
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 22 Counterattack

It was evening by now, Shiva together with Benimaru sat near the campfire. Shiva was looking at his hand before glancing towards a nearby tent where small light was seen.

"About earlier..."

Shiva looked back at Benimaru who began to speak.

"What happen?"

"What do you mean?"

Shiva raised an eyebrow at Benimaru's question.

"You know, that time when you disappeared. All we saw was flash of light and you where gone. As if lightning struck in the place you were!"

"Oh, that..."

Shiva nodded as he finally understood what Benimaru wanted to ask him. He looked back down at his hand and hummed.

"I think...I created new technique..."

"You...created it? How does that work?"

"I am not sure myself. But all I know is that they can be quite powerful and their are called 'dances' not techniques."

Benimaru thought for a second before his eyes widen slightly.

"Like that carnage you made when humans attacked?"

Shiva nodded to his question, and before they could continue they heard tent flaps open and close. Both looked towards the tent and saw Shion walking out of it, she made her way towards them and sat next to Shiva. She then picked up a long stick and placed it into the fire.

"How is she?"

Shion sighed slightly with a concerned face.

"She will be fine. She just depleted her magicules too quickly. Tomorrow morning she will be okay."

"It's good to hear."

Shiva smiled slightly while looking into the fire. Shion looked up at him and smiled just like him before turning back towards the fire. Benimaru then got Shiva's attention.

"Do you know what Kurobe's doing? I still need to talk him off for leaving task given to him."

"He should be sleeping by now, if not then he is in the caves."


"He is making something special for me...He will go there only once or twice a week."

Benimaru nodded slightly confused. Three of them sat in silence before Souei appered out of nowhere, he bowed slightly before Benimaru.

"Preparations are completed, Young Master."

"It's good to hear. Let's march out."

Benimaru nodded towards Shiva who nodded back and all three stood up. Shion got confused and also stood up.

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

Shiva turned towards her with a frown on his face.

"We are going to take care of those Dire Wolves. We cannot allow them to attack any more ogres."

"Ehhh?! And you are not taking me with you?!"

Shion pouted while fake tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. Shiva sighed and patted her heard.

"You need to stay here. Hakurou is probably sleeping after full day of training young ones to fight, Kurobe also is a sleep. We need someone else to sat guard when we are away."

Shion nodded slowly but didn't stop pouting. Shiva sighed again seeing that there is help in it.

"We will be back before sunrise. I love you."

Shiva kissed her horn making her blush. She looked up at him again and gave him quick kiss to the cheek. Shiva smiled at her before three friends moved out from the village. Shiva had on him only his pants and wolf cape, Benimaru had remaining parts of his Armour on and a spear that they got from the lizardmen while Souei had his old equipment.

They run through the forest, having Souei leading and acting as a guide. And as they ran, Shiva decided to ask about his new ability...

'Grand Sage. What's that new dance?'

Answer. Dancing God's Second Dance: Thunder Step Dance.

'How was it created? I didn't made it like I did Dance of Origin. And what does this dance do?'

Answer. Thunder Step Dance was created from user's desire to become faster to protect someone he cared about. And so, Unique Skill: Dancing God and Lightning Manipulation where combined to create Thunder Step Dance that with help of electricity will fasten user's moves.

'It was created because...I wanted to protect Princess?'

Answer. Yes. Users emotional state and desires made that possible.


After Shiva's conversation with Great Sage was done, he continued to follow Souei for quite a time until they arrived at the place.

They arrived at ruins of goblin village about 4 hours away from the New Ogre Village. They hid in the trees as they watched big pack of Dire Wolfs that made their home in those ruins. They saw many bones scattered around, probably bones of both goblins and nearby prey.

Shiva's night vision made itself useful as he saw more wolfs sleep around a small cottage in the center of village. He got other's attention and pointed towards it, they nodded and slowly they made their way towards it.

Shiva suspects that alpha sleeps in that cottage, he wants to get in and kill him quickly so pack's organisation will slightly fall for some time. While Shiva and Souei use 'Stealth', Benimaru has no such abilities so he decided to stay behind and stay watch.

Slowly, Souei and Shiva made they way though sleeping wolves, bones scattered around them. After few minutes they arrived at the cottage, evading every sleeping wolf on they way. Shiva slowly opened the fabric flap that worked as doors and walked in, Souei following.

When they entered the cottage, they saw two big wolves. One was full blue and the second one was full white with a big scar on his eye.

Shiva and Souei made they way towards them to kill them in their sleep. And when they were just about to do it, both heard quiet whines emerge from next to the full blue one. Both looked in that direction and saw four little dire wolfs, no older then two months.

Shiva sighed at that before looking back down at the wolf he had to kill. He raised his claws and just as he was about to bring them down, wolf woke up and jumped up. Wolf tried to bite Shiva but he quickly dodged it. Shiva growled back at the wolf in front of him, and then he suddenly heard a voice in his head.

"What is this?! Who are you?!"

Shiva dropped his 'Stealth' and showed himself to the white wolf. Wolf's resolve slightly hinder as he saw giant kijin in front of him but his glare became even harder.

"A kijin?! What do you want from us?"

"You and your pack drove goblins away from southern part of the forest and killed many of them. We came here to punish you for that."

"Punish me? For what?! And why do you even care? Those are goblins, weak species."

"We have Orc Lord to take care off, so we Ogres will not allow any other intruders to enter this forest."

White Wolf showed his teeth as if smiling.

"You ogres? You are now nothing. I heard rumor about your village burning down. It's sad that I wasn't able to see it..."

Shiva smirked slightly and his eyes shone bright.

"You know...your fur looks nice. I bet Shion would love it as a coat."

Wolf growled as he heard that and in response Shiva growled back. Wolf was just about to howl to alert the guards, but before he could do it he heard a whine behind him. When he looked back he saw Souei pointing his sword towards his mate's neck.

"I wouldn't do it on your place..."

White Wolf chuckled and looked back at Shiva.

"You think I care about her? Many females will want to be mine mate!"

And so, White Wolf howled into the night. Wolfs began to wake up confused what is happening before they went towards their alpha's sleeping place. Shiva and Souei began to look around as they heard other wolves run around and using this time of distraction, White Wolf headed towards the doors.

"He is running away!"

Souei dropped White Wolf's mate and ran after him together with Shiva. When they got out, first thing they saw was Benimaru with already two dead wolves laying down in front of him and other waiting for an occasion.

"Benimaru! Did you saw a White Wolf running away!?"


Benimaru pointed to the left and as Shiva looked there he saw White Wolf running away.

"I may be strong, but I am not stupid enough to fight with a kijin."

Said to himself White Wolf as he run forward but as he did, he suddenly felt something tighten around his neck. When he looked down he saw a two crimson red ropes tighten around his neck.

He was then suddenly pulled back, not only causing him to stop running but also to be send back for few feet. Before he could do much more, his neck was sliced up open by Shiva who jumped towards him.

Shiva then looked up, back at other wolves that gathered around him, Souei and Benimaru. He saw another wolf with a star on it's forehead, this wolf also had white lines around his neck and snot.

Shiva placed his feet on dead alpha's head, making sure not to destroy it. Before using 'Menace' and roar at those wolves. Slowly, wolves began to bow down to Shiva and he then suddenly heard loud booing voices of about hundred Dire Wolves.

"New Alpha!"

Benimaru smirked and began to chuckle as he saw pack of wolves that they just killed alpha of, bow and wiggle their tails towards Shiva. Shiva on the other hand was slightly confused.

"You...are not going to attack us?"

No one answered him until he saw the same female wolf march towards him and bow down few feet away.

"We won't. You killed previous alpha who was undefeated. Now you are our new alpha. We listen to your orders."

"And you are? Old Alpha's mate?"

"Yes. And this is mine son and previous heir to leadership of our pack."

Male Wolf that Shiva saw before walked up to his mother and bowed down.

"Mine Alpha..."

Shiva frowned slightly confused.

"Well, that is interesting event."

Commented Souei as both he and Benimaru could hear their talk. Few minutes later, three kijins sat in front of the ruined cottage with wolf in front of them. Shiva was in the middle while Benimaru and Souei at the sides.

"So you are not mad that I killed your mate and your's father?"


Both Old Mate and Young Wolf answered, they were sitting few feet away from Shiva, watching him.

"So, now I am your alpha? What does it mean to be an alpha?"

"It means to make the pack grow and prosper, short and easy as that."

"So...just like king and his people?"

"Yes, you could say that."

"I see."

Shiva placed his left hand on his chin in thought just before he felt Benimaru poking his shoulder.

"Shiva, those wolves can be helpful. Both them and goblins can focus on gathering food and scouting while ma and the old man train other ogres to fight."

"Yes that true....Okay, I want to name some of you. I need few strong wolves to protect something."

Wolves tails began to wag rapidly as they heard it and Old Mate was quick to inform.

"Mine Alpha, there is no need to give us multiple names, only one is enough."


"Because pack in like one singular being, in works the best together. And so if you give name one of us, then it becomes name of all of us."

"Heh, interesting....Fine by me. I shall name you....Rudra."

Shiva placed his left hand on Old Mate's forehead, while some of his red aura sapped into her. And then he placed his right top hand on Young Wolf's forehead.

"And you shall be named...Ranga."