
Chapter 10 – Feeling like a Hentai

In the bus, Meeji pondered on these words. ' Meeji, I want you. I want to see your sexy figure for real. I want to touch you, smell you, make you happy and bring you in another world.' These were said from someone who definitely wanted to go intimate with her. She thought of how she had felt at that time. A touch of timidity as well as flattered but the most of all she felt womanly and desired. These words were not compliments in themselves but the very idea of being desired was a savoury one. She felt she was a source of admiration in someone's life and that she was probably giving this man, some nice hot nights. She was the catalyst of all this, the fruit that Deejay was craving for. It was not a bad feeling but a feeling of being important. Someone thought of her, her figure, her body night and day maybe it gave him some sleepless and agitated night too.

Soon, the bus was crowded with people comprising of students and other people. It was usually packed at this hour as schools were released. People were standing and clinging to the middle upper rail inside the bus. It was very compact. As Meeji was thus thinking, she felt she was being watched and she turned to her side only to see a student looking glaringly at her neckline. As usual it revealed much of its white colour. When the boy realised that he was discovered, he quickly turned his face away almost disconcerted. Meeji, glanced outside again. The boy was obviously having a fun and thrilling time looking at her neckline and probably guessing how it was under her bra. That's where most men come after admiring a neckline. At least she thought so. She could feel his gazes on her again. The student will go home and imagine things further, she thought to herself.

When she got down the bus after an hour, a group of men were under the shelter, having a chat. They stopped talking once she got down. It was clear that she was arousing curiosity. They looked at her and one of them even inclined a slight smile and a nod of the head. But it was the way they looked at her that stroke Meeji. They had this sexual hunger while looking at her. She could easily feel that she was being observed. Did she like it or not? She could not really tell. All her features were under close scrutiny and she could hear the men's murmurs as they passed comments on how she looked and what were her attractive features. Was she always an object of lust? Had she always been like that without knowing it? She wondered how come she never paid any attention to this. Deejay had made her feel conscious not only of her beautiful self but also how others felt about her. The boy in the bus, these men under the shelter, all these males have been looking at her lustily for so long. Her physical assets were really of value to these guys.

At home, Meeji had time to think more about Deejay, the guy that was raving her head around. He had definitely made an impression on her. He came into her life and since then he was always there at school. He chatted with her, had lunch together, invited her for lunch and always complimented her. He was also there at night during their chat time. He had invaded her space; he had invaded her mind. Now that she thought of it all, she saw how Deejay wanted to be there always. He wanted his face to be everywhere where Meeji was. Now that she thought of it, she was sure that Deejay had deliberately done that like an expert charmer. It was all an attempt to win her. Not that Meeji was displeased by all that, on the contrary, she admired Deejay for having invaded her space in such a subtle and gallant way. Now, thanks to him she felt so lady-like when people throw those sneaky looks at her. Deejay has unveiled another aspect of her that of her physical beauty and the appreciation of her own self.

It was also true that since meeting Deejay, she had time and time again touched herself and imagined herself being with him entangled together in lust and fluids. They were hard to touch. Today, the idea that these men might still be thinking of her aroused her deeply. Just the thought of it made her nipples hard. The pointy ends could be very clearly seen under her shirt. Her legs trembled not of weakness but of excitement. The white lady was beginning to come on the front. In the intimacy of her own self, she also thought what these men could be talking about or doing after having seen her. Some might be talking sex while others might be having sex with another but thinking of her while another might be playing with himself and enjoy deep moments of intimate personal sex and she was the cause of all this. It made her feel like the star of the show.

Her mother came into her room and almost caught her unaware as her head was so wrapped around this. Meeji did not greet her mother when she came but had gone straight to her room. That sexual impulse was so strong that she could hardly control herself. She had to flee to her room. Her room was the only place for some personal moments. Her mother nicely summoned her to the kitchen for some tea and hoped that she was not sick. All mothers worry about their children but sometimes there was just no point to worry. It was nature following its route, hormones reacting to flattery. Meeji could only smile. She was sick but it was no normal sickness. It was the sickness of the mind as well as the body. It was an unexplained sickness.

It was clear that her most private and primal thoughts were beginning to take over. After her mother was gone, she could not resist but to lay on bed and pull down her panties. Her sex was yawning wet. She found it cute and sensible to touch. 'Let's have a quickie,' she said to herself. She thought of Deejay caressing it. The lube around her sex increased as she reached a paroxysm of excitement. Then, these men came to her mind. She thought of herself as those poor Hentai girls being molested by two or three males at the same time. She imagined herself in the compact bus, then, at the mercy of those men when she got down the bus. She found that so exciting and that thought of helplessness at the hands of her molesters only made her more aroused. She rubbed herself while thinking about these scenarios. The emotion she felt was indescribable. Something in her wanted to come out as if trapped for all these years inside. She wanted to feel free, a freedom that she never knew existed. It was the freedom of being a woman.

Now that she will have a two weeks' holiday, she planned to spend her time in knowing herself well, in knowing all her physical features or physical assets. She had never explored herself in detail, she was always so caught up in studies that she forgot that she was woman with desires. It was time that the shy Meeji grows up into a complete adult and get out of her cocoon. As things stood, she was still fresh from university and still had this student's approach to things though she was now a working adult. A full adult period awaits her and Deejay had pushed her into getting out of her timid shell and be the white lady.