
Thank You... (ONE-SHOT)

It's been a few years...

It's been a few years since Lev fell into a coma...

"Hey, Lev, do you even plan to wake up?" I asked Lev as I'm wiping his face, I want to cry, I want to breakdown, but I have to be strong because Lev won't leave me, he will wake up someday you know.

"Do you know? Kuroo and Kenma finally got together, so are Yamamoto and Fukunaga, finally right?" I told him as I laughed a little.

After I finished wiping his body, I sat down beside his bed, and then I held his hand, I brought it up and then I kissed it.

"Do you really plan on sleeping forever?" I asked him while holding my tears back.

If I wasn't foolish that day, would you get into a car accident? It's all my fault

Then the tears that I was holding back finally went out.

"It's all my fault, because of me, you're in this state right now" I cried while holding his hand.

If I didn't fight with him and then ran on the road without thinking, then he wouldn't be in this state

"Lev, come on, please wake up, please," I said while crying

"I don't know what to do If you're not by my side" I begged and cried while clasping his hands.

The very same hands that comforted me whenever I felt down.

If you can hear me, please, I beg you, please wake him up, I don't know what I'll do without him.

I cried and beg on my thoughts hoping that he will wake up indeed.

"I'm going home, for now, Nana and Lina haven't eaten yet so I have to feed them," I told him before I left his room.

When I arrived at our apartment, Nana and Lina came to me at once.

Nana and Lina are cats that we found on our way home one day, we took them in and took care of them.

"Hey, Nana, Hey, Lina" I greeted them, I went straight to the kitchen to get their food, and then I poured it on their bowls.

After feeding the two of them, I went inside our room, then I had a breakdown.

"Lev" I cried as I call Lev's name over and over again.

And then I fell asleep.

"Yaku-san!" I heard Lev's shout as I also heard a loud honk, and then a crash.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Lev, He's on the ground, and there's blood everywhere, I immediately held his face as I shouted his name over and over again.

"Lev!" I shouted his name as I shivered, then the ambulance came.

Before the ambulance took him away, he looked at me, and then he smiled.

"I love you, Yaku-san" He mouthed at me before the ambulance left.

I woke up, with deep breathes.

"It's okay, It's okay" I consoled myself

"Lev is alive, he will wake up," I told myself as I closed my eyes, and then I took several deep breathes.

I got up from the bed and then I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

After I ate I took a bath and then I changed into some clothes and then I went to the Hospital to visit Lev again.

When I arrived at the hospital, I saw Alisa going out of Lev's room, I felt a lump on my throat.

When Alisa saw me, she waved at me, and then she patted me on the back.

"Don't worry so much, Lev will wake up, who knows right? he might wake up soon" She told me, and then she smiled, a smile that gave me relief.

"Thank you," I told her trying my best to show her a smile.

She then said goodbye since she still has work to finish.

I went inside the room and then I sat beside Lev.

"Lev, I'm here again..." I told him while trying to smile sweetly.

"When will you ever wake up? I hope it's soon, my birthday is near you know" I told him while stroking his face.

"I-I hate to celebrate my birthday without you, so please wake up soon," I told him trying my best to smile.

I spent the time talking to Lev, stroking his face, or holding his hands.

When Alisa arrived, I went home after saying goodbye to her.


1 week later

It's my birthday today, and I don't feel glad at all.

Why would I be glad If Lev isn't here with me?

As usual, I got dressed, left some food for the cats, and then I went to the Hospital.

As I walk towards his room I felt my steps getting heavier...

When I got in front of his room, I took a deep breath before entering.

And when I entered...

My eyes widen because of what I saw when I entered his room...

My Lev...






My Dearest Lev...






He's finally awake...

When he turned his head and when he saw me, he smiled, and it's the prettiest smile that I have ever seen.

"Hi, Yaku-san, Happy Birthday," He told me while smiling

I felt something warm on my cheeks.

He's awake! He's finally awake!

I walked towards him, I held his face and then I smiled while crying.

"Took you long enough, you Idiot" I cried and then I hugged him.

Thank you, Lev, Thank you for waking up...

Another fanfic for todayy!! So guys mind recommending the next couple or an anime for the next fanfic? Just put it in the comments!! Thank you!

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