


Caleb Lemiere

I was watching my TV when suddenly the doorbell rings. I checked it through my TV and it's Serena. I unlocked the door and let her in. I got up from my sofa and saw her in her black shorts and white muscle tee. Oh Serena, why do you always try to torture me just by the way you dress?

/"Hey babe, I bought you some McDonalds./" She said as she put the plastic bag on the kitchen table. I back hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

/"Thanks and I'm ready to cook the steak./" I said as I walked to the fridge to take out the meat. I took out the pan and put it on the stove.

/"So excited!/" She squealed as she stood beside me. I picked her up, making her sit on the table beside the stove so she could watch me cook.

/"I'm so hungry, I just got out of the base./" She said as she crossed her legs.

/"That explains your shirt./" I said as I put some peppers and salt to the meat.