


RestuIbu · ファンタジー
73 Chs


Odelie's expression immediately changed, as expected. "No!" she insisted. "There's no way I can give you that prediction. Divination rule number two: You cannot predict your own death! Foretelling the death of oneself is part of forbidden magic. Those who know how they'll die will harbor misleading suggestions in seeing the world around them. This can have disastrous repercussions for people around them. Of course, we don't want bad things to happen, do we? Let alone bad things to my little Crimsonmane?"

"I-I understand. I'm sorry."

Odelie returned the sweet smile to her lips. "This is your final prediction, so think this through."

Alicia actually had a myriad of things she wanted to find out, so many that made the girl overwhelmed. But she thought all those minuscule amounts of information were not worth learning immediately than to embark on the adventure to find out for herself with all the excitement. She had to think of something that seemed almost impossible for her to achieve so that she could at least get some certainty and calm from this little knowledge.

She thought for a long time, but Alicia finally found the best request she could think of at the moment. A request that almost made her mood turned one hundred and eighty degrees.

"Is there ever a chance that I can see Mama again?"

Hearing that, Odelie's heart moved with compassion. Of course, she had a great longing for her beloved mother and wanted to find out what had happened to her now. Losing a loved one was never a simple experience. But if they could see the loved one's body lying motionless, most could soon come to terms with reality. It was a different story when someone was adrift in a sea of ​​uncertainty, not knowing if the loved one had turned towards Hades or not. They wanted to hope, but reality did not give them enough reason to hope. They wanted to let go, but their little hearts were struggling to find an iota of hope as a handle. This uncertainty tormented the heart.

Alicia's expression was rather not filled with sadness. Her flowing voice was a prayer full of hope. Odelie complied with the girl's request and asked her to draw a card.

Seven cards remain. Alicia felt like she was being toyed with in this card game. Since this was divination, there could be no right or wrong when choosing a card. If what Odelie said was true, whatever cards the girl drew were part of fate from the start! But still, this feeling of wariness remained evident. With pursed lips, Alicia slowly drew the sixth card from the left.

The inscription on the card read "Reunion".

Certainly, a good sign, was it not? However, according to Alicia's countenance, not necessarily. The picture on display gave a pessimistic impression of her.

Again, Alicia was not the forecaster here. The card was handed over to the actual reader, hoping that there was another meaning that could change the girl's prejudice.

"A human facing a skull, each in a different realm," says Odelie. "The Skull's hand successfully entered the human world, so then it also became a human hand…."

Alicia asked her, "Does it mean that Mama will survive in another world—another dimension and reunite with me?"

With a heavy heart, Odelie replied, "I'm afraid that's not the case, dear."


"This skull… is you, Alicia."

Alicia was stunned.

"You will be reunited with your mother when you …," Odelie did not continue his words anymore.

"When I what, Odelie? D-die? When I die?"

Odelie just nodded slowly. Now she was burdened with whether inviting Alicia to play the cards of fate was the right decision.

"If I die... that means Mama...?" the girl's voice slowly became softer.

"I didn't get any inspiration from Ailsa's situation, Alicia. I'm sorry."

The girl was still silent. Still contemplating. A few moments later, she shook her head while slapping his cheeks. Her breathing was heavy as she tried to hold back her tears.

"Alicia, I'm sorry, really," pleaded Odelie.

"Odelie, it's okay," Alicia murmured. "Mama... passed two years ago. I should have moved on."

After saying that, Alicia attempted to smile. "But, hey... at least I got a wee certainty. All thanks to our little activity, Odelie. I can... I-I can learn to find closure."

Now was the astrologist's turn to not respond. She even imagined the figure of Ailsa Crimsonmane and Ailsa sitting right in front of her. Like mother, like daughter, Odelie thought. It was known that the fruit did not fall far from the tree. What distinguishes one from the other was that Alicia did not inherit Ailsa's rugged nature and her pretension of being indifferent. The special traits of her mother that Odelie and other Magisterium wizards always witnessed while on duty.

"Alicia, I like you, you know?" Odelie opened her voice.

"You w-what?"

"Not that kind of like, miss."


"Okay little Crimsonmane, I think it's getting late." Odelie packed up her cards and stood up. "It's time for you to rest, young lady. We'll be arriving at the Vanir first thing in the morning, so have a good night's sleep, then!"

"W-wait! What about these cards?" Alicia turned over her three chosen cards.

"What about them? Keep them, they're for you. You're going to need it."

"R-really? You won't run out of cards?"

"Oh, I don't need these cards, Alicia. I have better magic tools than this pile of paper!"

"You mean 'Faith Catalyst'?"

Odelie just let out a sweet smile.

"Ah, Odelie! You should have brought it along as well!"

"If I did, you might stay awake all night because of that excitement of inspecting it!"

Then the astrologist walked past Alicia up the steps. Shortly before disappearing from sight, devoured by the barrier, Alicia called out to her once again.

"Odelie," she said, "thanks for the cards. And thanks for the games too. It was great."

"Yeah. What a great game. Anyway, if you ever need anything from me—anything—don't ever hesitate, okay?"



"Hmm…. I'll think about it, Odelie."

Odelie's neck immediately shot forward with her flirtatious eyes blazing. "Really, Alicia?"

"Okay Odelie, time to go upstairs."

Both laughed. Alicia pushed Odelie up to the carriage aisle.

"Good night, Little Crimsonmane," Odlie said warmly.

"Good night too, Odelie," replied Alicia.

Three precious gifts from a friend. She slipped the three cards into her book as a reminder.


A loud knock awakened the sleeping Alicia. She could see the sun shining through the window. Alicia thought the knocking had just been her feeling until a human voice followed the knock on the door.

"Hey, Alicia? What time is it? Don't tell me you're still sleeping!" shouted the masculine voice, which turned out to be that of the Grand Magus.

Alicia was startled as she rushed upstairs to answer Haddock's knock.

"Alicia, you're still in your pyjamas!" Haddock scolded. "What are you doing so late at night?"

While the Grand Magus was grumbling, Alicia could see Odelie's figure behind her, chuckling.

"With all due respect, Grand Magus. It's still early." Alicia greets Haddock.

"What did you say? It's already eight o'clock, and we'll be at the Vanir border station in a few minutes!"

"Wait, what?"

Haddock backed up to show what was beyond the carriage window. Behind that sparse collection of weeds, there was a large clear blue lake with lots of fish hopping. But far away, on the other side, a row of beautiful tall buildings. Their glittering streaks dazzled even from the train. All the hustle and bustle in the distance could be sensed from the many zeppelins and other flying vehicles circling the buildings. Alicia was lulled by that marvelous morning sight. Alicia was looking at Vanaheim, the capital of Vanir.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Haddock's rebuke once again disrupted the girl's beautiful moments.

"I understand. I prepare myself right away!" The Crimsonmane girl returned to her room. []

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