
Thalias Beast

Thalia is an independent woman living a regular life as a tourist guide in the Philippines. Growing up away from her parent's superstitious beliefs & traditions, She became used to being just the typical and normal person-- or so she thought. Until an incident happened in Monaco which will take her own life. But little did she know that fates has realigned her path the moment she set her foot back to the world of living. Incarnating an ancient demi Goddess, Thalia has risen with a purpose to restore the failing balance of heaven & earth, as well as to rekindle an old impermissible romance from centuries past. Determine to find other answers from all the weird stuff happening around her, Thalia will soon find out how once an old myth binds her fate with her most hated man, Stefano - a man fighting over his beast inside from wanting to devour her.

Amedrianne · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 9


My head is still blank and thinking how on earth did he find me. Until I realize he is still on the other end of the line, "you might be wondering how I come across to finding where you're, right?" he asks which of course I wasn't able to answer back.

I just keep having simultaneous breathing which is very noticeable for him.

"Oh and by the way, I hope you liked the flowers. They are very perfect aren't they? Their scent reminds me of some elements from your scent. Would love to smell it again,"

Blinking twice as normal, I tried to answer him back, "I don't know how did you find me but—"

But he interrupted me saying, "—but what? I'm curious, what you're going to do now." I heard him barely chuckle before adding, "You see, it wasn't so hard finding you, darling, especially when you took something from my possession. Thanks to you, it didn't take much time for me to locate where you are."

"I don't know what you're talking about. What did I take from you?"

"You will know very soon, very…very soon, darling." His parting words ended with the other end beeping a note that he had already hang up.

With much paranoia, I redialed the number but to my surprise, the number was already incorrect. He immediately terminated the number so I could not call him back.

Later that noon, I called for Emalia and told her I needed help. I can't stay in my apartment because of this creepy stalker. And I don't even wish to stay at home with my parents. First, because I don't want them to get involve and two, I don't wish to be a burden for them again.

Emalia is so generous to welcome me into their home. She's staying with her stepmother and two younger stepsisters. This isn't the typical Cinderella story though. She is loved and cherished by her stepmother. Emalia's biological mother died when she was young, her dad remarried and currently, he is working abroad to sustain the education of Emalia's two younger stepsisters.

"You sure it's fine if I stay here until I get a new apartment?" I couldn't remember how many times I asked her this, but uncertainty still makes me feel unease to stay with them.

Emalia assured me again for the nth time that it's alright saying, "Mama Celia is actually excited to see you again she even baked you an egg pie." And she giggled right after saying it.

I chuckle replying, "Egg pie's my favorite,"

The pie's aroma is already luring me inside. Emalia gave me a 'see-i-told-you' grin before opening the door for us. Across the door is her stepmom carrying a handful tray of the freshly baked pie. I've been very close to Emalia's family ever since we started working and living together as roommates at the employees' quarters.

I used to remember how Mrs. Cardoso used to check on Emalia every night through Skype or Viber. She never shown Emalia less of affection, something she wasn't able to experience from her biological mother. Mrs. Cardoso shares fare square of attention with Emalia and her two younger step-sisters.

"I heard we'll have you around so I baked your favorite," she greeted me with a cheerful glee.

"Thank you but you shouldn't have troubled yourself, Mrs. Cardoso." I said back.

"Oh, just call me auntie." She responds back. "Emalia, I placed the extra beddings on your room for Thalia. If she still needs extra pillow—"

I interrupted Mrs. Cardoso for her overwhelming hospitality when I chimed, "—I think it's okay, I can manage with just one pillow and the beddings. There is no need to stress much."

Both of them synchronically look at me in laughter, and then Mrs. Cardoso said, "Just tell me if you needed anything. I'll just prepare your hot bath," she heads toward their bathroom right after.

If there is more bothering than the shameless idea of living with them for a while, it's their hospitality. It's too overwhelming.

"You never said your house runs a five star hotel service," I teased on Emalia right after we enter her room.

"I know right," she even seconded it.

I smirked at her before replying, "I'll make sure to rate it five star after I check out then,"

And we just both chuckled as we empty our hands from my handbags. I only packed a few clothing, enough for a day or two until I find a new place to stay. It was relaxing to finally get freshen' up after the warm bath that Mrs. Cardoso prepared for us. I appreciate even the egg pie we had after supper.

"…so you are saying that you met this stalker when we were in Monaco? Is that why you keep on missing out our itinerary?" Emalia immediately weights her hands on her side hips as she raises me an eyebrow.

I continued doing my bed as she gives me that poor show. She won't be able to sustain it for long. Knowing Emalia, I could count to five and she would quickly change her mood before I could even hop in to three.

"Would you care to sit down first and let me tell everything?" I told her as I sit on the mattress from the floor, adjacent to Emalia.

Defeated, Emalia obliged and set herself on her bed.

"I don't know if Gab is lying but what I'm about to tell you is what really happened in Monaco."

"Tell me then,"

I sigh, "I met perfume maker that's why I got invited into the auction, remember that night before the event when we both talked?"

She just nods.

And so I continued, "She is a human trafficker, she sold me by bringing me into that event telling me it was the perfume I made that she wanted to put on the auction, but no, it's not—it was me." Giving more emphasis on the word, me.

"And the person who bought you was the stalker? He's the one who's sending you those flowers?" Emalia's forehead furrows, when she blurted this question.

"That's what he said when he called me."

"He called you? How did he got your number?"

"I don't have any idea as well."

"Thalia, this is a serious life-threatening case. You should report it to the police and let them do some action about it."

"I know, but I don't even know his name, how on earth will I report him? I don't know where he is or if he is just around me. He could be there outside and I'm still unaware for pete's sake." I tried to lower my voice despite the trembling fear that has slowly succumbs me once more.

Emalia rose up to sit beside and comfort me. "Calm down, you'll get through this. I'm sure we'll find something that could help you trace him. We'll ask the other two tomorrow for help."

"No—don't tell them yet. I don't want the news to break out into the town and reach my family. It's better if it's between the two of us, please?"

Emalia agreed with a nod. "Is that why you've been upset and uncomfortable these past few days? As a matter of fact, you've been like that for the past weeks since we arrived from Monaco."

"Actually, there is something more. I'm not just sure if you'll be ready to understand."

"I'll try keeping up,"

I nod and thought about twice and thrice if it's the right thing to tell Emalia. She might probably think I'm hallucinating, or worst is that she might think I'm already losing my mind.

While Emalia's eyes are still glued at me, I inhaled a heavy load of air to release it short moment before I parted my lips to speak, "I tried to run away from the auction the moment I learn about me becoming the collateral. I was running anxiously and endlessly fast as I could away from the event, when I wondrously got myself lost into some kind of an outskirt of Monte Carlo. There I got cornered and robbed, and someone also took my life." I paused and breathed heavy.

"I saw my afterlife caught in between death and living, Emalia. I was in the afterlife, wondering what will come next. I know I'm starting to sound really weird, I will not convince me but I was brought back to life by some elemental beings who wants me fulfill a prophecy."

"Thalia, I'm trying my best to understand you, yet I won't lie that the things you've mentioned are pretty much hard to believe. We all saw the footage and clips from Gab. But this doesn't mean that I won't believe you. You never lied to me, you are always true to your words."

"Thank you, Emalia."

Her words were enough for me to calm down a bit. Finally, there is one person on this earth that believes in me—at least.

"What are your plans now though?" she suddenly asked. Emalia's fingers where intertwined and gently clashing one another.

My fingers run through my scalp brushing off my hair as I tilt my chin towards the ceiling, "I'm not yet sure about that part," I said and then I sigh before closing my eyes to think.

There was really nothing going inside my head except for the fact that I'm now in danger because of the stalker who recently found out where I am.

I am at the moment of pondering what to do next when Emalia startled me with a nudge, "I know what to do," she said looking like someone with a bright bulb above her head.

Confused, I tried to ask her what and she answered, "We will seek someone who can help you. Someone that is capable of giving answers about these weird elemental things."

"Who is it?" I asked.

Emalia gave me an assuring smile, "A faith healer," she answered.

What? Does Emalia think I'm being enchanted to seek for a faith healer's help?


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