
The 100: The Shield of Heda

With the council finding out that humanities lifeline may be failing, they make some questionable decisions. However, sacrifices must be made for the greater good of humanity. James is a young orphan boy that has grown up in solitary, with not many people aware of his existence, the council thinks that he is the perfect individual to carry out their experiment. After all, what is one forgotten orphan's life compared to the whole of humanity. Will James thrive on the ground or will he simply survive?

CallMeQuotes · テレビ
43 Chs


It's been almost two weeks since Skaikru has landed in Trikru territory. Over that time we have received some rather useful and interesting information. The Ark sent down one hundred and one children. Big surprise there, the cowards are too scared to come down themselves. Not only were the numbers interesting, but so is the fact that they are children. Due to my own experience as a child that was dropped down here, as well as the common sense that no sane society would let their authority sacrifice one hundred children knowingly. I have come to the conclusion that they were prisoners of sorts, like I was. If they weren't, well then the parents would have found out they were missing, thus they were prisoners locked up and told no visitors..

They were inexperienced as well, if the seven deaths were anything to go by. Apparently two of them died in the landing, obviously no intelligence was involved, whatever the reason was that caused those deaths. Lincoln said that three died from the acid fog, well two technically. The third was trapped in the fog but survived, barely. However, one of their leaders killed him out of mercy. The sixth and seventh were what confuses me. Apparently one of the group's younger children, a little girl, killed one of their watchmen. Then, feeling guilt from the results of her actions, flung herself off of a cliff. Poor planning and reasoning has consequences after all.

Sadly, the news of the little girl killing herself came with another more… rage inducing piece of information. Skaikru has knowingly or not, declared war on Trikru, and in consequence the Coalition as whole. They fired some flaming objects at a village and killed seven villagers. Two of the objects hit huts, both had families inside. As sad as that is, thankfully that is all who died in the attack, even though the entire village has been turned to ash.

I nearly had to intervene when Lexa received the news. She wanted to head to the Skaikru camp and slaughter everyone there. It's not that I wanted to save the sky kids, but I knew that it wasn't safe for Lexa to give into rage like that. After some thought and time to cool off, Lexa sends the messenger back with new orders for Anya. Lexa gave Anya permission to do whatever she feels like to any one who leaves the Skaikru camp, as well as to find any more information on them by any means necessary.

Skaikru are beginning to become a nuisance; they have only been on the ground for nearly two weeks. In my gut I knew that they were going to cause even more trouble, Lexa was going to have to make some hard decisions soon.


After another four days, Anya sends word that Lincoln had been taken and tortured, in retaliation they had captured one of theirs. Even better, supposedly he had been banished from their camp. What that meant is that they weren't going to go looking for him. Anya reported that their prisoner had much hate for the Skaikru and so he may be swayed from their side. Lincoln also informed Anya that there was a Skaikru girl that helped him escape and that they have feelings for one another.

Hearing the report, Lexa turned to address me. "My Shield, what are your thoughts on the information that we have received?" She asked me curiously. She would often run plans or sensitive information by me due to my position as her Shield, as well as a general of Polis.

"I believe that we have been given a potentially rather fruitful opportunity." I tell her honestly. Intrigued by my answer, she asks me to continue.

"Yes, Lincoln had been captured and tortured by the Skaikru and that is an act of war following the recent destruction of one of Trikru's villages. However, he had been inside of the camp and had gained valuable information about their inner workings. That coupled with the capture of a potential ally against Skaikru, we have just gotten a hoard of information on our now confirmed enemy." I explained, pausing to allow Lexa to think on my words before continuing.

"Then there is Lincoln's relationship with the Skaikru girl. You and I both know how strong romantic feelings can be when deciding things. She had already gone against the camp leader's orders and released the prisoner. There is a high chance that she could be persuaded to spy for Triku." I finished, knowing that Lexa would take what I said into heavy consideration.

With a look of deep thought on her face, Lexa instructed the messenger to come back in just a couple of minutes to hear her orders. Nodding his head in understanding, the messenger walks out of the throne room.

"I believe you are correct on all accounts James. I think we should send for the prisoner that Anya has. What do you think?"

Having the prisoner here would definitely be beneficial. Lexa and I could see if he truly has the potential to be an ally against Skaikru or not.

"I agree, if he were here in person we could come to a more refined decision on the matter of whether or not he is ally material." I answer honestly. Nodding along with my answer, Lexa scrunches her eyebrows in thought.

After a few minutes, the messenger returns to the throne room and looks towards Lexa to receive further instruction.

"You will return to Anya and tell her that her prisoner is to be escorted here so I may talk to him. I also need her to not hinder the relationship that is blossoming between Lincoln and the sky girl, maye even encourage it. Perhaps having Lincoln invite her to Ton DC so she can see that we are just a people surviving as well, though, keep her away from any sensitive information." Lexa commands, waving her hand in dismissal towards the messenger.

Inviting the girl to Ton DC was a dangerous move, but I could see the wisdom in it. As long as she was kept away from anything that was considered war sensitive, she may grow to embrace the culture and their way of life.

"Follow me, My Shield." Lexa says suddenly, rising from her throne and starting towards the throne room doors. Following, we exited the throne room and headed for the elevators.

"Where are we headed?" I ask her curiously, it wasn't very often that she would not inform me of their destination beforehand.

Instead of answering me verbally, she merely looks at me with a mischievous glint in her eye and a smirk, then looks back towards the elevator doors. Alright, this is the game we are playing. I think to myself while rolling my eyes.

She proceeds to press the floor in which our quarters are on. Sighing loudly at her childish behavior, I spend the elevator trip watching the doors as she does. Once the doors open to the destined floor, we head to the direction of our quarters. Stopping in front of her quarters, Lexa turns to me with an explanation on her lips.

"I figured that we would have more privacy here for a discussion that I've been meaning to have with you." She explains softly, a look of slight hesitancy on her face. Hearing her tone and the fact that we had arrived at our quarters just for privacy intrigued me. It wasn't very often that I'd see Lexa like this, so I gave her a reassuring smile. A matching smile graced her beautiful features and we entered her room and made our way to a couple of the more cushioned chairs. Sitting across from her, I waited for her to speak.

"I think it's time for you to get a second." Lexa suddenly says, watching me closely. A second? The thought that I'd take in a second never even occurred to me. I wasn't close to anyone else like I was Lexa, I've never allowed anyone else in before. If you had a second, you were their teacher, their guardian, and in most cases, you grew to be their friend. To build trust between someone and their second, you need to be open with each other.

"Are you serious?" I ask her dubiously. She knew me better than anyone, she knew how hard it was for me to open up to people.

"Yes, yes I am... James, you are an amazing warrior and there are so many people that look up to you. Even I look up to you." She reasons with raw honesty. "It would be good for you to open up to another person, as well as teach someone all you know."

Perhaps it would be good for me but I don't know if I am ready for such a responsibility. But Lexa thinks I am, so maybe I am ready. After all, Lexa knows me better than myself most of the time.

"I don't know, Lexa. Do you really think I am ready for a second?" I ask her, looking in her eyes for any deceit. I knew she wouldn't lie to me but I had to be sure.

"Yes, you are more than ready James." She tells me, grabbing one of my hands in hers and intertwining our fingers. Looking at the way her small hand fit in my own so perfectly seemed to give me the courage I needed.

"Alright Lexa, if you truly think that I am ready, I will take a second." I tell her with a smile. Stroking the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Good, because if you refused I would have had to command you as your Heda." She joked, her eyes dancing with mirth.

Laughing lightly at her words, I separated our hands and pulled her onto my lap. With her this close, her scent invaded my senses. My arousal rose and so did my need for her. I wasn't the only one affected by the close proximity though, Lexa wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me into a heated kiss, which I matched her ferocity with ease. Running on instincts, I started to run my hands along her body, as if I was admitted every inch to memory. Growing annoyed with the lack of feeling, Lexa soon separated herself from me. I looked at her questioningly, prompting her to answer. Instead of answering with words, she started to remove her armor. Realizing what she was doing, I quickly removed my own armor.

When I finished, I looked at Lexa who I saw had removed more than just her armor and was standing there only in her underclothes. I must have been staring stupidly, because a teasing smirk formed on Lexa's face and started to saunter towards me. Just as I was about to lean in for another kiss, she walked past me slowly in the direction of her bedroom. Watching her pass me, I noticed that there was definitely more sway in her hips than normal. Reaching her bedroom, she looks back over her shoulder at me with a sultry smile. Taking that as an invitation, I prowl towards her.

Taking her lips on my own, sparks seemed to fly when any part of our skin touched and a growing heat seemed to ignite between us. I was moving on pure instinct, every movement I made was with care and raw natural need. Soon we were laying on her bed, a sweaty writhing mess of limbs. The only time our lips seemed to separate was whenever we would be kissing a different part of exposed flesh. Moans of pleasure seemed to erupt from Lexa and I both throughout the night, a beautiful orchestra of moans, groans, and the concussion of thrusting bodies.

Throughout my entire life, not once have I experienced such a perfect night such as this. I fell asleep embracing the perfect woman for me, the woman that I loved. The last sight I saw before sleep claimed me was the peaceful face of Lexa. A soft smile adorning her lips as she slept in my arms.