
That Time I Was Betrayed and Got My Revenge

A Kid well respected by people, learn that most humans, most gods and most importantly, your own best friend are nothing but fakers. let us dive in the world which Akihiro will get revenge on for this very reason.

LordSanctify · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Asmodeus' Awakening Arc (Movie Ova)

Chapter 201: A New Beginning

The battlefield, once marred by devastation, was now bathed in the soft, golden light of the setting sun. Akihiro stood at the epicenter, surrounded by his friends and allies, both old and new. It was a moment of quiet reflection after the intense battle that had just taken place.

Mina, with her radiant smile, stepped forward and placed a hand on Akihiro's shoulder. "You did it, Akihiro," she said, her voice filled with pride. "You saved the world."

Akihiro nodded, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. "But I couldn't have done it without all of you."

Ryuko and Katsumi, the inseparable siblings, grinned at each other. "We promised to have your back, didn't we?" Ryuko said.

Katsumi chimed in, "And we always keep our promises."

Miyuki, Hiroshi, Futakuchi, and Tatsuya, the group of childhood friends, exchanged knowing glances. Their bond had only grown stronger throughout their journey.

Atsuko, Yōko, Takara, and Evora, the warriors who had fought by Akihiro's side, shared a sense of camaraderie that transcended words. They had faced unimaginable challenges together and emerged victorious.

Seraphina, Yuna, and Chieko, who had once been on opposing sides, now stood united with Akihiro and the others. It was a testament to the power of redemption and forgiveness.

Syrus, who had been through so much, simply nodded at Akihiro, his expression a mix of gratitude and respect.

As they began to walk away from the battlefield, their footsteps resonated with a sense of hope and renewal. They had emerged from the darkness and into the light, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

On the opposite horizon, Lucia's group moved in the opposite direction. Myra, Nariko, Yasushi, Akemi, Kitara, Akira, Ren, Takashi, Asahi, Saiko, Taiyo, and Lucia herself walked together, their expressions and demeanor unchanged. They were not reborn but revived, with memories intact.

Lucia, high above in the clouds, looked down at Myra and the others with a serene smile. It was a smile that held the promise of a new beginning, a chance for them to find their own path.

In this moment, the world held its breath once more, but this time, it was a breath of relief. The story was far from over, but as long as there was hope, there was the possibility of redemption and a brighter future for all.

And so, two groups walked separate paths, their destinies unknown, but one thing was certain: they had all been changed by their experiences, and the world would never be the same again.

Chapter 202: A Dark Alliance

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the world began to heal from the scars of the past. Akihiro and his allies continued their journey, forging new friendships and facing new challenges along the way. It was a time of peace, and it seemed like the world had finally found its balance.

But in the deepest, darkest corners of existence, forces were stirring. Lucia, once imprisoned in the divine prison, had found a way to break free. Her thirst for power and vengeance had not diminished; if anything, it had grown stronger.

Emerging from her prison, Lucia ascended through the realms until she reached a place of great power. There, sitting on a throne of shadows, was Asmodeus, a being of unparalleled darkness.

He turned his crimson eyes towards Lucia as she approached. "Lucia, I've been expecting you," he purred, his voice dripping with malevolence.

Lucia, her expression unreadable, nodded. "I need your help," she said, her voice laced with a cold determination.

Asmodeus grinned, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "And what do you have to offer in return?"

They exchanged whispered promises and sealed their alliance, two formidable forces united by their insatiable hunger for power and their shared desire for revenge.

But their unholy communion was interrupted by the sudden entrance of a lone human, filled with misguided courage and righteous fury. The intruder, armed with a blade of gleaming steel, lunged at Lucia and Asmodeus.

In the blink of an eye, the scene devolved into a macabre dance of violence and bloodshed. Lucia and Asmodeus, their powers entwined, unleashed a cataclysmic storm of darkness upon their would-be assailant.

The world would never know the gruesome details of what transpired in that shadowy throne room. The screams of agony and the scent of blood lingered as a grim reminder that darkness would always find a way to seep into the world.

And so, as the final chapter of the main story came to a chilling close, a new arc awaited on the horizon. A movie arc, promising even more thrilling twists and turns, would soon unfold, leaving the world to wonder if there was any hope left in the face of such relentless darkness.

Chapter 1: Unleash the Darkness

In a desolate realm cloaked in shadows, Asmodeus and Lucia reveled in their newfound alliance, indulging in the malevolent desires that bound them together. The night was their canvas, and terror their artistry.

Innocent people, trapped in this nightmarish plane, cowered as the two malevolent beings descended upon them. Asmodeus's laughter echoed through the void as he reveled in their fear.

"Such delightful despair," he purred, his eyes glowing with malice.

Lucia, her once-vivid eyes now consumed by darkness, raised her hand, and a black miasma enveloped the trembling victims. Their agonized screams filled the air as their life force was drained away.

But in the darkest of moments, a glimmer of hope emerged. Akihiro, the hero who had once vanquished Lucia, was not idle. He stood with his comrades in a distant realm, knowing that his duty was far from over.

"I'll be back," Akihiro declared, his voice resolute. His comrades nodded, trust and determination gleaming in their eyes.

With a flicker of his immense power, Akihiro appeared before Lucia and Asmodeus in an instant. He raised his hand, and the fallen innocents were brought back to life. With another gesture, they were transported far away from this malevolent place, spared from further torment.

Akihiro's gaze hardened as he turned to face Lucia, his resolve unwavering. "This ends now," he declared, his voice a thunderous challenge.

Lucia and Asmodeus, undeterred by the interruption, grinned wickedly. The battle between light and darkness was about to reach new heights, and the world would bear witness to their cataclysmic clash.

Chapter 2: Echoes of Despair

Asmodeus and Lucia, united by their malevolent desires, faced the resolute hero, Akihiro. The battleground was a nightmarish landscape, a twisted realm where time seemed to have lost its meaning.

Akihiro, his determination unwavering, took a step forward. "You won't escape justice this time, Lucia," he declared, his voice resounding with power.

Lucia's once-innocent eyes were now consumed by darkness. She sneered, her voice dripping with malevolence. "Justice? How quaint. You always did have a way of clinging to your pitiful ideals, Akihiro."

Asmodeus, the ancient demon of unparalleled malevolence, watched the exchange with amusement. "Ah, young hero, you are hopelessly outmatched," he taunted, his voice like a venomous serpent.

With a sinister grin, Asmodeus and Lucia moved with uncanny speed, launching themselves at Akihiro in a synchronized assault. Akihiro, however, was no novice in the art of combat.

In a blur of motion, he dodged Lucia's ethereal projectiles and parried Asmodeus's dark tendrils with a flick of his wrist. Akihiro's every move was a testament to his resolve, his mastery of his powers undeniable.

Chapter 3: Clash of Titans

The battlefield erupted in chaos as the trio clashed. Akihiro's fists crackled with celestial energy, illuminating the abyssal void around them. Lucia unleashed torrents of dark mana, while Asmodeus summoned the very essence of demonic power.

Akihiro could feel the weight of the world pressing upon him, but he knew he couldn't falter. His friends, his loved ones, and innocent lives depended on his strength.

Lucia's laughter echoed through the void as she and Asmodeus pressed their assault. "Your precious world is a mere plaything to us, Akihiro," she hissed, her voice laden with malice.

Akihiro gritted his teeth, his determination unyielding. "You won't destroy it," he roared, unleashing a blinding surge of power that sent both Lucia and Asmodeus reeling.

Chapter 4: Unraveling Darkness

As the battle raged on, Akihiro found himself pushed to his limits. The combined power of Lucia and Asmodeus was formidable, and their malevolence seemed boundless.

Lucia taunted him, her voice a haunting melody of despair. "Your friends, your loved ones, they're nothing but ashes now, Akihiro. There's nothing left for you to protect."

Akihiro's thoughts turned to his fallen comrades, their memories and sacrifices fueling his resolve. He couldn't afford to waver, not now.

Chapter 5: A Hero's Triumph

With newfound determination, Akihiro unleashed a torrent of celestial and demonic energy. The combined power was overwhelming, pushing Lucia and Asmodeus back, their malevolent forms writhing in pain.

"You will not prevail," Akihiro declared, his voice unwavering.

Asmodeus, his arrogance shattered, growled in frustration. "This is not over, hero," he hissed before retreating with Lucia, their forms dissipating into the shadows.

Akihiro watched them vanish, knowing that the battle was far from won. The malevolent duo would return, and the world would once again be plunged into darkness. But Akihiro was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, for he was the hero who would never stop fighting for the light.

Chapter 6: The Pursuit

Akihiro, fueled by determination and a burning desire to end the malevolent reign of Asmodeus and Lucia, tracked their location across the twisted dimensions. The journey was perilous, with time and space distorting around him. He knew he had to act swiftly, for every moment counted.

Meanwhile, in the dark recesses of their twisted world, Lucia and Asmodeus reveled in their sinister alliance. They found a twisted pleasure in each other's presence, and their unholy romance was a testament to their shared malevolence.

Chapter 7: A Fiery Confrontation

Akihiro finally pinpointed Asmodeus and Lucia's location and teleported near it, his arrival masked by shadows. He watched them from the shadows as they exchanged heated words and fiery kisses, their demonic aura intertwining like a sinister dance.

But Akihiro knew there was no time for subtlety. He stepped into the light, his presence an unwelcome interruption. "Your reign of terror ends now," he declared, his voice echoing with power.

Chapter 8: Clash of Forces

Asmodeus and Lucia turned their attention to the hero who had dared to intrude upon their malevolent union. Their demonic goons surrounded Akihiro, their eyes filled with malevolence.

Lucia's laughter was like a cruel symphony. "You think you can challenge us, Akihiro? We are a force of nature, an unstoppable duo."

Akihiro's response was swift and decisive. He unleashed a torrent of celestial and demonic power, a cataclysmic storm of energy that shattered the very ground beneath them. The battle had begun.

Chapter 9: Malevolence Unleashed

The battle was a relentless clash of celestial and demonic forces. Akihiro fought with unwavering determination, his resolve unwavering despite the overwhelming odds. Asmodeus and Lucia, united by their malevolence, fought as one, their attacks perfectly synchronized.

The battlefield became a maelstrom of energy, with Akihiro at its center, his power surging to unimaginable heights.

Chapter 10: A Hero's Triumph, Once More

Asmodeus and Lucia, their malevolent alliance shattered, found themselves overwhelmed by Akihiro's sheer determination and power. Their demonic goons were defeated, their dark forces scattered.

Akihiro stood victorious, his chest heaving with exhaustion. "Your reign of darkness ends here," he declared, his voice resolute.

Lucia and Asmodeus, their arrogance shattered, retreated into the shadows, their malevolent forms dissipating. Akihiro knew that they would return, but he was ready to face them, again and again, for he was the hero who would never stop fighting for the light.

And so, the battle continued, a never-ending struggle between heroism and malevolence, in a world where darkness and light clashed eternally.

Chapter 11: A Hero's Relentless Pursuit

Akihiro's yawn was a mere ruse, a tactic to lull Lucia and Asmodeus into a false sense of security. With lightning speed, he dashed towards Lucia, his power surging like a tempest. With a powerful strike, he sent her hurtling into the cold stone walls, creating a deep crack upon impact.

Asmodeus, witnessing Lucia's defeat, lunged at Akihiro, but the hero was quicker. Akihiro's hands clenched around Asmodeus' neck like an unyielding vise, and he flung the demon lord with a powerful heave, sending him crashing into the recovering Lucia.

Chapter 12: A Sinister Alliance

Lucia and Asmodeus, their alliance shaken but not broken, rose from the rubble, their eyes seething with anger and malevolence. The battle lines were drawn once more, and their forces of darkness rallied behind them.

Lucia's voice dripped with venom as she addressed Akihiro. "You are a persistent thorn in our side, Akihiro. But we are united by our malevolence, an alliance forged in the depths of darkness. You cannot defeat us."

Chapter 13: A Duel of Powers

Akihiro, undeterred by their threats, stood resolute. "The power of darkness cannot snuff out the light forever," he declared, his voice unwavering.

The battle resumed, a relentless clash of celestial and demonic forces. Akihiro fought with unparalleled determination, his strength and resolve unyielding. Asmodeus and Lucia, their powers intertwining in a deadly dance, struck with ruthless precision.

Chapter 14: The Unstoppable Hero

The battlefield became a cataclysmic battleground, energy crackling in the air as Akihiro faced off against the malevolent duo. Each blow struck sent shockwaves through the twisted dimension they inhabited.

Akihiro's power surged, his celestial and demonic abilities reaching new heights. He fought not only for his own survival but for the salvation of the innocent souls that Lucia and Asmodeus had ensnared in their malevolent grasp.

Chapter 15: A Defining Moment

In the midst of the chaos, Akihiro found a moment of clarity. He realized that this battle was not just about defeating two powerful foes; it was about saving souls, redeeming the corrupted, and protecting the fragile balance between light and darkness.

With newfound determination, Akihiro unleashed his full power, a torrent of celestial and demonic energy that engulfed Lucia and Asmodeus. The malevolent duo screamed in agony as their powers were overwhelmed.

And in that defining moment, the hero's unwavering spirit prevailed, leaving Lucia and Asmodeus weakened and vulnerable.

Chapter 16: The Birth of a Dark Fusion

Cornered by Akihiro's overwhelming power, Lucia and Asmodeus had no recourse but to resort to the unthinkable. In a blinding surge of dark energy, they merged into a single, sinister entity. This fusion created an entity of unparalleled malevolence, a being born from the darkest depths of their souls.

They christened themselves "Lusmodeus," a name that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it. With their powers now combined, Lusmodeus prepared to unleash a devastating assault on their adversary.

Chapter 17: The Relentless Barrage

The fused form of Lucia and Asmodeus, Lusmodeus, wasted no time. Dark energy crackled around them as they unleashed an onslaught of malevolent mana beams. Akihiro found himself engulfed in a barrage of destructive energy, each beam searing into his flesh.

The hero gritted his teeth against the searing pain, determined to withstand this relentless assault. He knew that giving in to the pain meant surrendering to the darkness that Lusmodeus represented.

Chapter 18: Akihiro's Resilience

As the barrage of mana beams continued, Akihiro's resolve remained unbroken. He drew upon the depths of his power, both celestial and demonic, to create a barrier that absorbed the devastating energy. His body was marked with burn scars and injuries, but his determination burned brighter.

"You may have become one," Akihiro grunted, "but you underestimate the power of the light within me."

Chapter 19: A Hero's Counterattack

Akihiro, his body battered but not broken, unleashed a counterattack that shook the very foundation of their battlefield. With a burst of celestial and demonic energy, he surged forward, closing the distance between himself and Lusmodeus.

His fists struck with incredible force, landing blows that cracked the fused entity's malevolent armor. Lusmodeus roared in pain, its once overwhelming assault now halted by Akihiro's unwavering determination.

Chapter 20: The Battle Reaches Its Climax

The battle reached its climax as Akihiro and Lusmodeus clashed in a cataclysmic struggle between light and darkness. The skies above crackled with energy as their powers collided, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

Despite their fusion, Lusmodeus found itself on the defensive, its malevolence unable to extinguish the hero's unyielding spirit. Akihiro fought not just to defeat his foes but to redeem their corrupted souls, to restore the balance that had been disrupted.

The fate of their world hung in the balance as the battle raged on, and only time would reveal the ultimate outcome of this cataclysmic clash.

Chapter 21: Akihiro's Unwavering Resolve

The battle between Akihiro and Lusmodeus raged on, each clash of their powers sending shockwaves throughout the battlefield. The air was charged with mana, crackling with the intensity of their confrontation.

As they stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a contest of wills, a surge of dark energy emanated from Lusmodeus. Akihiro responded in kind, drawing upon his celestial and demonic powers to create a barrier of swirling energy around him.

Chapter 22: Clash of Titans

The mana blast battle that ensued was nothing short of cataclysmic. Beams of dark energy clashed with radiant celestial mana in a display of raw power. The sky overhead darkened as their energies collided, threatening to tear reality itself asunder.

Akihiro's resolve remained unshaken as he pushed back against the malevolent force of Lusmodeus. With every ounce of strength in his being, he fought to protect his world from the darkness that threatened to consume it.

Chapter 23: Memories of Friends and Family

In the midst of this titanic struggle, Akihiro's mind drifted to memories of his friends and family. He saw the faces of those he cared about, the bonds he had forged throughout his journey. Their unwavering support and belief in him fueled his determination.

Akihiro's vision shimmered with a radiant light as he harnessed the combined power of his celestial and demonic abilities. With a triumphant roar, he unleashed a devastating wave of energy that engulfed Lusmodeus.

Chapter 24: The Final Confrontation

Lusmodeus writhed and screamed as Akihiro's mana wave tore through its dark form. The malevolent fusion struggled to maintain its cohesion, but it was too late. Akihiro's attack disintegrated the abomination, reducing it to nothing more than dust and echoes of its malevolence.

As the dust settled, Akihiro stood victorious, his heart heavy with the knowledge that he had vanquished the darkness that had threatened his world. But the battle was far from over, for a new threat loomed on the horizon.

The fate of their world remained uncertain as Akihiro prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead in the continuing saga of the Asmodeus's Awakening movie arc.

Epilogue: A World at Peace

Years had passed since the epic battle with Lusmodeus, and the world had found a newfound peace. The scars of war had healed, and life had returned to a semblance of normalcy.

In the years that followed, Akihiro had forged deep and lasting bonds with his comrades. The trials they had faced together had only strengthened their friendships, and some had even grown into something more.

Akihiro stood at the forefront, a symbol of hope and resilience. He had married Mina, Atsuko, Yōko, Takara, Evora, Seraphina, Yuna, Chieko, Futakuchi, Ryuko, Katsumi, and Miyuki, each of them sharing in his unwavering determination to protect their world.

Together, they posed, a united front against any threat that might dare to arise. Myra, Nariko, Yasushi, Akemi, Kitiara, Akira, Ren, Takashi, Asahi, Saiko, and Taiyo stood beside them, a testament to the power of redemption and the possibility of change.

As the world continued to flourish, Akihiro's destiny evolved. He ascended to the role of a god, overseeing the many worlds with wisdom and compassion. It was a future none could have predicted, but it was a future born from the trials and tribulations of the past.

The Asmodeus's Awakening movie arc had come to a close, but the world continued to turn. Akihiro and his companions had faced their darkest hours and emerged victorious. Their story had reached its conclusion, but their adventures would live on in the annals of history, a testament to the enduring power of friendship, love, and the unyielding spirit of humanity.