
Chapter 2 – At the Workplace

Meeji woke up to the sound of her obnoxious alarm. Somehow, after waking up, she felt light and jovial. Yesterday's first day at her workplace was perfect and she felt that working there will be a great experience. The people there were welcoming and the management, very humanly unlike the management of other private schools. Her past experience in another school did not go as planned as first of all she was only a replacee and then the management was always very bitter toward its staff.

The present job was a permanent one that guaranteed her full time employment. She worked very hard to reach there. After completing her degree, she tried jobs such as journalism and public relations officer before finally settling for an educator. This was where she was more skilful and found immense pleasure in teaching students between the age of twelve to twenty. They were courting adulthood with all its whims and caprices included and Meeji liked that.

She thought of all this while under the shower. The dripping hot water enveloped her voluptuous body like a plastic film. Her black silky hair stuck to her face and back like a creature never wanting to leave her body. As she took her bath, she could not help touching her intimate self. She did it because she felt so relaxed that day as if the world was hers finally. The idea of going to work, to be like any other normal person and to participate in the advancement of the country suited her. She was now a working woman willing to make a name for herself in the middle of those hormone buzzing adolescents.

Soon, she was out of the shower and getting dressed. She always like the idea of wearing black panties. A black panty on a white body was like a juicy dried grape on a white tasty cake. She then wore her pair of jeans that revealed a lot of her bum and a top to go with it. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt so womanly and so excited at the same time. She was in such a mood that even her mother was astonished.

In one hour, she was at her place of work. The atmosphere today was different. The hustle and bustle was no more. The staffroom as usual was beginning to fill itself with the usual occupants. The members were a happy lot and Meeji enjoyed the conviviality that it offered. Talks were about yesterday, the first day of school. In less than no time, Meeji got to know them better as the calmness of the place allowed Meeji and the others to have a more familiar chat. She was complimented on her assortments and while some meant her beauty, they did not dare compliment her on that. So, the clothes absorbed all.

Deejay arrived ten minutes before the bell was about to ring. As he came in, he gave a slight look towards where Meeji was seated, something that she noticed instantly. He was, as it seems to be, the main character of the staff, the one everyone looked up to. The female staffs seemed to have him as their constant confidant which is why he took a seat next to Meeji in the middle of the other staffs to talk. Being seated next to him, Meeji could not help but take in that delightful perfume he had spread on him. The smell of intense male perfumes always had a deep effect on her senses but she refrained from complimenting Deejay. Afterall, the reactions of people can be unpredictable at times. Shortly after, it was time to go to class.

Meeji met Deejay on the way back towards the staffroom during the short break. He was quick to start up the conversation.

'So, how do you find our school?'

'Quite nice actually. The people around are welcoming,' Meeji said smiling.

'Oh! Be careful though. They have a knack for a little gossip,' Deejay warned. He wanted to compliment her on her beauty and he was paving the way for it. During his time at university, he learnt that girls liked it when guys were straight forward and based on his experience he could say that it was most of the time true. 'By the way, you are very beautiful and your style today is gorgeous.' The reference to style partly came to slightly hide his direct complimentary style. Strangely, Deejay wanted to take his chance with this woman, to woe, go out and why not make love. When he saw her this morning he had again started to feel attracted.

'Do you mean my clothes are beautiful?' Meeji questioned as if not understanding and obviously smiling. She knew very well where he was getting at.

'Yea. Got me. You are beautiful and your clothes enhance your beauty.' Then, both entered the staffroom, smiling to each other.