
The 100: The Chosen One

Working on Chapter 3! - 08/11/23 95 years ago, Earth faced a catastrophic event caused by nuclear radiation, driving humanity to seek refuge in space stations. Twelve Nations united to create the Ark, where seventeen-year-old engineering prodigy, Egon Matthias, uncovers a troubling truth—the Ark's life support system is failing. The council decides to keep this information hidden, resulting in Egon being sent to Earth to check its survivability. Before departure, Jake and Abby Griffin secretly use advanced genetic modifications on Egon, aiming to enhance his chances of survival on Earth. Although the procedures saved his life, Egon cannot handle the jarring descent and is knocked unconscious during the crash landing. Groggy and sore humanity's last hope manages to rise to his feet with the help of some exposed rebar. That hope may be gone as Egon whispers “Where am I?”. NOTE: - The story begins 2 and a half years before "The 100" land on the Earth. -This is my first fanfic, I apologize if it has any mistakes or if it gets confusing. - Do not expect consistent or fast updates to the story, I live a busy life and this is something I want to do in my free time. It may seem like the story is dropped but Its not. (I will let you know if I drop it, don't just assume I did) - I do not own anything in this story except for Egon Matthias. This is purely for entertainment purposes.

UnholyKozmos · テレビ
4 Chs

Among The Stars

Ninety-five years ago, nuclear radiation swept through the Earth's landscape, poisoning food and water, preventing life from existing. Some say it resulted from nuclear warfare, while others have debated that power plants were failing. Whatever the cause, its effects are still visible from space to this day.

Twelve Nations had operational space stations at the time. Two years later, they joined together in what is now known as the Ark. The Ark was humanity's greatest engineering feat built for the sole purpose of its survival. It was the peak of engineering, built with everything needed to sustain life in space indefinitely. Or at least that was the plan.

Amidst the vast expanse of the Ark, a tapestry of interconnected colonies adrift among the shimmering stars resided Egon Matthias. At just seventeen years old, he bore the weight of a destiny inexplicably entwined with the enigmatic past. Standing tall at 6 foot 3 inches with an imposing physique, Egon's commanding presence radiated a subtle air of quiet intimidation, capturing the attention of those around him. But it wasn't just his commanding presence that set him apart; it was his lineage that whispered of a grand legacy. With a Spartan mane flowing gracefully over his shoulders, complementing his rich, flowing black hair; his eyes held a vibrant shade of green that seemed to hint at a world of untold stories and the depth of his character. Egon stood as a living testament to a grand lineage that spoke of greatness.

Yet, there was more to Egon than the echos of history. At a young age, tragedy struck when his parents met an untimely demise, leaving him to grapple with profound loss. In the wake of their passing, Egon's focus shifted toward physical exercise and the world of mechanics and machines. Wrestling with grief, he sought solace in honing his body and immersing himself entirely in the art of engineering. His pain became the fuel for his determination, driving him to dedicate all of his time and energy to mastering the craft.

Among the Ark's denizens, Egon, at the age of 16, had earned a reputation that extended beyond his heritage. It was his prowess in engineering that captured the imaginations of those who beheld his creations. His talent knew no bounds, and it soon became evident that he was destined for greatness in this field. Raven Reyes, an engineering prodigy herself, recognized Egon's massive potential and welcomed him into her circle. Together, they formed an unstoppable duo, pushing the boundaries of technological advancement. Their competitive spirits fueled innovation, and their camaraderie blossomed into a deep and lasting friendship. As they challenged each other, their bond grew stronger, and the Ark became witness to a legendary rivalry that sparked wonder and amazement.

Egon's engineering skills did not go unnoticed, and word of his exceptional skills reached the esteemed engineer, Jake Griffin. Impressed by the young prodigy's capabilities, extended an invitation for Egon to become his apprentice, an opportunity that Egon gladly embraced. Under Jake's tutelage, Egon's brilliance flourished further, and he continued to channel his grief into determination, learning from one of the Ark's finest minds.


Ark: Jake's office

In the dully lit confines of Jake Griffin's Office, Egon and Jake huddled over a data display, their expressions drawn with concern. The lines and graphs on the screen told a chilling tale; one that spelled impending doom for the Ark.

"Jake, this can't be right," Egon muttered quietly, his voice tinged with disbelief. "The life support system, it's failing. In three years, it won't be able to sustain the population."

Jake's weary eyes met Egon's, sensing the quiet determination behind his words. Despite the grimness of the situation, Egon's resolve remained unshaken. "I've double-checked and triple-checked the calculations, Egon. Unfortunately, it's all too real. The system is deteriorating faster than we anticipated."

Egon's heart sank, but he refused to let despair consume him. He was never one to succumb to hopelessness, always searching for a way to overcome challenges. He felt a sense of urgency to share this dire truth with their fellow Ark residents, to rally them together to find a solution.

"We have to tell everyone, Jake," Egon insisted, his voice firm but measured. "If we don't act now, there won't be any hope for survival."

Jake sighed heavily, recognizing the unyielding determination in Egon's eyes. He knew that Egon wouldn't rest until they had exhausted every possibility. "I know, Egon, I know. But we can't just blurt this out without a solid plan. Panic will ensue, and chaos will only make things worse."

Egon understood the stakes, and while he grappled with the weight of the burden, he remained resolute. He yearned for unity, to stand together in the face of adversity. "We can't keep something like this hidden, Jake. They deserve to know what awaits them. We can find a solution together."

Jake placed a hand on Egon's shoulder, recognizing the strength of character that defined his young apprentice. "Egon, promise me you won't say anything just yet. We need time to figure out the best course of action. The council needs to be informed first; they have the power to make the best decision for the Ark's future. We can't afford to make hasty choices."

Egon met Jake's gaze with a steely determination, his commitment to their cause stronger than ever. "I promise, Jake. I won't do anything to jeopardize the Ark's future, but we can't keep this hidden for too long. Time is not on our side." Egon pausing in thought he continued shortly after, "I think it would be best if you tell the council alone. I would probably lash out if their response is not to my liking, and like you said we need to be careful about this." Jake nodded "You're right. As a senior engineer, I should be the one to tell them."

With that agreement the two stepped out of the office, Jake sent one last look to Egon before heading to the Council room, his mind consumed with deep thoughts about the weight of repercussions this discovery could have on the Ark if not handled with the utmost care and consideration.

Meanwhile, Egon headed to the Ark's gym, seeking solace amidst the clanging of weights. The stress of the situation weighed on him, and he knew that the gym was the place where he could momentarily escape the relentless thoughts racing through his mind. As he gripped the iron bar, he channeled his emotions into each lift, finding a release in the physical exertion.

With every repetition, Egon's resolve only grew stronger. The rhythmic motions of lifting weights provided a temporary respite from the weight of the impending crisis. He knew that while they needed to act prudently, they also had to exhaust every possible solution before going public.


Ark's Council Room

Jake entered the Council room, his heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and determination. He knew that what he was about to reveal could change the fate of the Ark forever. As he called for an emergency meeting, the heads of various sectors began to file into the room, taking their seats around the large, circular table.

Among them were Abby Griffin, the head of medical; Jacapo Sinclair, head of engineering; Marcus Kane, head of security; Charles Pike, head of education; and Thelonius Jaha, the current acting Chancellor. The weight of their respective roles was evident on their faces, but Jake knew that he had to be the one to deliver the news.

"Well, you've got us all here. What could you possibly have to tell us that can't wait until the scheduled council meeting in two weeks?" Charles Pike remarked with a hint of sarcasm, folding his arms across his chest.

Sharing a look with his wife Abby, Jake took a deep breath, understanding the skepticism he faced. "I assure you, this couldn't wait. My apprentice Egon Matthias and I have made a discovery regarding the life support system, and it's urgent. We're facing a critical situation, and the information I am going to share requires immediate attention."

As he began presenting the data, Jake couldn't help but recall Egon's words about going public with the news. He considered the possibility of rallying the people of the Ark together, believing that their collective minds could find a solution. After laying out all the information, he hesitated for a moment before offering another option.

"We could consider informing everyone about the situation," Jake suggested tentatively, hoping to inspire a united effort. "Perhaps if the people of the Ark are aware of the challenge we face, they'll come together and help us find a solution."

The room fell silent for a moment as everyone processed the idea. However, one by one, the council members expressed their dislike for the suggestion. Even Abby, Jake's wife, shook her head with concern.

Thelonius Jaha, now fully invested in the gravity of the matter, responded firmly, "As much as it pains us, going public with this information would cause panic and anarchy among the people. We mustn't risk the stability of the Ark. Our best course of action is to privately explore all possible solutions and work diligently to secure our survival."

The council collectively agreed with Jaha's decision, and while Jake understood the logic behind it, a part of him couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. However, he also knew that the council's decision was made with the well-being of the Ark in mind.

With the plan set, the council members started discussing the various steps they would take to explore alternatives and address the impending crisis. Throughout the meeting, Jake's resolve remained steadfast, knowing that even in the face of adversity, he would do everything in his power to secure a future for the Ark and its people. And with his wife, Abby, by his side, their shared commitment to the Ark's survival would only grow stronger.


Ark's Gym

Three days had passed since the council's decision, and Jake knew it was time to talk to Egon about it. He found his young apprentice in the gym, where the clanging of weights echoed in the confined space. Egon's muscles tensed as he lifted the weights with determination, his focus unwavering.

"Hey, Egon," Jake said, trying to break through the wall of concentration that surrounded his apprentice.

Egon paused mid-lift and turned to face Jake, his expression calm but serious. "What's on your mind, Jake?"

"I need to talk to you about the council's decision," Jake began, choosing his words carefully. "They've decided to keep everything a secret for now. They believe that going public could cause panic and disrupt the stability of the Ark."

Egon's grip on the weights tightened, and he let out a frustrated sigh. "Jake, I get that we need to be patient, but it's been three days already! We can't afford to waste any more time while the Ark's future hangs in the balance."

"I know it's not easy," Jake replied, understanding Egon's urgency, "but we have to be methodical in our approach. We'll find a way to fix the life support system, but rushing into decisions could have serious consequences. We still have three years Egon."

Egon nodded, trying to control his emotions, but the anger still simmered beneath the surface. "I know, but every minute counts. The longer we wait, the fewer options we have."

"I understand your concern," Jake said, his voice empathetic, "but we have to be sure of the course we take. We can't risk making mistakes in our haste."

Despite Jake's words, Egon couldn't shake off his impatience and frustration. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, and he struggled to see eye-to-eye with the council's cautious approach. As he took a deep breath to calm himself, he realized that he needed time to process the situation and his feelings.

"I need some time alone, Jake," Egon finally said, his voice calmer but still tinged with irritation. "I just... I need to clear my head."

Jake nodded understandingly. "Take all the time you need, Egon. We'll regroup later and keep working on this together."

As Egon walked away, Jake knew that the urgency of the situation would continue to fuel his friend's determination. He could only hope that in time, they would find a way to balance their sense of urgency with the need for a thoughtful and well-considered plan of action. However, a nagging worry tugged at the back of Jake's mind; he hoped that Egon wouldn't let his frustration push him into doing something against the law in his quest to find a solution.

Jake understood Egon's passion and drive, but he also knew that they needed to work within the rules and regulations of the Ark to avoid making matters worse. He hoped that Egon would heed his advice to take some time to clear his head and find a way to channel his energy constructively. As much as he wanted to move forward swiftly, he also wanted to ensure they didn't endanger their mission or their standing in the community.

With that concern lingering, Jake focused on his own responsibilities, planning to convene with the council again and continue exploring all possible avenues to resolve the critical situation they faced. Deep down, he knew that finding a solution wouldn't be easy, but he also believed in the strength of their bond and their shared determination to protect the Ark and its people.

As Egon left the gym, his mind buzzed with ideas on how to solve the life support system's problem. One possibility was reducing the power consumption of non-essential areas, allowing more resources for life support. Another thought was venturing into restricted parts of the Ark, hoping to find salvaged components that could be repurposed. Yet, the most contentious idea that surfaced was going public with the discovery, despite his promise to Jake.

In his mind, Egon weighed the risks and benefits of each approach, contemplating the consequences of breaking the promise he made. He knew that revealing the truth could bring attention to the urgency of the situation, possibly spurring the council into faster action. However, it could also create panic and chaos among the Ark's residents. Deep down, he feared that the council wouldn't act swiftly enough, and going public might be their only hope to rally everyone together in finding a solution.

Before he could come to a decision, Egon's thoughts were abruptly interrupted as he made his way into the Ark's cafeteria. The sight of a young girl and her mother being harassed by a guard caught his attention. The cafeteria, fairly empty with only a handful of people present, created a tense atmosphere as the guard continued his intimidating behavior.

Egon's heart raced as he debated whether to intervene, considering the possible consequences of standing up to the guard. Despite the turmoil in his mind, he couldn't just stand by and do nothing. In a split second, he stepped forward, his voice steady but firm, "That's enough. Leave them alone."

The guard though initially caught off guard, scoffed at his warning. "Who do you think you are, kid? I'm just doing my job here. Don't meddle in matters that don't concern you," he sneered, his tone laced with condescension.

Egon felt his blood boil, a mix of frustration over the council's indecision and a burning rage at witnessing such corrupt behavior. But when the guard brazenly ignored his warning and went back to harassing the two women, even going so far to blatantly grab the mothers breast, something inside Egon snapped.

Enough was enough.

His anger surged, fueled not only by the injustice before him but also by the mounting pressure of the Ark's uncertain fate. With a swift, determined stride, Egon closed the distance between him and the guard. He firmly placed himself between the guard and the two frightened women, his imposing presence demanding respect.

"You've crossed the line," Egon growled, his voice low and intense, a stark contrast to his usual calm demeanor. "I'll say it one last time. Leave them alone now!"

The guard's smirk wavered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure, attempting to appear unfazed. "You think you can scare me, kid? You have no idea who you're dealing with," he spat back, trying to assert his authority and failing miserably by the looks of the remaining people in the cafeteria.

Egon's fists clenched, his anger reaching its breaking point. He couldn't stand idly by while this guard abused his power and threatened the safety of innocent people. Without hesitation, Egon lunged at the guard, fists flying in a powerful combination of punches. The cafeteria erupted into a flurry of gasps and shocked whispers as the two engaged in a heated confrontation.

Egon's anger, fueled by the pent-up frustration of the council's inaction, unleashed itself in every blow he delivered. Egon went so far as to grab the tray of food beside him, using it as a weapon. He fought not only for the women's safety but also for justice and accountability on the Ark.

Though taken by surprise, the guard attempted to fight back, but he was no match for Egon's focused fury. With a final, decisive swing, Egon sent the guard stumbling backward, crashing into a nearby table and causing a commotion as trays and dishes clattered to the floor.

Breathing heavily, Egon stood tall, his eyes still burning with righteous anger. The guard, now disoriented and defeated, glared at him, but there was also a glimmer of fear in his eyes.

The cafeteria had fallen into an uneasy silence, and Egon knew that he had crossed a line himself. But at that moment, he couldn't bring himself to regret it. The corruption and injustice he had witnessed, combined with the weight of the Ark's fate, had pushed him to his limits.

As the tense atmosphere lingered, Egon felt a mix of emotions; a sense of relief for standing up against the guard's abuse of power, and a gnawing worry about the consequences of his actions.

In the end, he knew that his fight with the guard was just a reflection of the larger battle he faced; the fight to save the Ark and its people. The path ahead would be uncertain and challenging, but Egon was now more determined than ever to do whatever it took to protect their home and secure a future for everyone on board.

As Egon walked back to his quarters after the intense altercation in the cafeteria, his mind was made up. The council's inaction and the guard's abuse of power had solidified his decision to go public with the discovery about the life support failure. He could no longer trust the council to make the hard choices necessary for the Ark's survival; their concern for appearances outweighed the urgency of the situation.

As he neared his quarters, a sense of resolve filled him. He knew that going public would come with risks, but he couldn't let fear dictate his actions.

However, as he entered his quarters, Egon's heart sank as he saw four guards and Marcus Kane waiting for him. Their stern expressions revealed that they knew about his altercation with the guard in the cafeteria. Egon's eyes briefly met Marcus's, and at that moment, he understood that they were here to take him to the Sky box.

"Stand down, Egon Matthias," Marcus Kane's voice was firm, "You are under arrest for Aggravated Assault and inciting a riot by assaulting a member of the guard and causing civil unrest."

Egon knew that any crime, no matter how small, was punishable by death at any age above 18 on the Ark. But he wouldn't be turning 18 for a couple of months, leaving him with some time to still tell the public. The reality of his situation settled in, but rather than feeling fear, he felt an odd sense of acceptance.

As the guards escorted him away, his mind was already racing with plans. He couldn't let his impending death silence the truth. He had to find a way to tell the people of the Ark about the life support system before it was too late.


Sky Box

In the dimly lit prison cell, Egon's resolve didn't waver. The weight of his actions and the uncertainty of his future weighed heavily on him, but he knew that this was just the beginning of his fight. The path ahead would be challenging, but he was determined to use every moment to raise awareness about the Ark's fate and seek a solution.

As the hours passed, Egon's mind was restless. He thought about Jake, Raven, and all those who believed in him, hoping that his sacrifice would not be in vain. In the midst of his confinement, he found strength in the knowledge that he had taken a stand, and that in itself gave him a sense of purpose.

With his mind focused on the bigger picture, Egon accepted the reality of his situation. He was ready to face whatever came his way, knowing that he had chosen to die for what he believed was the right way out of this situation. Deciding to distract himself for a moment, he started doing some physical exercises.


Same time

Ark's Council Room

In the dimly lit chamber of the council room, Jake stood, feeling the weight of the situation resting heavily on his shoulders. The council members, including Abby Griffin, Jacapo Sinclair, Charles Pike, and Thelonius Jaha, and Marcus Kane were all gathered, their faces serious and concerned. Jake knew he was only included in this meeting because Egon was his apprentice, and it was up to him to advocate for him.

Chancellor Jaha addressed the group, his tone firm, "We must address the severity of Egon Matthias' actions. His assault on a member of the guard and inciting a riot are serious offenses, and we cannot take them lightly."

Marcus Kane chimed in with a sarcastic remark, "Well, this is what happens when you give a young boy too much freedom. You should have never told him about this situation, Jake."

Charles Pike added, "You should have kept him on a shorter leash."

Jake's temper flared at their comments, and he retorted, "Egon was the one to discover it, along with myself. I couldn't shield him from the truth, nor should I have."

Chancellor Jaha intervened, silencing the bickering. "It doesn't matter what you should have done or who discovered what. All that matters at this moment is what we are gonna do with Egon. He has three months until he turns 18, and we can't risk him being given any chance to be in any form of public setting. He's too smart; he'll use it as a means to release the news."

Abby Griffin spoke up, her voice steady, "We also need to consider his heritage. The Matthias name carries great weight among the people of the Ark. Any decision we make regarding Egon will spread like wildfire among them."

Jake tried to find the right words to defend Egon. "I understand the seriousness of his actions, but the pressure of the Ark's fate was too much for him. He just needs time to come around, to realize that going public won't help anyone."

Marcus Kane scoffed, "Time? We don't have time, Jake. The council has already decided."

Charles Pike added with a sneer, "And the council's decision is to keep him in solitary confinement until he turns 18. We can't afford to take any chances."

Jake knew that convincing the council was an uphill battle. He felt the weight of being Egon's mentor colliding with the responsibilities of his position.

Chancellor Jaha's eyes bore into Jake's, "I understand your loyalty to your apprentice, but this decision is final. We can't risk Egon jeopardizing the Ark's stability."

Feeling defeated, Jake decided to take a shot in the dark. Taking a deep breath, knowing that his next words would be met with skepticism. "What if we give Egon a chance to go to Earth? He could be our emissary, our hope for a new beginning."

The council members exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what Jake was suggesting. "But Earth isn't supposed to be inhabitable for another 100-odd years," Marcus Kane interjected, his skepticism evident in his voice.

Abby, however, saw the potential in Jake's idea. Her eyes glimmered with hidden knowledge, and a knowing smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Think about it," she said, her voice steady and confident. "Egon's grandfather, Alexander Matthias, was the visionary who brought the twelve nations together to create the Ark. If it works out and we make it back to Earth, we could use Egon and his lineage as a powerful symbol of hope and unity for our people."

Charles Pike scoffed, "And what good will it do? Earth is a wasteland, and Egon's just a kid."

"He's smart and resourceful," Jake countered. "Besides, he won't be going completely unprepared. We can equip him with a backpack for essentials and a radio to communicate with the Ark."

The council members still seemed hesitant, but Chancellor Jaha looked thoughtful. "It's a risky endeavor, but if Egon is willing to accept this mission, we can support him in any way we can. However, he'll be going alone and with only that backpack. We can't afford to waste resources."

The room fell into a moment of contemplative silence, with the council members deep in thought. Abby's eyes briefly met Jake's, and he could sense there was more to her thoughts than she was revealing. It was as if she held a secret that could greatly enhance Egon's chances of survival.

After long deliberation, Chancellor Jaha finally spoke, "If Egon is willing to do this, we won't hold him back. He needs to make his decision by tomorrow evening. It might be a slim chance, but it could also be the hope the Ark needs."

"And what do we tell the people of the Ark? What about his best friend Raven Reyes? There will be questions." Charles posed one last question.

"We'll tell the people that he's locked in solitary until his 18th birthday at which time we will re-discuss his crimes." Marcus interjected. With the decision made, the council began discussing the logistics of the mission. Egon would embark on a journey to Earth, completely alone, armed with only a backpack of essentials and a radio to keep in touch with the Ark.

As the meeting concluded, Abby approached Jake with a sense of purpose. "Jake, there's something I need to tell you," she said in a hushed tone, glancing around to ensure no one was listening.

Jake's curiosity was piqued. "What is it, Abby?"

"Jake, there's something else I need to share with you," Abby began in a hushed tone, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and determination. "There's a secret project developed by a privately selected group of people – scientists, doctors, and engineers. It's been hidden from the rest of the council, and it's directly related to this idea of going to Earth."

Jake's eyebrows furrowed in surprise. "A secret project? What is it, Abby?"

She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "It involves advanced genetic modifications and neural enhancements. The goal is to increase the chances of survival and adaptability for the first group we planned to send to Earth. But it's been kept under wraps, and only a few members of the council know about it – Jacapo Sinclair, Chancellor Jaha, and myself."

Realization dawned on Jake as he understood the gravity of the situation. "And you're suggesting we use this procedure on Egon, without telling anyone else?"

Abby nodded, her voice still low, glancing around once again to make sure she was not overheard. "Yes, that's what I'm thinking. Egon is our best chance, you've seen his physique. This procedure could significantly improve his chances of success on Earth. But we must keep it a secret; only you and I can know about this."

Jake's heart raced with excitement and trepidation. "It's risky, Abby. If they find out they'll float us. What about Clark? Are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

Abby looked him in the eyes, her resolve unwavering. "I believe it's worth the risk, Jake. This procedure might give Egon a fighting chance. We have to do whatever it takes to ensure the future of the Ark."

Jake nodded, realizing the weight of the decision they were about to make. "Alright, Abby. I trust you, and I trust that this is for the greater good. Let's proceed with the procedure in secret." Sharing a hug between them Jake muttered "Let's head home. I'll worry about telling Egon in the morning."

(AN) What do you guys think? Let me know your thoughts. Constructive criticism is always welcome;) Any suggestions on where you want this story to go please share them in the comments.

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