
The beginning

It was just another day like any other in the year, Ankoku woke up, ate breakfast then went out. On his way to college, he heard his phone ring.

*"Hello boss, we found who sent the assassins the past few days, It was the Red Eye gang."* few know it but Ankoku is the boss of a gang, he was adopted by the previous chief and was trained to take the reign of the gang.

'Ho, seems they didn't like my present and sent someone to kill me huh?' "Send Kyotaka to take care of it, I have a plan tonight and won't be able to do it myself."

*"Understood. Hum, I don't want to be rude but maybe you shouldn't come to the base for a while."* with that the man hung up. Ankoku started walking again thinking about what his employee told him and proceeded to go to his college. Time passed until it was the middle of the day. Ankoku and his group of friends went to the cafeteria and started talking and joking around until one of them asked a question.

"Hey, Ankoku what are you gonna do this weekend?" One of the guys in the group asked Ankoku."Are you gonna see the new John Wick movie?" He continued.

"Nah I'm going to visit my parents, it's been a while since I last saw them." Ankoku lied through his teeth with a friendly smile."And you?" he asked his friend in return.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonn..." his friend started to talk again. They continued their conversation until the end of their dinner and left to go to their respective home.

On his way, he saw a man running with a knife in his hand, he looked drugged 'Not my problem' Ankoku thought.

"Kyaaaa!!!" "Tamura!!!" Ankoku heard cries and looked back to see a man getting stabbed after pushing another guy. While the rest of the people shouted to call an ambulance or to call for help Ankoku looked At the stabbed man.

'He was stabbed in the back near the heart, he has a problem breathing, the lung is probably punctured. He won't be able to live another day.' Ankoku thought with an emotionless face.

Seeing the man rushing in the direction he came from Ankoku resumed his walk like what he saw didn't matter.

Near his home, Ankoku heard some footsteps behind him. It would be normal if he lived in the city but he doesn't and few people live In his neighborhood. He narrowed his eyes and began to act as if he didn't hear anything. He continued to walk using a detour. He kept hearing the footsteps and started to walk a little faster until he saw an alley a couple of meters away. He entered the alley and hid in a dark part near a dumpster waiting to see if he was being followed or if it was part of his imagination. A few seconds later he saw someone enter the alley and began searching for him. This confirmed his suspicion.

He started to observe the stalker, even in the dark you could see that he wasn't physically trained and was even a little skinny. He has short hair and is holding something in his hand.

'He looks like the crazy dude from before.' He then observed his surroundings. A beer bottle was on the ground near him and a couple of meters away a rope was on the other side of the dumpster.

Thinking fast using the information he found, he took the beer bottle and threw it to the opposite side of the alley. When the stalker turned to look at what could have caused the noise he grabbed the rope and ran in the direction of the man. He used the rope to grab his neck and began to make a knot. The surprise made the mysterious man drop what he was holding. Ankoku then began to tighten the knot until the stalker stopped moving. Looking at the object in the hand of the man and saw a knife. He understood that the stalker didn't have a good intention. Using the light on his phone he looked at the face of the aggressor. He didn't know him so he looked for tattoos and found one on the left shoulder. A 30 with a bar on top of it.

'The Red Eye huh...' Ankoku thought and began to search for a phone on the man's body. He found one and heard it ring so he answered.

*"Is it done?"* Someone asked.

"Hey Koharu how are you? Sorry but your friend here was too occupied to answer so, like the gentleman I am I 'offered' to answer for him and he gladly accepted" Ankoku said to Koharu.

*"Fuck how the hell are you still alive? It's the fifth one this week and you're still alive. How?"*

"Well Koharu, the reason is a lack of skill on your part making every attempt you make futile," Ankoku answered in a friendly manner.

"Is it because you didn't like my present that you keep trying to kill me?" Ankoku asked feigning being hurt. "it wasn't that bad was it?" he asked with a hint of amusement."I mean you are now the new boss of the Red Eye so why do you keep trying?"

*"You killed my father!! What do you mean 'it wasn't that bad!?"*

"...He was a dick."

#bip bip bip#

'He hung up...' Ankoku thought a smile gracing his face. 'That was satisfying.'

Ankoku hid the body and the phone in the dumpster and then left for his home. He showered and went to bed. The next day Ankoku woke up like always, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and went out but unlike the other days of the week he didn't go to college but to his base. Entering the hallway of the base Ankoku narrowed his eyes and stopped moving. Usually, two guards were in the hallway but today they were absent. Ankoku started walking again to go outside and go back home, the base wasn't safe anymore.

Inside his home, he went into the kitchen, opened a drawer, and took two handguns out of it. He walked out of the kitchen, sat in a chair inside the living room, and waited. He didn't have to wait long as the entrance of the house opened and 5 armed men entered the living room.

"It's over." said one of them

"We will see about that." Answered Ankoku.Suddenly, he took both of his handguns and started shooting, the room soon turned into a battlefield.


"Fuck... So the story ends here huh...." Ankoku said looking at the bullet wounds on his torso. 'Who would have thought that I would die in the hands of my gang, I should have been like master; a great sage with a solution for every problem.'

[Notice: Unique Skill:Great Sage successfully obtained.]

'They called me merciless but I would call myself just. Why shouldn't I kill someone who tried to kill me? Should I be an idiot that gives mercy to anyone? The only ones who deserve mercy are the ones dear to me.

[Notice:Extra Skill: Merciless successfully obtained, Unique Skill: Dear ones successfully obtained.]

'In this world of predators, if you don't eat, you end up eaten instead! Why shouldn't I be a predator? It's the only thing Master truly taught me, to never bend down to anyone.'

[Notice: Unique Skill: Predator successfully obtained, Extra Skill: Unshakeable Will successfully obtained.]

'For fuck sake, I was finally able to go to college, and a year after BAM I die...karma is a bitch.'

[Notice: the attempt to obtain a skill related to karma failed.]

'Damn, I hate being soaked in blood, even more when it's my own. And why is dying... so slow, couldn't it be a little faster? It's as boring as waiting for the bell to ring in math.'

[Notice: creating a body without blood vessels. ]

'Wait I didn't delete my search history, why did I not use...the private navigator? fuck if someone sees it my soul won't be able to rest, I will be tortured by that thought... until my next life.'

[Noti¢e: Soul ∆tt@ck πes!stanc€ succe$sfully 0b+ai#$d... Error corruption detected.]

[Notice creating a skill to contain the error...Successful, &#%@√¶÷ Skill: Soulborne obtained.]

That day, Ankoku died killed by his gang taking the life of his killers with him.


In an old clinic, on a metallic bed with blood stains on It, you could see a blue blob, it was strangely cute to look at.

•~• Ankoku POV •~•

'Woah! Didn't I die? Where Am I why can't I feel my arm and can't see?' I thought calmly.

[Answer: Slime does not have eyes or extremities.]

'woah now I hear voices, I knew I was crazy but now I've truly passed a cap.'

'So what are you? A second personality?'

[Answer: I am your unique skill: Great Sage.]

'Oh and what can you do? Never mind you can tell me later, can you find a way to see?' I asked interested in the self-proclaimed skill.

[Answer: Try obtaining the extra skill:Magic Sense.]

'hum...okay?' I tried to sense my surroundings and when I felt something I heard a notification.

[Notice: Extra skill: Magic Sense obtained, would you like to use it?]


[Understood, using Extra Skill: Magic Sense.]

Suddenly I began to see the room I was inside, the bed I was on, the wall ornated with unlit lamps, the holes in the floor, the old books on the floor, the medicine on a shelf to my right, and the doors on the left and right. I tried to move by jumping and it worked so I went to the nearest door which was opened and found a letter on a chair near it. It says *Seek Paleblood to descend the hunt*. After reading the letter I walked down the old and creaking stairs to another room with its floor as ruined as in the previous room with most of it covered in blood stains like a fight took place some time ago. It looked like a waiting room and had benches on the side, in the middle was a lantern emitting a bluish-purplish light Some skeletal beings were praying on the foot of it, they were quite small, the same size as a cat.

Moving on, I entered a hallway filled with the same type of bed found in the first room. Inside of it was a sort of...wolf? But larger, it was focused on his meal; the body of a man. I quickly hid and asked Great Sage What are my abilities.


Intrinsic skills:

• Fast Regeneration


Extra Skill:

•Magic Sense (Uses the magicules in the air to sense the world around you)

Unique Skill:



-Predation (It absorbs the target into the body. However, if the target is conscious, the success rate greatly decreases. Valid targets include, but aren't limited to; organic matter, inorganic matter, Skills, and Magic.)

-Mimicry (Replicates an analyzed target's form and racial characteristics, with capabilities equal to or above the original.)

-Isolation (Harmful materials or unnecessary for analysis can also be stored. They will be used to replace magic energy.)

Stomach (The absorbed target can be stored. Items produced via Analysis can also be stored. Anything that is stored in the Stomach isn't affected by time.)

-Analysis (The absorbed target is studied and analyzed. Craftable items can then be produced. If the required materials are present, duplicates can be produced. In the case of successful skill or magic analysis, the same technique can be acquired.)

•Great Sage:


-Thought Acceleration (Raises thought-processing speed by a thousand times.)

-Analytical Appraisal (The ability to analyze and appraise a target.)

-Parallel Operation (The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena.)

-Chant Annulment (The chant is no longer necessary)

-All of Creation (The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon in this world. Depending on the things the user understands and the information the user knows about, additional information can be inferred.)

•Dear One's:

-True Bond (The ability to create a bond between the user and a trusted person. )

-Trust Contract (The ability to create a contract between the user and another person. The contract stops the contractor from lying to the user. The user can add other specifications to the contract but these rules won't be forced on the contractor.)

-Traitor's Crest (The ability to carve a crest into the soul of a contractor if he did not act as the contract said. The traitor will be at the mercy of the user and won't be able to harm him In any way.)

Merciless (The user can seize the target's Soul once their heartbreaks, such as losing their will to fight, beg for mercy, etc. After that condition is met, from that point on, at any time the user wishes, they can reap the marked target's Soul, even if the target has recovered their will to live and fight in the meantime. The souls of the recently killed can also be harvested.)

&#%@π¶÷ Skill: •Soulborne

Resistance:•Soul Resistance.]

'Okay now I know what to do' Ankoku thought as he began to slowly sneak behind the beast and when he was near enough he used Predator on it turning the creature into a part of him.

[Analysis completed, Skill: Coercion obtained, Extra Skill: Bloodlust obtained, Mimicry of Beast cursed human obtained.]

'Oh, I got new skills! Nice. Now what should I do? Go out? Yeah, I think I should but first...Mimicry!!' I thought and as I activated the skill black smoke emerged from my body as it changed form. A moment later the small blob was replaced by a beast

'Ouah so this is how it feels to use Mimicry.' I thought as I turned back into my original form. I went out into another waiting room leading to the entrance on my left was the body of a blond woman in black attire. The attire had claws cut on it ruining the use of it. In her pockets were two vials filled with a blood-like liquid.

'Lucky me now I'll be able to move more comfortably' I thought as I used Predator on the body and the vials.

[Analysis completed, mimicry of human obtained.]

[Analysis of the vials completed, Blood Vial: vial filled with a liquid composed of unknown species blood diluted. Accelerate the regeneration of the body by injecting it at the cost of the sanity of the user. The more you use it the more addicted you become.]

'Okay, I shouldn't use it until I find a way to remain sane.'

I transformed into a human with shoulder-length silvery-blue hair I looked like a kid 10-12 years old. My face was flawless and my eyes color were yellow. How do I know that? Thanks to Magic Sense. Opening the entrance I found myself in a backyard filled with tombs on the side of the path that led to two gates, one leading to the second part of the backyard and one leading outside of it. I tried to open both gates but was only able to open the one leading outside of the backyard. Near that gate was the body of a man on the foot of a tomb. There were two vials of the same liquid as before in his pockets. While I began to go out I heard


~To Be Continued

Author Note: Hope you enjoyed it, if you find some errors with the story or the grammar please tell me. ;)

I'll try to publish at least one every 2 weeks, I hope more. See ya next time. :D.