
Teyvat Film Studio

WARNING: Harem SOURCE: Genshin Impact ● Finding himself thrown into a world he knew very little about, Yuito begins his adventure in this mystical world not by fighting monsters, not by exploring the continents, but by starting up a film studio! Perhaps he had drawn the short end of the stick, but he didn't care, he was going to make use of this system of his in whatever way he could. If that means introducing anime and more to this backwards world, then so be it. "Hey, have you heard of that new shop? What was it again..." "XTreme Productions? Who hasn't heard of it?!" "I go there every day! I heard the owner is broadcasting the next episode of One Piece today!"

QuantumCypher · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Mondstadt's Film Studio

Making this story as a Harem since I had decided to change my mind on the Harem route in my other story, so this is a 'redemption' fanfic of sorts in that regard if you catch my drift. In any case, I hope you enjoy it, this idea just came to me on a whim.


XTreme Productions.

That was the name Yuito had decided to call his new business here in Mondstadt, and yes, it wasn't exactly the most original name he could have thought of, but he honestly didn't really care all too much. If it worked, then it worked.

Ever since he had woken up in this world, the first thing he noticed was the new room he had woken up in. The place looked like your modern-day film studio, on the much smaller side though, and it came equipped with all the necessary equipment such as film cameras, lighting, microphones and more.

He wasn't ignorant of this world though, at least to some degree.

When he found out that he was in Mondstadt of all places, it didn't take long for him to connect the dots. He had been literally isekaied into that one gacha game he used to play. Genshin Impact was its name, and it was a game he both hated yet loved at the same time.

Hated because he had spent more money on the game than he was proud to admit, and he loved the game because of the style of gameplay as well as the open-world exploration. He always did have a certain love for exploration games. He was only a casual player though, his progress through the game was much slower compared to others, that being that he had yet to even step foot into Inazuma.

In any case, before this continues, a little description is in order.

Yuito was a young man no older than eighteen, he had a lean yet athletic build, which was the result of him going to the gym every week for most days. He had a fair complexion which contrasted rather well with his straight night-black smooth hair, along with having a pair of sharp blue eyes that he had inherited from his mother's genes.

At this current moment, Yuito was sitting at the front desk of the building he now owned, his legs kicked up on the front smooth white desk as he seemed to be fingering something... okay, that could be better worded. He was currently swiping through the system, that's what I'm getting at.

'Alright, let's see what this system has got for me. It may not be something like the gamer, but it's still a system. I just gotta be optimistic.' With this in mind, Yuito searched through this strange system he had been gifted by whatever R.O.B entity out there. 'A Film Studio system, pretty bizarre...'


『Film Studio System』

➤ Studio Branches

➤ Skills/Abilities

➤ Inventory

➤ Current Quest


『Film Studio System - Mondstadt Branch』

➤ Studio Details

➤ Available Films


Yuito had taken note of how it specifically stated that this section was for the 'Mondstadt Branch', which meant that he could possibly branch out to other nations in the future. That was a thought for the future though, he was focusing on the present for now.


『Mondstadt Branch - Studio Details』

➤ Studio Level: 1

➤ Total Customers: 0

➤ Total Income: 0 Mora

➤ Total Cinema Rooms: 2 - [Seats Per: 100]

➤ Total Private Booths: 20


Yuito had already explored the entire building prior to viewing the system, so he was well aware of the cinema room as well as the private booths. The cinema room was located underground along with the private booths, and the private booths were essentially those rooms you could rent in a manga cafe.

In this case, just like those cafes of similar nature, people who rent a booth could watch whatever anime series or something he would release on their own or with their own little group. From what he could estimate, at most three or four people could comfortably occupy one of the twenty rooms each.

Though if what he understood was correct, the advantage of renting a private booth was that you could watch any prior episodes of a series whenever you wish. The cinema room would have a specific episode being aired for the masses, so if you didn't get to watch a prior episode... too bad.


『Mondstadt Branch - Available Films』

➤ None


This was pretty self-explanatory.

This was just the list of films/series he had available to show, and as you could see, he was as empty as empty could be in this regard. He wasn't deterred though, he could unlock different anime series and more from quests, and if he wasn't mistaken, he could even attempt to make his own real-life action or animated series using the computers and filming equipment.

Of course, the second option would take much more time compared to doing a quest, though that entirely depended on the nature of the quest he was given and how much time it would take for him to even complete it.

Speaking of quests...




『Quest Completed』

➤ Objective: Explore all of XTreme Productions as well as the Film Studio System


➤ Film Token

➤ Skill Token


『Claim Rewards Now? (Yes/No)』

Without a single bit of hesitation, Yuito tapped his finger on the 'Yes' option.

As soon as he did, three lights formed just above his desk that soon condensed before the sound of something, or somethings in this case, dropping onto the desk. Looking down, Yuito saw two rather odd-looking coins now flat on his desk.

"They're coloured differently, but which token is which?" Yuito muttered to himself as he picked up both of the coins. They were pure gold around the edges, but one had its faces coloured red while the other had green. 'Might as well just use one, but what am I supposed to do exactly?'

Inspecting both tokens for a moment, Yuito shrugged before deciding to flip one of the coins up into the air. After completing a few rotations in the air, the token seemingly shattered into p[articles of pure light before completely disappearing, that was when a new notification sounded.

『Skill Token Consumed』

『Obtained: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (Proficiency: Master)』

Before Yuito could even process what he had been given, his eyes widened as he brought both his legs down from his desk. With one hand, he gripped his head while the other firmly supported his body by gripping the edge of the desk.

At this moment, Yuito felt an unbelievable wave of information rush into his brain, it felt as if a massive hurricane was raging through his brain. The pain he felt was unimaginable, but he didn't even seem to register that sensation as his attention was completely on the information he was receiving.

This lasted for only a few seconds before Yuito felt his body collapse back into his chair.

"Holy...shit!" He couldn't help but curse under his breath as he could feel a drop of sweat rolling down the side of his face. "I was not at all prepared for that... this martial art, the pride and joy belonging to Bang, huh? Interesting!"

Just as Yuito said, the information he had received was all regarding the martial art known as the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, the signature martial arts style of Bang from OPM. Probably due to the high proficiency, the amount of knowledge he received was quite grand.

He understood it all.

The technique, the training, the purpose.

All of this was given to him just like that. The knowledge of how to properly train one's body beyond human limits, along with the already mastered technique of the fighting style. Yuito couldn't help but laugh, the system truly is a powerful existence.

'I guess I better start training, it's gonna be hell compared to what I'm used to, but it'll all be worth it. I may have the masterful knowledge behind how to perform all of the techniques, but what's the point of knowing it if I can't even put them into practice?'

Whether or not Yuito would be able to even come close to the physical prowess of the likes of Bang or Garou was the real question, the humans of that world were just built fucking differently. In any case, he had the proper training regime given to him, so like hell was he going to put it to waste.

'For now, let's check out this other stuff. Might as well flip the other coin.'

After shaking his head to rid himself of any residual pain, he picked up the remaining coin before flipping it up in the air. Just like before, the coin shattered into particles of light before completely disappearing from the place.

『Film Token Consumed』

『Obtained: One Piece (Anime Series)』

"One Piece? Been ages since I last watched that..." Yuito couldn't help but mutter in surprise once he saw the notification. The only reason he had stopped watching was because of just how long it was, and don't get him wrong, he loved the series up to what he had seen. His life just wasn't free enough for him to put time into watching it. 'I guess this is an opportunity to catch up with what I've missed. It's been a long time though, so perhaps watching it from scratch would be a good idea.'

Aside from himself, Yuito was curious about how the people of THIS world would react to the series. Unlike Teyvat, the One Piece world didn't have Archons or Visions to give people powers. They instead thrived off Devil Fruits as well as the ability to use Haki.

In any case, all he could hope for was that it would be viewed well. After all, people tend to be afraid of things they are unfamiliar with, so the introduction of the One Piece series could go either way with the people of Teyvat.

"First things first though... I need to figure out how to actually play the damn thing."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

QuantumCyphercreators' thoughts