
Chapter 3: Well... that was was interesting.

"Welcome to Sarah Washington's school of Sorcery. I am Jessica L. Butterworth I am the Dean, We have a lot of new young faces here at the academy!"

Just then a student throws an empty tuna can at the stage.

"You're so cool!" some kid with an edgy early 2000's emo hairstyle yells.

"Haha. very funny. Who did that?"

"Get on with it already!"

The tuna can than splits in half, and a homeless man grows out of the can fully clothed with a shit stain running down his pants.

"At least I got chicken", the homeless man pulls out a can of tuna.

"This chicken tastes like fish", Says the homeless man.

"Ah... it's one of those schools", Teruto said quietly in her head.

"Get to your first period classes. I don't feel like doing this."

The Dean then lights up a blunt, lights it and walks off stage through a portal of smoke from her mouth.