
That Ballon d'Or is Mine!

His purpose? To be the greatest football player to ever exist! Equipped with the [ Football System ], how will he conquer the world? Follow him, an 18-year old scrawny teenager as he transmigrated back to his past. Discover how he became known as the GOAT of Football. Everyone thinks of False 9 and Messi, but have you heard of the False 10? You all know the players that score goals for fun, but do you know that every great goalscorer has a partner in the shadow? You admire the beautiful goals that are created by your team, but have you ever wondered who orchestrated these attacks? He had many nicknames.... The Metronome The Orchestrator The Puppeteer. but he prefers to be regarded as... The Uncrowned GOAT! ~~~ [ Host Recognised ] [ Assimilation Successful ] [ Welcome to the Football System! ] [ Activate? ] [ Yes/No ] ~~~ Check out my other Works: My Football Journey. --- (My Prized Work) That Ballon d'Or is Mine!. --- (Paused atm) Passion: Football Unkindled. --- (Failed book, a learning experiences)

SaltyPineapple · スポーツ
33 Chs

A guilty heart: Am I worthy?


[ Reward: + 25 Player Points ]

[ Bonus Reward: +25 Player Points for Assist ]

[ Player Points: 5190 ]

Kai heard the familiar notification as a series of messages were displayed before him. For a while he ignored the system. He always felt the system presence was a constant reminder of the purpose of his reincarnation, and his inaction towards becoming a professional footballer was like a disappointment towards the system.

He innerly felt unqualified to possess such a strength. He felt like he cheated when he received De Bruyne's vision. If anyone else had his football system, wouldn't they surpass him? He couldn't even dedicate his love and time towards becoming a footballer before his former friends persuaded him, showing admiration at his talent... the talent that was given by the system.

What was he?

Without the system's gift he was nothing. That was why he never dared to use the system as a shorthand to improve his ability. It was nothing more a cheat, a shortcut to success that was unqualified. When others were training their football ability since they could walk, could Kai feel qualified and superior to those around him because of skills the system given him? No. There was no glory, only a guilty heart that didn't dare reveal the truth of his talent.

The team crowded around the park benches as they rested their tired legs. Some players were tired, others chatted about the match. Kai only stood in the background as he observed his so called "teammates". Those individuals have worked tirelessly on the pitch, Kai too was tired. But he wasn't satisfied, he didn't feel right about the fact he deserved a rest. He must work twice as hard. If others run 10 laps, he must run 20 laps. If others spent hours on training, he must spend double the time to show his dedication. Only then would he feel satisfied, only then would he feel he was living up to the expectations he must uphold.

It wasn't only his desire to become the best that made him believe he must put in twice as much effort, it was his inner guilt that he suppressed within. The knowledge that he gotten this far with only a cheat, and that he didn't put up the same dedication as others that pursed to become a professional footballer.

The Paris World games include numerous teams from all over France and international youth sides. With the true enormity of the competition, teams are separated in groups of 4. Only the top team of each group can progress into the knockout stages of the competition. With their side drawing with their first opponent, they are currently lingering in joint 2nd position in the group.

Their next opponent? None other than the group's current 1st place with 3 points, Team A (not their actual name).

Kai stepped onto the pitch for the new match, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. He was determined to make up for his performance in the last game and to create goal-scoring chances for his teammates. They only had a draw, thanks largely to his assist in the dying moments of the match. However, he needed to be focused. No more questioning his worthiness on playing football and dedicating everything in his arsenal to the match at hand.

Their opponent was ready. So too was Kai as he had a hunger within him that needed to be satisfied, a hunger for victory.

The whistle sounded.

As soon as the game started, Kai was in the thick of the action. Kai was a force to be reckoned with in the midfield. He was tireless, industrious, and always working his hardest to make a difference for his team. Even if wasn't physically imposing like Zagadou, even if he wasn't quick off his feet, his commitment to his tackles and sheer intensity of his frantic brutalization was enough to shock opponents and teammates alike.

Even if the opponents found Kai to be nothing more than nuisance, his persistence in harassing whoever had the ball was enough to make every opponent hesitant in their choices. His defensive contribution was massive, but even more important was his offensive output.

With his sharp vision and quick thinking, Kai was able to read the game and anticipate the opponent's moves. He was constantly on the move, tracking back to defend and pushing forward to attack in a calculated manner. His offensive movements were precise and insightful. He was akin to a chess grandmaster, always contemplating multiple steps ahead and constantly trying to outsmart the opponent's defence.

On the right wing was Jean-Kevin Augustin as he dribbled down the flank. He was the Right Winger on Kai's team, one of the many individuals that was assembled together to participate in the Paris World Games Tournament. He penetrated down the wing at a measured pace as he observed the situation. He dribbled for a few steps before a defender tried to wrestle him off the ball.

He confidently dribbled, and before the defender had closed the distance down, Augustin flung the ball into the path of the overlapping Benjamin that played as the Right Back. Receiving the ball, the player immediately crossed the ball into the box with a sharp hook. The ball was whipped as it moved unpredictably.

Estienne was one of the victims of Benjamin's cross. His sudden lack of concentration led to him dozing off during the match. His reaction on one step as he hastily kicked the ball away from the box.

A Bad Clearance.

The defender's clearance was weak as the ball only rolled away on the ground, straight back outside the box where midfielders battled for the ball. However, the sky and navy blue shirt of one player was at the right time and right location to get the ball. Finding himself just outside the box as he found he was in range to have a shot.

Kai received the ball on the edge of the box, and with a burst of speed and a quick change of direction, he left the closet opponent int he dust.

As he closed in on the goal, Kai had a split second to decide what to do. He could shoot, but the angle was tight, and the goalkeeper was well-positioned. Or he could pass, but his teammates were being marked tightly, and there was no obvious options. Even with his in-depth intelligence, he couldn't seen any successful method to goal. He always relied on his teammates to score the goals, he would be the orchestrator of these attacks. But there were no teammates he could find, a sense of doom brew within him.

Kai's teammates had their body hair stood up as they felt a chance coming their way. They eyed their Asian youth as they preyed for a miracle. The audience had one arm raised on the side as they prepared to celebrate with the players. They felt something magical was going to happen, something fated by the heaven.

Zagadou was on his toes as he eyed the player with a vengeance. 'You better impress!"

Kai had his eyes on the ball, his right foot arched back and his body position perfected as he faced the goal. If none were available, wasn't it obvious what he must do? Kai had his body poised for a shot, he sensed the goalkeeper was slightly off-centre in the post. It was only a slight glance but many details flashed before his consciousness, on how the keeper was unbalanced, on how the keeper was positioned poorly.

Kai made his decision.

He shot.

With a desire to apologise for his bad performance last game, he aimed for the top left corner.

The shot soared through the air like a bird taking flight, soaring high above the heads of the defenders and reaching for the heavens. Its trajectory was true and steady, as if guided by the hand of fate itself.

But as it drew closer and closer to the goal, its flight began to falter. The wind caught it and tossed it to and fro, like a ship lost in a stormy sea. Its speed slowed, and its aim became uncertain. Then, with a mighty thud, the shot struck the ground, sending up a cloud of dust and debris. It had missed its mark, sailing wide of the goalposts and into the oblivion beyond.

Kai was miles off his target. He sighed helplessly as he retreated back into position.

The midfielder shook his head at the lack of precision on his shot. He was clearly aiming for the corner, but in reality it was sent straight into the path of the keeper. The opponent's goalkeeper barely had to move! Kai shook his head. If there was one thing he never practised, it was his finishing and long shots. No never thought he would need these skills as street football is played in tight and confined spaces.