
That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix

In the world of that time I got reincarnated as a slime there are seven sins. Prideful king Lucifer. Greedy king Mammon. Envious king leviathan. Wrathful king Satanael. Slothful king Belphegor. Gluttonous king Beelzebuth. Lustful king Asmodeus. But what if there was one more sin, a sin that everyone who knew about it thought it was almost impossible to obtain. Follow our young mc as she tries to find her place in the world, while trying to get over her horrific past. This is the story of the sin of Sorrow. I do not own that time I got reincarnated as a slime everything belongs to their respected owners. I also don't have any right to the image above. If the artist wants me too I will take it down.

Dark_light · アニメ·コミックス
200 Chs

Chapter 10 My Sorrow

========Suu pov========


'What was that' I thought.

[Answer. Your skill bonded has been activated] a female voice suddenly spoke in my head.

"HARRRRR" I screamed as I fell backwards.

(Who's there) I asked in my mind as I looked around.

[Answer. I am Rimuru's unique skill great sage] the female voice said again.

Before I could ask any more questions I realized something. I was so surprised that I had accidentally thrown Rimuru up in to the air. The poor guy ended up splatting against the wall of the room, luckily he wasn't hurt. It took him a second or two to get back over to me.

"What happened?" Rimuru looked at me concerned.

[Answer. Because of Suu's skill I am now able to talk to her through the link you two now share] this surprised both of us.

"Wait what skill?" Rimuru asked

[Answer. The skill is called bonded, when the user of this skill makes a strong relationship with another person a link will connect the two. If the user of this skill sees that someone they are bonded to is in danger there power will increase sharply. Because of this link that now connects you two I am able to talk to Suu] great sage explained

'Wow cool' I thought.

"Awwwww. You care about me" Rimuru said teasingly.

[The probability of that is 100%] great sage agreed.

"You guy's are assholes" I say with a slight blush.

To my surprise Rimuru suddenly transformed back in to his human form out of no where.

"I love you too" Rimuru said as he quickly pulled me into a hug.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU ASS" I may have been annoyed at him but I couldn't help the smile that had appeared on my face.

"Hahaha. Come on don't be like that" he smiled while stroking my head.

(No wonder Yin and Yang like it when I patt them) i thought as i enjoyed the head patt.

"....dummy" I whispered as I slowly closed my eyes.

============Rimuru Pov===========

"Hmmmm?" I look down at Suu who had stopped talking.

I smiled when I realized she had fallen asleep. I couldn't blame her, after all that crying she's probably exhausted.

(I should let her sleep for now, she needs to be ready for the meeting tomorrow after all. Hey great sage if she needs anything let me know) I thought while laying her on the bed.


"Good night then" I say as I leave the room

==========small time skip Suu's pov==========

It's been a couple of hours since then and I've woken up. I was currently staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression.

(It felt good to finally get everything off my chest but still...)


"Well no point in just sitting here..... right?" I asked myself

[Answer. That would be a correct assumption] I jumped when I heard great sage's voice.

(This is going to take some time to get used to) I couldn't help but Sigh again.

"Well i might as well check out my status, dad did mention that one of my skills was evolving"


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion

///Class: reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul


Super Speed

bonded (Rimuru)

Hunger resistance

Poison resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:


Eyes of the abyss

///Ultimate skills: none


As soon as my status appeared a very confused expression appeared on my face. My eyes were locked on to what used to be my Everlasting Hunger skill.

(Sorrow.... well that's pretty fitting for me I guess) my thoughts were rather depressing.

(Hey great sage.... can you hear me?)

[Affirmative] the familiar female voice spoke.

(Can you tell me what the skill Sorrow does, I would just check but it's easier if you explain it to me) I was just hoping it was something good and not something that would make me feel even more depressed.

[Understood checking now... listing all sub abilities of the skill Sorrow.

Mind illusions. (This allows the user to slightly effect a person's mind making them see illusions)

Mental decay. (The user can attack a person's mind slowly driving them to the brink of madness)

Emotional state. (The user can sense what a person is feeling and can either increase or lessen it. For example if someone is mad the user can make them pissed or make them less mad)

Emotion eater. (The user can eat the emotions of other people to temporarily increase their own strength. Note if the user eats to much of someone's emotions they will become an unfeeling husk that the user can control)

Bottomless Void. (The user can absorb anything they want too. They can also steal the skills of anything they absorb if they want or just turn them in to magic energy) ]

Lets just say my jaw had hit the floor at this point and it took a moment for me to shake off my disbelief.

"Th... WHAT! That is way to over powered"

[Affirmative] great sage said in a bored tone.



"Sigh. I should probably try this out I guess" I say while raising my hand and pointing it at the table. Of course I had moved my mask and scythe out of the way first.

"Bottomless void" as I said that a black vortex opened at the parm of my hand sucking the table inside of it.

As soon as the table entered the vortex I immediately felt something. It felt like the table had been stored somewhere. I then began to look into myself and that's when I found it.

The table seemed to have been stored in side of me.... no it was more like it was stored in side of a pocket dimension. I quickly focused on it, as I did i gained information about it. I was guessing that if it had skills it would tell me them. I then try to absorb it and as soon as I made the conscious decision the table vanished turning in to magical energy.

(Guess that works then. I would like to test everything else but I would need someone to help me)

[Notice. It will soon be time for the meeting, I suggest that you get ready for it ] great sage said.

"Wait what meeting?" I asked confused.

[The meeting between the Lizardmen, Orcs, Goblins, and your Father] great sage explained.

"Shouldn't you have told me that sooner?"

[.....] no response.

(Guess I should get ready then)

[That would be the best course of action]

"Oh shut up you" I groaned.

==========thirty minutes later=========

I was currently walking towards where great sage said the meeting was. As I walked I passed lots of lizardmen who sometimes glanced at me but for the most part just ignored me.

Finally I arrived at the entrance to where the meeting was being held, there were two guards out side of it. As soon as I got close to the entrance the two lizardmen blocked my way with there spears before asking.

"Identify your self" the one on the right said.

"I am Suu tempest" as soon as I said those words they looked like they were going to piss them selves.

(Why do they look so scared of me) I thought confused.

[Notice. It is because they probably know that you are the giant black Phoenix that killed over thirty five thousand Orcs] once again great sage filled me in.

"Errrrm can I go in" i asked awkwardly.

"Y-yes pleace go ahead" the lizardmen then quickly stepped out of my way.

I stood there for a second before going in side. I could feel them looking at my back but I just ignored them for now. It took a second but I reached the room were everyone was and looked around.

Inside the room were four groups of people including Treyni. As soon as I entered everyone looked at me making me feel a bit awkward.

"Suu how are you feeling" Rimuru asked in his slime form.

"I'm..... I'm fine just a little tired" I respond with a bit of hesitation. The only one that picked up on it was Rimuru everyone else just seemed to except what I said.

"So your the Suu tempest I've heard so much about" I looked to my side to see who had spoke.

"And I'm guessing that your the lizardmen chieftain?" I asked the old looking lizardman.

"That I am" he nodded at me.

"Well now that everyone is here I think it's time for us to start" I heard Treyni say.

I walked over to Rimuru and picked him up, I then put him on my lap. I then saw Shion puff out her cheeks at me from the corner of my eye. Seeing her act so childish made me giggle a little.

"Well then Rimuru Tempest would you like to start us off" Treyni said making Rimuru nervous.

"Sooo.... I've never really done this before so I'm just going to say what's on my mind. I would like for all of you to hold your judgements until I've finished okay?" This got a nod from everyone in the room.

"First I don't plan on charging the orcs with any kind of crime" this seemed to have greatly surprise the orcs.

(Dad can be too kind sometimes) I thought with a smile.

"I know this may upset the lizardmen as they were the once who lost the most men but please hear me out. This all started because the orcs were literally starving to death, anyone from any race may have done the same thing in the same scenario. Well that's just my opinion"

"Alright. Is there anything else you what to add to that?" the lizardmen chieftain asked.

"I've taken all of the orcs sins upon my self, so you can direct all your complaints towards me" Rimuru added after thinking for a second.

"No we can not allow that, such a large burden is not fair to you" an orc with a black cloth rapped around his body stood up.

"Too bad I promised demon lord Geld" Rimuru responded back.

(Demon lord Geld is the orc lord right?) I thought.

[Correct] great sage confirmed.

The orc that had stood up slowly sat back down while looking at the floor. The other orcs soon did the same thing.

"I see.... however I can't help but feel your decision is not fair to the rest of us. Also I would like to know what you think of all this" the lizardmen chieftain said the last part while looking at me.

With that everyone looked at me waiting for my answer. I took a minute to think about it before answering.

(I would usually hold a grudge but.... if there is a way to end this peacefully it's for the best. Also there's the fact that I see myself in them, well in a way.....)

"Honestly I understand why they did what they did..... they simply wanted to live and were willing to do anything they could to survive. And in the end didn't we end up doing the same thing. We were backed into a corner and did everything that we could to survive" what I said made everyone in the room go quiet until....

"Well there is one rule that all monsters follow, survival of the fittest. This is the way it has always work for our kind" Benimaru said as he walked forward.

"You guy's lost your home because of this mess, don't you have any complaints?" Rimuru asked.

"I would be lying if I said we didn't, however despite them we will not allow it to happen again" the other kijins nodded at this.

"Very well I suppose you make a valid point. Regarding this matter I do have one more question that I'd like to ask" the lizardmen chieftain spoke again.

"Go on then" me and Rimuru said at the same time.

"What exactly do you plan to do with the orcs? You have already said you don't plan to charge them for there crimes but does that mean that you are willing to accept all there survivors?" The lizardmen chieftain asked.

(He has a fair point, even after the battle there are still over one hundred and thirty thousand orcs, that's a lot of people to just take in) I thought while glancing down at Rimuru.

"Listen I know this might be kind of a long shot but what do you think about us all working together?" It didn't take long for me to understand where he was going with this.

"How so?" Everyone was looking at Rimuru curiously.

"The lizardmen will share there clean water and fish from the lake. The goblins can offer housing, while our town can give them processed goods. And in return for those things the orcs will agree to contribute their labour"

"Good idea dad" I said while rubbing his head.

"Thanks. Anyway all the races with in the great forest of Jura will form an alliance, which with be mutually beneficial for all parties. Wouldn't it be cool if all monsters could coexist with one another" I could only smile at the idea.

"But that would mean that you want us orcs in this alliance as well..... right?"the question came from the orc that was wearing the black cloth.

"Don't you want to be a part of it" I say teasingly.

"No we want too. We swear we will work hard in fact we'll devote our whole lives to helping" the orcs said while bowing down.

"Well then we look forward to working with you" I heard the lizardmen chieftain say.

"Does that sound good to you Treyni?" Rimuru looked over at her.

"It certainly does. Also the dryads will offer our protection as well as the bounty of the forest. Witch means that we should be able to alleviate the orcs hunger" saying this made the orcs start to cry.

"Now as the guardian of the forest I Treyni will make a new declaration. I now a point Rimuru tempest as the chancellor of the great forest of Jura and I also a point Suu tempest as the vice chancellor" this made me and Rimuru freeze in place.

(I'm literally only fourteen I can't be a vice chancellor) I screamed in my head.

"The Jura forest alliance has been formed by Rimuru him self" and with that everyone took a knee before either me or Rimuru could say anything.

(How the hell did this happen. Treyni should be the vice chancellor not me) I say sweating bullets, it seemed Rimuru was having similar thoughts.

"F-fine I guess I could do it.... okay then as your new slime chancellor I'm counting on all of you" Rimuru said nervously. I on the other hand just gave a shy nod.

"Yes sir"