
That time I was reborn as an Uchiha in Naruto

Ordinary kid gets reincarnated into the Naruto world in a not-do-ordinary way. "I can't believe I died... I feel like I died too young." "Well, looking at this place, I think that I'll get reincarnated soon enough. Great! I'll think of some wishes. Be op from the start!" Just then, a cough broke his thoughts. Standing in front of him was an old bearded guy with a cane. "Boy, you have good karma. I'll reincarnate you into a world of my choice." "Great! I choose to be reincarnated in... wait what?" "You shall be reincarnated in Naruto!" "Well, not my first choice but meh, I can work with it. So, my wishes are..." "Alright! Good luck mortal, off you go!!" "Hey! What about my wishes, my insta-op cheat!!" The old man ignored him. Instead, he raised his cane. "Oi Oi, what are you..." In a single swift motion, he smashed the kid on his head. Poor kid never stood a chance.

Narutotsutsuki7109 · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Prologue 3: Final:


"Yo, Aika-Chan"

"Baka Onii-san, look at you, you've been totally beat up. Can you even move" She asked in concern

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks for asking"

Then, he looked towards the man walking towards him and said, "Took you long enough."

The man looked at him, smirked and said, "Hey now, the hero always shows up at the end. A great entrance indicates a great show, son."


That's right, this man was his father. Wearing a Black suit indicating that he was returning from a business meet and a smug smirk permanently plastered on his face was Kazuma Takeba, one of the members of the board of directors of Takeba Corporation.

"I'm pretty sure that I'm the hero of this show Dad" Arata said with an identical smirk on his face.

"Well, that must have totally drained you of any energy in your body so I guess it's time to go home." Aika interrupted

"Yeah, let's do that. I'm dying to catch some sleep." Arata got up, dusted himself off and let himself be supported by Aika as they started walking home.

They took a few steps ahead but paused whey heard no other steps following them. Curiously, Arata looked behind him but froze as he saw a gun in his father's hand. It was pointed right at them.

"Dad…." Arata was shocked. He couldn't believe it; his own father was pointing a gun at him! "Why…."

Kazuma chuckled, "Why? Because I've been keeping a few things from you."

"You see, three months ago, I remarried a woman named Eiri Yuuki, the daughter of Hanma Yuuki and heir of the entire Yuuki estate. The child I'll have with her will have the backing of both the Takeba and the Yuuki families. So, I have to make sure that he or she gets all the estate! You're my eldest son and therefore the heir to my fortune while your sister is next in line. I have to get rid of both of you! If that child owns both the Yuuki and Takeba fortune, I will be head of both by proxy! It's nothing personal."

Arata was pissed. The bastard was going to kill both of them so he could get even more money! It was outrageous!


"Well, now that you know why I'm doing this, I'll just finish you off. Goodbye Arata, Aika."

Without any other words, Kazuma pulled the trigger as a loud BANG was heard.


Aika screamed as she was pushed to the ground while Arata removed his gun.

The sound of the bullet piercing flesh was heard as the bullet pierced Arata's chest.

Arata bit his lips to stop his scream. Not wasting any time, Arata pulled the trigger of his own revolver and watched as his bullet went straight through Kazuma's forehead. Instantly killing him.

Despite the situation, Arata smiled to himself as he felt his strength leave him. Unable to stand, Arata felt his legs give out. He stared at his sister who had now gotten up and was holding him close to her chest.

"She's crying..." he thought to himself. That wouldn't do, mustering up every last ounce of energy he had, Arata raised his hand to her face and wiped away her tears. She looked at him with a pleading gaze as she begged him to remain conscious.

With a weak voice yet a smile on his face, he spoke "It's okay… no need to cry… at least you're alive… that's what matters…" he coughed up some blood as she cried even harder.

"Now you have to live for both of us" he said, his smile turning into a strained smirk.

"I know it's cliché... but remember... I'll always be with you... in your heart."

He could feel it, the cold feeling that seemed to wash over him. Everything seemed numb as he finally closed his eyes and let himself fall asleep.

What seems to be a few minutes later:

Arata opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was the white ceiling. Taking a minute, Arata noticed the feeling of softness below him.

[I bet this took your thoughts elsewhere ;)]

Confused, he sat up and took a look around him. He realized that he was sitting on a hospital bed. Also, there was a window in front of him, which gave him a clear view of the mountains and greenery outside. He realized that he was wearing a hospital gown and had his hair down, reaching his shoulders.

He brought a hand to his face, 'What the… where am I? The last thing I remember is getting shot…by my own father…I thought I died, didn't I?'

Just then, a voice broke him out of his thoughts,

"Sure did! One hell of an experience, the bullet punctured straight through your heart. There was absolutely no way you could survive, you died on the spot."

Arata flinched and looked towards the source of the voice. On his left, an old man was sitting casually on one of the chairs. He was wearing a... hospital gown? Anyway, he seemed incredibly cheerful.

'The hell did this guy come from!'

The old man laughed merrily, "I've been here all along. You were simply too caught up in your own thoughts to notice me."

'Did this guy just read my mind!'

"Yes, yes I did. Why are you so surprised? You just died, shouldn't that be your main focus?"

"I... just died...So, I really died!"

"Ahhhh, so you're in denial. Well, that's okay, it's your first-time dying, so I really can't blame you.

"First-time! What do you mean first-time! Do people die more than once!"

"Well, kind of. Although people can only die once in their life, those who reach this place are a bit different."

"This place, where the hell are we! Isn't this a hospital! Wait... if I'm dead, what am I doing in a hospital!"

"Don't panic. You're in a hospital because that's what your mind subconsciously finds most comfortable in your current situation. And this place isn't really a hospital, it's just taken the form of one. Every chosen whose reached this place finds a different scenery. Even my own form changes according to your preference. You're currently in the astral plains of life and death. The elusive land of beginning and end."

"The astral plains? Beginning and end? I'm confused... just what am I doing here?"

"After you died, you somehow managed to reach this place. Maybe by luck or by karma, you ended up here. You're neither the first nor the last who made it here, there are many others out there. Every few years a unique soul somehow reaches this place. From here, you get the chance at unique reincarnation!"

"Unique reincarnation? What's that?"

"It's a special type of reincarnation available to only those who reached the astral plains. In normal reincarnation, you lose all your memories and are reincarnated randomly in any world. Your talent and skill are completely unknown. On the other hand, unique reincarnation sends you into a unique fantasy world in specific timelines, you're guaranteed to have an incredible amount of natural genius. It's the easiest way to become successful." the man threw in his sales pitch

"Well, that's useful..." Arata muttered

"The only question is, are you interested?"

Arata thought about it for a moment and spoke, "I am"

The old man practically jumped in excitement, "Perfect! Then-"

"But I have a few questions" Arata interrupted

The geezer quietened, "Very well. Ask away."

"What about heaven or hell? Aren't those options available?"

"No. Your karma isn't nearly good enough to get into heaven and not bad enough to fall in hell. The only options you have is to reincarnate."

"Okay... what about my sister? How is she?"

"I'm sorry but the dead have no right to know about the living, as the living have no right to learn of the dead. Now tell me your answer, we don't have all day" The old man spoke, irritated.

*Sigh* "Well, I tried. Alright, I accept but before I leave, can I ask one last thing?"

"No need, I already know what you're going to ask. The girl has great fortune, she will be fine."

"Looks like that's the best I can get. I choose to reincarnate in-"

"Naruto world. Yes, that will do just fine. Good luck."

"Hey, wait a minute. Naruto! That's not what I asked for!"

"Launching in 5...4...3..."

"What about my cheat you shitty geezer!"


"Fuck you!!!!!"

And just like that, began Arata's journey in the Naruto world.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arata regained consciousness and cursed himself. He felt as if he was in incredible pain and tried to scream but found himself unable to. He could hear the faint voices of the people around him as he cried loudly because of the pain he felt. He felt free as he opened his eyes to see himself surrounded by white walls, again. An ear-piercing scream came from below him as he looked at a woman who seemed to be in extreme pain.

The woman was a giant and so was the woman who seemed to be holding him. 'What the hell is going on here, why are the people here so big!!'

'Wait a second, did this woman just give birth!'

Finally, after what seemed to be hours but were in fact just a few minutes, the nurse placed him into a cribs as he could finally hear clearly with the pain receding.

He heard the nurse speak, "Congratulations Mam, you've given birth to a boy. He is perfectly healthy"

A raven-haired man seemingly in his mid-thirties and a boy about 5 years old came rushing through the door and were instantly beside the woman and the crib. He watched as the older man fretted over the woman while the woman answered his questions with a smile on her face. The boy on the other hand, came near the crib and stared at him curiously.

The boy had spiky-raven hair and black eyes. He was wearing a simple black T-shirt and black pants along with sandals to finish his outfit. The man and the woman seemed to notice the boy as they beckoned him over.

The boy obliged and the man spoke, "Take a good look at him Shisui, he is your little brother now."

"Little brother?" Shisui asked, adorably tilting his head.

This time, it was the woman-no, his mother who spoke, "That's right Shisui, this is your little brother" she said with a loving voice.

Shisui eagerly asked them, "What's his name?"

The man laughed as he picked the boy up and gave him to his mother. They smiled at each other as Mother spoke, "His name will be Arata"

The man lowered his head in thought for a few seconds, then he raised his head. With a proud smile on his face, he spoke "Arata Uchiha… that sounds fantastic."


'So, I have the same name as I had in my last life huh. My brother's name is Shisui, well I guess things could be worse.'

It was then that their words registered in my head, "Wait a second, did he say UCHIHA!! THERE'S NO WAY!! THIS CAN'T BE POSSIBLE!!"

The woman smiled looked at him, "I'm sure you will do great things someday, Arata Uchiha…"

Arata wanted to scream and curse God but all that came out was,


Sorry it took so long. I'm completing m assignmnts while writing this. Submission is on the 12th so i'm a bit busy.

Be sure to comment and review.

If you feel that some things can be improved, feel free to let me know.

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