
Thank you! Mama

A mother fighting strongly against her husband family and challenges to rise her children to their dreams

wisdom_udex · 歴史
6 Chs


It been two week the kidnapper's called. God I don't know how my kids are doing,,, ohhh this time i and my son goes to train but now his not here tell my how I can go without him and my daughter she should be crying a lot,,, she can't stay without me by her side.

God please I still look up on you to grant my prayer for me, let my kids be set free, stay and healthy. This a month that my kids are missing, people are saying all sort of nonsense in their mouth but I still believe they're alive. All i need from you is to save my children.

After a while I made the prayer my phone started ringing.....

Hello please who is this….

Hope you have missed your children for a long time right???

Begging bitter….. please tell me all you need from me and promise I will do it,,, I only want to be with my children.

I heard you and your family are fighting for a property your husband left behind,, I understand you're going through a lot but that's not our business. You will give us a sum of 300million dollars if you want to see you kids again.

300million what!!!!!!? That's a lot and how you I get that sum of money when you throughly know that I'm still not in position of the property's and company,,,, all I have is 100million dollars please accept it.

He cut the call…..

My heart raced as i stood alone in the field, my eyes scanning frantically for any sign of my kid. The warm afternoon had turned eerily silent, save for the rustling leaves and the sound of my own shaky breath. Just moments ago, they had been playing near the field said by the teachers, their laughter echoing through the air. But now, all that remained was the haunting void of their absence.

Every parent's worst nightmare had become my reality. As panic surged within me, My mind raced through a blur of emotions. Fear, anger, and desperation intertwined as i called out My children name again and again, the echo fading into the emptiness around me.A frantic call to the police had them scouring the area, their flashlights cutting through the gathering darkness.

My Agony of Loss

Days turned into weeks, and the once-vibrant woman now moved through life like a ghost. My days were a haze of unanswered questions, sleepless nights, and an unrelenting ache in my heart. The world had lost its color, replaced by a monochrome existence that mirrored the despair she felt within.

My relationship with myself , was strained under the weight of their shared grief. My moments of connection were few and far between, often overshadowed by the unspoken guilt each felt over Our kids disappearance. Friends and family tried to offer solace, but the void left by my missing children seemed impossibly vast.

My Ray of Hope

Months turned into a year, and then another. Just as I was teetering on the brink of despair, a call came that shattered the silence. My children had been found – disoriented and alone in a distant city, my memories of the past year a jumble of fragmented images. The news was both a blessing and a challenge, as I grappled with the reality of my children return after so long.

Reuniting with My children was a mixture of overwhelming joy and heartbreaking sadness. The little boy and girl i had known had changed – their innocence stripped away by an experience he couldn't fully comprehend. Together, i began the slow process of rebuilding their shattered lives. They recovery was marked by therapy sessions and countless conversations, their eyes reflecting a pain that no child should endure.

The Journey of Healing

As time passed, the scars of My kids ordeal began to fade, though they would never fully disappear. I found strength in my shared determination to give my kids a life filled with love and security. They resilience amazed them, their spirit gradually mending as they reclaimed their place in their lives.

I advocacy for missing children grew stronger in the wake of my own experience. I channeled my pain into a fierce determination to support other families facing similar trials. Through speaking engagements and support groups, i offered a glimmer of hope to those who felt lost in the darkness of uncertainty.

New Beginnings

Years later, as the sun set on a warm summer evening, I stood with My children on the same field grounds where their nightmare had begun. The once-familiar place had transformed from a haunting memory into a symbol of their unbreakable bond. My kids laughter once again echoed through the air as the played with newfound friends, a testament to their remarkable resilience.

I watched, my heart swelling with gratitude. The journey from despair to hope had been a tumultuous one, marked by tears and triumphs. As the stars began to twinkle in the sky, i knew that their story was one of strength, love, and the unshakable power of a mother's enduring devotion.

In the end, I had learned that even in the darkest of times, there was a glimmer of light waiting to guide my way. And as i looked at my kid , their eyes alive with the joy of childhood, i knew that their story was far from over – it was a story of rebirth, of finding solace amidst the shadows, and of embracing the beauty that comes after the storm.

But now I have found my children again. I have to focus more on them so that want happen won't repeat itself again.

It been years and I'm still fighting for the case with my in-laws,,, no judge have concluded on what and who win the case. I have showed lot of evidence and stated the fact on how all this property are bought and who's money too.

What the lawyers do is to collect money for them not me because I don't pay for such,,, I trust my lawyer and I believe in him so much that I decide to pay his what my husband do pay his brother monthly and I have taken him as part of my family.