
Chapter Two

He leans in and I feel his lips against my lips and fire spreads in my belly and he kisses me softly and he reaches my chin and puts a hand behind my back and I arch closer to him. He manages to make us get to his tent and I hesitate but then we walk in. He pushes me on to his sleeping bag and I land with a soft "thump".

He keeps kissing me and his hand glides down to my ass. He slides a hand into my pants and I flinch against his touch.

The kiss deepens and he puts my hands over my head, now I gasp.

He kisses my neck and reaches to take off my pants, he does.

I hear Maria's voice saying to stop but I don't move and now he has both our underwear and shirts off. He rubs his dick and I gasp.

He smiles and I try to move "I'm trying to be the first to take your virginity, Gaia"

I feel his dick enter me and I gasp cuz it hurts just so badly that I can't even move. He bites my lip and I cry out in pain as he penetrates me hard. I try and push him off but he whispers in my ear "Imma have you to myself, Gaia and your gonna be mine"

He finally lays over me and his whole weight is laid on me. I feel a wet stream roll down my legs when suddenly he sounds like hes in pain. He pushes in slowly and withdraws and repeats. I gasp as a wave of pleasure fills me?

He grabs my hips and slides in and out with ease. Suddenly, he stares down at me and it's like he regrets this and he groans. I feel wet slide down my leg and he pulls out of me. I look down at my legs but Jason grabs my chin and makes me look up at him.

"I haven't been truthful yet. I love you alot but I don't know what to do?"

I start to move but he pushes me back down "Jason, if we're done I wanna go to bed in my own tent"

He shifts on top of me and plunges inside of me again and I gasp. I push at his arms and move my legs and try to move. Jason raises his right hand from his side and slaps me across the face and I feel a tears slide down my face. I look up at him and his eyes hold mine and he looks very mad. He bites my lip and I cry out.

I try and scream but he covers my mouth with his hand "Don't scream or I'll hurt you"

I cry under his hand as he rapes me right there. He shifts inside me and finally let's go. He groans and collapses beside me and smiles.

"Why?" I cry into the pillow

He rubs my back "You'll be okay Gaia, just don't tell anyone we did this"

I stare at him "You raped me"

He shakes his head "I love you and you love me so I didint **** you"

I try to get out but he grabs me from behind and pushes me onto the floor again and he shifts onto me and I cry out as his manhood teases my rose and he pushes in hard. I grab his shoulders and squeeze them hard and he suddenly falls on top while still inside. I hear faint snoring and realize he's fast asleep. I push him off gently and he falls out of me and I wince. I stand on wobbly legs and walk naked to Maria's tent. I open it and she gasps at my posture.

She grabs my arm and sits me down before laying a blanket over me "What happened, who did this to you?" she whispers

I bite my lip "Jason"

She laughs "Your joking"

I start to cry "No, he raped me"

I hear the zipper of our tent open and Max and comes in with pop tarts.

He stops when he sees me and notices I'm not wearing clothes "I can wait if you want?" and he stays outside.

I tell her what happened and she listens the whole time. As I put some new clothes on we walk out of the tent and I gasp as my eyes land on Max--hes on the ground with a stick in his stomach. He's gasping and trying to breathe

We rush to his side and I lay my hand on his face. He stares at me and blinks and I try to calm him by humming. Maria pulls the stick out of his stomach and he cries out.

I look into his eyes "Tell us who did this, Max"

One word comes out of his mouth "Jace"

He stops gasping and he squeezes my hand one last time before he stops breathing completely.

I stare at his calmed expression "My god he's dead"

Maria sees Zack, Samantha, and Alex walk over and Zack screams.

An hour later we still can't find Jason anywhere and Zack is still staring into the fire. I put more wood onto it and it blazes. Samantha gets up and walks over to us.

"I'm gonna scout the area maybe I'll find some help" and she takes off running

I get worried after 10 minutes have passed and then we hear a terrorizing scream. Samantha runs out of the woods with a bloodied leg and a gash in her arm. She collapses on the dirt and tries to stop the gushing blood on her leg.

"What the hell happened!?" Alex shouts as he grabs her and helps her.

Samantha stutters "There's. A Wolf. Out in the woods"

I stare off into the woods and swear I see a pair of eyes watching us.

I turn and help her stop the bleeding but it keeps flowing and Alex sighs.

"We got to get first aid so we can stitch it up" Zack frowns

Alex holds her hand "Just speak to us until your too tired to talk"

Samantha nods "I think Zack has a crush on you, Gaia"

I immediately turn red "No he doesn't"

She smiles and closes her eyes"Alex does too he just doesn't know it yet"

I squeeze her hand "To me I love them both and I love you too"

She gasps "You love BOTH of them?!"

I flinch thinking that's insane for one and two she's dirty "What the hell?! Samantha your so dirty!"

She giggles and her breathing goes slower and she smiles at us as Alex walks away and Zack leans his head on my shoulder.

Her eyes flutter closed and I lay her head down on a patch of grass.

"Let's go inside our tent, Gaia" Zack pulls me to his tent.

Alex zips the tent up and I sit across from them.

"It's probably some wild wolves right?" I look at them

Alex nods "They are well known around here"

Zack is asleep an hour later and Alex stares at me from across the tent.

"What?" I touch my face to find nothing on my face at all

He smiles "Even when your face is red your still beautiful"

I blush "Awe, Alex your not so bad yourself"

He shrugs "I guess but your so beautiful I can't seem to think straight"

I giggle and Zack sits up and looks around "It wasn't a dream?"

I nod "It was real and we're still here"

Zack groans and punches the ground and Alex laughs at him. I laugh as they play hit each other and all of a sudden I hear a howling from right outside. Alex growls and it makes me confused.

"I'll be right back, Zack will protect you" Alex steps out of the tent and closes it and he walks deep into the woods. Zack holds me close as howls rip the air. I hear a scratching at the tents flap and the wolf makes the zipper fall down and the big thing sniffs at us.

I stay completely still as it passes by is and comes face to face with me and Zack.

Another howl pierces the night and it leaves us. A minute later Alex stumbles into the tent and his face is bloody and so is his side and his arm. He falls and I catch him as he hits the ground.

"Your not dying on us Alex I can't allow that not today!" I grab a shirt and wrap it around his arm and I take a piece of tissue from our towel roll and wrap it around his side until it's tight. I clean his face with my sleeve and he opens his eyes. I can't help but stare into his crystal blue eyes.

Zack pushed me away as Alex suddenly violently shakes on the ground and his body morphs into a wolf and I scream.