

[Rabbitkin Tribe, Southern Outer Forest]

Mezaron was seated on King Balthial's throne with a smug look on his face. The king in question was severely injured and forced to kneel in front of Mezaron.

"Declare your undying loyalty to me Balthial, or die. I'm sure my son has already retrieved your daughter and it's only a matter of time before I have both of you kneeling in front of me," Mezaron said with a laugh that echoed throughout the throne room.

"…..I…..refuse…." Balthial whispered as he coughed up more blood.

Mezaron frowned, "So be it. Execute him." Once given the order, one of the soldiers holding Balthial upright drew his sword and prepared to decapitate the rabbitkin king.

Until suddenly, the soldier was reduced to nothing but a blood splatter. Everyone in the room including Mezaron was shocked and prepared to retaliate until they felt a powerful pressure on their shoulders.

The patterning of Selene's feet hitting the marble floors sounded omnipresent and when Mezaron locked eyes with her, he felt as if he was staring into a bottomless pit.

[Name: Mezaron Melne

Age: 55

Species: Homo Draconis

Sex: Male

Rank: Special A

Description: Father of Kazaran, King of the Dragonnewts.]

"[Attract]." A powerful suction force pulled Mezaron until his throat was in Selene's hands. Every soldier wanted to fight for their king but their bodies wouldn't allow them to move, fear is a powerful thing.

"Your son has paid the price for hurting one of my own. You will do the same, you are forever in debt to me, and I collect my debts with your life." Mezaron's eyes widened at Selene's implications but that was short-lived as she snapped his neck. When his body fell limp, she put her hand over his chest.

"And you make great practice for necromancy, [Create Undead]." Selene poured an insane amount of mana into this spell, to test the limits, and to see what would be born from Mezaron's corpse. A white orb came out of his corpse but was quickly bound by golden chains. Lacking a soul, Mezaron's corpse decayed rapidly until there was nothing but bones.

Selene placed the soul back into the bones, creating a large blue crystalline core in the middle of its chest. The eye sockets glowed blue and the skeleton immediately kneeled before Selene.

"Goodie it worked! Your new name will be…Ainz!" Selene said brightly and a golden light briefly engulfed the skeleton.

[Name: Ainz

Age: N/A

Species: General-Class Undead

Sex: Male?

Rank: Special A

Description: Loyal minion.]

"Ainz, go back home." Selene commanded as Ainz hopped into her shadow. Selene then looked up at the room full of fearful people.

"To the dragonnewts. Your prince and king are dead, so I'll give you one simple order. Make peace with the rabbitkin and strengthen your bond. As you can see, there is always a bigger fish." Selene stated as she walked over to Balthial. She made him drink one of her prototype healing potions and really hoped he wouldn't explode like the other test subjects. To her relief, he didn't explode and his wounds disappeared like they weren't even there.

"I'm going to have your daughter brought back home. Next time you ask for my help, bring a gift or something…well no the journey is too far for the average person…" Selene tapped her chin in thought before she wondered why everyone was so quiet.

"Ahhh, my apologies." Selene lowered her magicule output, giving everyone in the room a chance to breathe freely again.

"Ah! I've got it! I've been practicing a lot with transportation magic and transmutation, so I think my idea is ready. Do you have an empty room somewhere?" Selene asked Balthial who was kneeled in front of her for some reason. Selene examined the room and they were all kneeling.

'Is it because I'm some fairy tale to them? A fairy tale figure comes in and saves their people and tells their foes to make peace…this sounds like a recipe for religion…or a cult.' Selene sighed heavily, "You can all stand, no need to kneel."

"Can you answer my question now?" Balthial nodded, "We don't have any empty rooms, but we do have a few empty buildings."

"Hmm yeah, that works. Show me the way!" Balthial nodded and escorted Selene to an empty storehouse on the edge of the castle. A majority of the dragonnewts and other rabbitkin who were told about what she did followed, forming a large crowd.

Selene used [Earth Magic] to erect an altar and she carved a tree surrounded by a circle onto it. She then bit her thumb and smeared it onto the carving.

"[Connection: Transmutation Circle], [Imbue: Teleportation]." Golden light filled the room and on the altar was now a golden tree insignia. Selene smiled, "I think it should work now. I need to test it though, can someone hand me their sword?"

At her request, every single person in the vicinity drew their blade. Selene awkwardly laughed and just chose someone at random, not realizing she changed his life forever.

«Seriene sweetie, can you go into the basement for mommy please?»

«Okay!! Mommy, there's a sword on your weird table thingy!»

Selene chuckled, «Thank you sweetie, can you send it back? All you have to do is put a little bit of mana into the circle under the blade.» Moments later, with a spark of electricity, the sword was back on the altar.

"Okie dokie! With the transmutation circle up, I can receive gifts if you guys need help. But only for serious stuff and the more serious it is, the more gifts I want. Limitations are, dead animals or people, any jewelry though I'll accept precious metals in their raw form, and anything you wouldn't want to receive as a gift. Understood?" Everybody including Balthial kneeled and spoke, "Understood, Great Guardian of the Forest!"

"You guys don't have to call me that…my name is Selene, I prefer that, please." Selene sighed and by the looks of it, they weren't going to call her Selene anytime soon.

"Well uh, Balthial, as I said before, Medea will be returned home soon. If I'm completed with my library in her lifetime, tell her to visit me, I would like her to become my apprentice. Bye bye!" Selene then vanished, leaving the storehouse empty. Everyone continued to kneel for a moment before Balthial stood up and looked at the man whose blade was chosen to be tested.

"Dragonnewt, what is your name?" Balthial asked the dragonnewt who was currently being praised by his people, "Veldama. Veldama Cloudburst, sir…"

Balthial laughed, "By the looks of it, you're soon going to be very important to. I hope the relations of our people can be satisfactory for the Guardian no…Goddess."

Veldama nodded, "I assure you, if I do become king, a war between our people will never happen again. I do not want to incur the wrath of the Goddess of course." He said with a smile and soon, the relationship between the dragonnewts and rabbitkin was restored along with a new religion spreading like wildfire, The Grand Church of The Golden Goddess.

A much shorter chapter, but this is the end of this current arc. I hope I can make the next arc just as exciting as this one (if you even found it exciting). I'll be writing an omake chapter, to further dive into Selene’s use of magic and how she came to use it so proficiently in such a short amount of time. Thank you for reading.

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