invited them to join, prompting Rohwder to ask, "How do we know we can trust them?"

Aurora responded seriously, "The Resistors have a code. We fight for survival but also for the humanity that remains within us."

The offer to join The Resistors created a dilemma within The Legion 101. The mansion, filled with memories, was becoming an emotional prison, and the possibility of joining a larger community offered hope for a different future.

The tension in The Legion 101's camp was palpable. Rayber, the leader, faced a heartbreaking decision to reject the offer. Aurora, whom he had once rescued, was now a messenger from The Resistors, and the offer to unite against The Darkness (the term for the evolved zombie hordes) clashed with Rayber's pride and loyalty to his own group. The seventy members of The Legion 101 awaited in silence, their eyes fixed on their leader. Rohwder, the realistic and somewhat pessimistic second-in-command, maintained a serious expression, supporting Rayber's decision despite knowing the road ahead would be tough.

Rayber's decision brought a mix of relief and concern to his group. Tensions rose, and accusatory glances from some members of The Resistors did not go unnoticed. Aurora responded, "I understand, Rayber. But we can't stay. You have to understand that."

Rayber replied, "We…?"

With a look of sadness, Aurora disappeared into the dark night.

That same stormy night, Rayber patrolled the perimeter, cloaked in shadows. Suddenly, a hooded figure emerged from the darkness. Rayber, on high alert, recognized the silhouette.

Intrigued, Rayber said, "Axel, is that you?"

Axel, emotionless, replied, "Remembering changes nothing. I'm sorry, Rayber."

Without warning, Axel attacked. A brutal fight ensued, filled with punches, memories, and the cruel reality that betrayal could emerge even in the apocalypse.

During the struggle, Rayber shouted, "Axel, stop! Don't you remember all we've been through?"

Axel responded coldly, "The past no longer matters. The Darkness is upon us, and I'm on the side that guarantees my survival."

The battle between Rayber and Axel left visible and emotional scars on both.

The sounds of the fight echoed through the darkness, and the betrayal threatened to tear apart the bonds that once united them. The clash between Rayber and Axel drew the attention of the other members of The Legion 101, who rushed to the scene. Axel's betrayal plunged the camp into uncertainty.

Rohwder ran towards the fight, shouting, "Rayber, Axel, stop!"

As Rohwder tried to intervene, Aurora watched from a distance with a somber look. Axel's betrayal resonated deeply within her, and the old connection between them faded into the darkness.

Rayber, attempting to talk to Axel, said, "Axel, please, this leads to nothing! What happened to you?"

Axel replied, "There's no turning back, Rayber. Survival is all that matters."

Axel's words echoed like a distant call in Rayber's mind. The betrayal of a lifelong friend left deeper scars than physical wounds. The Legion 101 stood aside, torn between supporting their leader and the confusion brought by the reality of betrayal. In a moment of pause, Rayber tried to reason with Axel, recalling their shared moments and the importance of staying united in a world ravaged by The Darkness. However, Axel, consumed by his own darkness, resisted any attempt at redemption.

Rayber, frustrated, told Axel, "Axel, we can't let this divide us! There's something bigger at stake."

Axel responded, "Only the strongest survive."

The battle continued.

Rohwder, attempting to stop the fight, said, "Enough already! Both of you are losing what's left of your humanity!"

Suddenly, a deafening noise filled the air. Everyone's attention turned to the surrounding darkness. A horde of creatures, drawn by the commotion, approached rapidly.

Axel, facing the imminent threat, retreated, and Rayber took the lead to guide his people against The Darkness. The betrayal persisted, but survival necessitated setting disputes aside, at least for now. The Legion 101 prepared to confront the oncoming horde. As The Legion 101 braced for the impending clash with The Darkness, murmurs of distrust spread among the members. Rayber delivered a speech to rally his troops.

Raising his voice, Rayber said, "Together, we can overcome any adversity. Let's hold on to our humanity in this desolate world."

The members of The Legion 101, though divided by circumstances, nodded at their leader's words. Rohwder, still affected by the recent betrayal, approached Rayber seeking answers.

As the members organized to face The Darkness, Aurora stayed in the shadows, watching with a mix of sadness and determination.

The battle began as the creatures emerged from the shadows. Rayber led the front, but the tension among The Legion 101 was palpable. Rohwder fought fiercely, while Aurora demonstrated her worth with stealth and precision.

Rayber shouted during the battle, "Maintain formation! Our survival depends on working together!"

Darkness enveloped the camp, but The Legion 101's determination did not waver. Then Axel appeared, but something had changed in him. His eyes now reflected regret and desperation.

Breathing heavily, Axel said, "I couldn't stay behind. The Darkness is everywhere."

Cautiously, Rayber responded, "Are you back for redemption?"

Axel replied, "There's no redemption for me, but I can help deal with what's coming."

As The Legion 101 faced the threat of The Darkness, Axel joined the fight, but his presence generated a new set of questions and tensions. The dark past still loomed, and the night promised to reveal more secrets among the shadows. Rayber, Rohwder, and Aurora exchanged distrustful glances, but the imminent threat of The Darkness required a temporary truce.

Rohwder approached Rayber and said, "I'm not sure we should trust him, well, them, Rayber."

Rayber replied, "We have a battle ahead of us, and we need every available hand. But after this, I'll talk to Axel, and I want you there in case things get chaotic."

With a silent nod, The Legion 101 prepared to fight against the hordes of The Darkness. Axel joined the frontline, his heavy armor and melee skills shining in the darkness. The coordination among the members improved as they recognized their shared goal, for now.

The battle was intense, but The Legion 101's unity proved to be their greatest strength. Axel fought alongside them, trying to redeem himself with every strike. Rohwder, though still distrustful, strove to protect the most vulnerable.

The chaos of the battle turned into a synchronized choreography of survival. The fragile unity of The Legion 101 proved effective against The Darkness. As the night wore on, the threat gradually diminished.

Rohwder, looking at Axel, said, "You've proven your worth in battle, but we still have unfinished business."

Axel replied, "I understand, but we're alive thanks to our collaboration."

With The Darkness repelled for the moment, The Legion 101 retreated to a safe place. Though distrust persisted, secrets and tensions lingered in the air. For now, the priority was to face the dawn together.