
Terror Of The Living Dead

A global catastrophe breaks out, leaving the world helpless and determined to survive. The world is now surrounded by apocalyptic threats and there's no way to escape; no one's certain the government would come to their rescue. Emily is locked up in the world's famous restaurant with her insufferable colleague-miserably weak and slow. Her only chance of survival is to cooperate with him. Even if she want to swallow her pride, she isn't sure if her suffering is indeed safer than all the living dead outside. Ted Oliver, the most arrogant and obnoxious human. He goes out of his way to survive which implies killing everyone he found as a threat or easy target. When his secrets is on the verge of being exposed, Ted kills Mr. Christopher, one of the shareholders of Prestige Restaurant. He thinks of a way to survive with an helpless Emily crawling up behind him for protection. In a quest to survive new relationships are formed, trust are restored and unbroken homes are being repaired. Everyone must learn to watch their backs and stab their best friend when the time for survival suffice. Emily must learn to put up with the one man she vowed to never see again after her boyfriend betrayed her and let her to die.

NuellaDuru · 都市
20 Chs

Chapter 18

Jada hurled the machete around and removed the head of the living dead. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I thought it was dead."

       "And it wasn't." Before Inspector Fred could raise the machete, he jerked away. "I'm not losing another part of my body! What's the point of being alive if I'm going to be bedridden? Let me just die in peace."


       "Jada, now you can only worry about Antonio. No need to get me medicine. And, Antonio never cheated on you. He's always loved you." Mum. I wish I could talk to you right now. "This is the best thing that's happened to me. I wasn't sure how I was going to continue life without Ken. Everything happens for a reason, right?"

       "We need to go. I don't think it's gonna rain much."

       "Stay alive till we return. I'm sure the guys have something they want to tell you." She ran out after Dare.

       "Um, hey kid, do you want me to um...kill you?" Inspector Fred faltered.

       "Not really. I've always loved watching zombie movies and I wished I could be one someday. It was the giddiest thing to wish for then but when I think of it now, I'm sure I'll be a cool zombie. Just do me one favor, before I attack any of my friends, kill me first. I don't want to be that friend. And, Dare is a nice guy. You have a friend. Don't carry that burden alone." 

       "Sure." He patted the boy on the shoulder and ran out quickly.

       "Diego, I saw what you did earlier." His comments flew in just as Diego was about to step out. "When y'all came in I thought you were mysterious. I started keeping an eye on you. Look, I don't know why you unlocked the door or why you wanted Inspector Fred dead and also why those demons didn't bite you."


       "Yeah. When I was on the bathroom floor being attacked, I saw how those ghouls ran past you and came towards me. I'm sure you know what's going on but I won't judge you. I trust you. Diego, you're a good person. No one's bad. They just need to improve."

       He nodded in agreement then stepped out. Bobby picked up the knife and was about to stab himself when Diego rushed in again. "Seriously? You told Inspector Fred not to kill you."

       "I didn't want him to feel peccant. Did you forget something?"

       Geez. I spent too much time with them. "Here." he placed a cupcake in his hand. "You wanted to eat. You can have this before dying."

       "You had cupcakes all this time!"

       Just got it from the trash can outside. "Eat up now."

       "Geez. You are too generous. And just so you know, I meant that as sarcasm." What did he even put in the cupcake? It tastes like garbage and syrup. "Are you trying to poison me before I die? How thoughtful."

       "You're a nice guy. There are abandoned cars on the street. I'm sure you'll figure out a way to unlock one. You're a smart guy."

       Did he just? He blinked nonstop, as if still in shock. "There's an antidote for what's going on!"

       "There was."

       "Why would you give it to me if it's the last?"

       "You're a nice guy."

       "You are so fatuous. I haven't met anyone as absurd as you." He broke down in tears, hitting and punching Diego. "Why me? If you had it the whole time why didn't you give it to Ken?"

       Diego adjusted his shirt, glanced outside then paced around the room anxiously. "When we arrived Ken had already died. That wasn't him anymore. And, even if I arrived earlier, I wouldn't have given the last antidote to a guy I barely knew. No one's ever understood me the way you did. You're a nice person, Bobby. Is it okay if I call you, Meatball?"

       "You just saved this useless soul. Of course. Only my good buddies call me that. You are now my friend. I don't get it still. You love Jada so why didn't you give it to her?"

       "Already did. The water from earlier." He gestured.

       No wonder. I didn't notice that. "Dare is lucky then. If only he drank that water before he was propelled to lose a finger."

       "Nah. Dare was fine before he took the water."

       "Yeah. That's because he lost a finger." He did something wrong but also saved my life. It's all because of him thousands of lives have been destroyed. I can't even report him even if I have to. "If you're good then why? What did California do to deserve this punishment?"

       "If I told you I wasn't responsible and I have no idea what's going on would you believe me?"

       Bobby shook his head.

       He nodded and then embraced Bobby before racing out of the office.

       What exactly is going on? His eyes showed he was being sincere but his actions before said a different thing. If he isn't responsible, why did he unlock the door and also try to kill Inspector Fred? Is there something he's trying to protect that is somehow linked to what's happening? Zombies don't just come out of nowhere. This is real life. There's an explanation and I'm certain he knows. But why do I suddenly feel like I'm accusing him after looking into his eyes? Am I being selfish by not wanting to report him? Don't answer that, conscience. It's not my fault. The guy just saved my fucking life.

       "I need some air. I can go around freely; As soon as I figure out how to walk on one leg for more than 15 minutes." The only antidote? This means there's someone who can make a cure. Why didn't I think of this early? I can't leave California. I need to help my friends. I'm sure whoever's responsible would not like the idea that I outlived due to their antidote. They are going to try to kill me to hide their dirty secrets. They must be watching California like a movie right now.

       While walking around the room like a confused old man, he stumbled across Dare's finger. His first instinct was to rush into the bathroom and vomit even if it meant losing consciousness. While grumbling and sighing uncontrollably, he picked up the finger and was about to throw it away when he saw a faded writing by the side. "4514." It's the same number on Diego's phone. Isn't it too much of a coincidence? "Now I get it! This is why it looked familiar. Ken had the same number tattooed on his finger. That's exactly why he said I shouldn't forget it. I could be a hero. Was Ken also a part of this? What's going on? "This isn't right. Ken wouldn't hurt anyone." Are Antonio, Nelson, and Michael also a part of this? Who exactly is the real monster here? The living dead outside or the humans pretending to be Angels around us? Dare. Inspector Fred's life is in danger. I can't believe I advised him to trust the one person he shouldn't trust.

       "This is the wire. I'm confident." Nelson whispered. A pair of scissors was passed to him which he used in cutting the red wire into two. Michael signaled to them that the lights had gone off. "How do we get in without a light?" I should have thought this through. I hope Ken is still alive. There's a lot I need to tell him.

       "You said you've been to Prestige Restaurant before," Antonio asked while counting the living dead outside the security post. "You should know the way in and out. How are their seats and tables organized?"

       "That question would be extraneous if there are living dead in there."

       "Hold on, they are running away. What's going on? Do you think they're going to take a nap somewhere?" Michael asked inquisitively.

       "That's the stupidest thing I've heard." Antonio turned off the touch as he moved slowly to the door. "It's probably the rain. It's summer and it's raining. It's a miracle." Well, that's taken care of. Now we just have to think of how to get past the monsters in Prestige Restaurant.

       "If we open the door do you think the monsters would scurry away like the others?"

       "Nelson, those things are running away from the rain. If you open that entrance door, they won't come out. Rather, the ones outside would run in." I guess, we have no other option. "We'll have to run. Once we get to the door, run till you get upstairs. They can't see in the dark but their ears are as sensitive as their noses. The only option we have is to run till we get to the room after the elevator."

       "How do we know we've arrived at our destination without a touch?"

       "Nelson, I dunno. You've been to Prestige before."

       "I'm scared. What if I get terrified and forget what to do? I can't take the lead. You know what ensues when I get edgy." I can't do this. If anything should go wrong I won't forgive myself.

       Micheal turned and gave a periodic smile. He's at it again. He's so cute when he does that face.

       Antonio almost laughed. Nelson's seemed to think his friends didn't care about him. He stuck his nose in the air and said, "Are you alright, Kiddo?"

       Nelson studied the photographs in his locket, remembering the ferocious pain and the agonizing humiliation he felt that day.

       "Do you still miss him?"

       "Not as much as I hate him for leaving."

       "If you hate him so much it means you still love him." Michael leaned forward intently. "I'm sure he had a good reason for leaving?"

       Good reason? he gave a lopsided grin. "What kind of reason does he have? He left his only brother. Niall meant the world to me and he knew this. It hurts that after knowing this he still left. I can't tell if I resent him or miss him. It's too much for me." He clutched his shirt, sobbing profusely. 

       On the small table was the letter Ken gave to Michael. He opened it and read, Hey guys, knowing y'all has been the greatest gift life's ever given me. If there's anything like a second world, I won't return if you guys ain't there. Our lives would change sooner or later. If you're reading this it means our lives have changed already. I hope y'all stick together like you've been doing. Nothing's going to be alright. No matter how you try, no one would survive. Just don't give up before dying. Stay strong and together always. May 16th, 2022.

       "What does this mean?" Antonio read the letter and passed it to Nelson. Awe transformed their faces. "Does this mean, Ken knew all along? And I thought he only betrayed our team but he betrayed his country!"

       "When you said you've forgiven him were you lying as well?" Nelson deadpanned. "You're worst than him if that's the case." How can one forgive someone and still hold until their fault? "I still trust Ken. He betrayed our team, so what? Ken wouldn't hurt anyone even his enemy."

       "Michael, Nelson is right. I'm sure there's an explanation for this letter." May 16th, 2022. That's the day Ken went missing and was seen three days later. Why did he put that date here? "Meatball is the smart one. Let's get food quickly and go talk to him about this. We shouldn't draw conclusions from a letter."



       A glance indicated that the outside was clear. Michael tiptoed out, Nelson and Antonio falling behind. Their plan had changed. He agreed to go first after getting directions from Nelson.

       Antonio was about to pocket the letter when the rain washed off Ken's writing. He stopped in the rain and stared at the letter. "Crystal Lab?"

       "What did you just say?" Michael paused. His eyes widened as he held his dagger firmly.