
Terror Of The Living Dead

A global catastrophe breaks out, leaving the world helpless and determined to survive. The world is now surrounded by apocalyptic threats and there's no way to escape; no one's certain the government would come to their rescue. Emily is locked up in the world's famous restaurant with her insufferable colleague-miserably weak and slow. Her only chance of survival is to cooperate with him. Even if she want to swallow her pride, she isn't sure if her suffering is indeed safer than all the living dead outside. Ted Oliver, the most arrogant and obnoxious human. He goes out of his way to survive which implies killing everyone he found as a threat or easy target. When his secrets is on the verge of being exposed, Ted kills Mr. Christopher, one of the shareholders of Prestige Restaurant. He thinks of a way to survive with an helpless Emily crawling up behind him for protection. In a quest to survive new relationships are formed, trust are restored and unbroken homes are being repaired. Everyone must learn to watch their backs and stab their best friend when the time for survival suffice. Emily must learn to put up with the one man she vowed to never see again after her boyfriend betrayed her and let her to die.

NuellaDuru · 都市
20 Chs

Chapter 14

   The silence around them shattered as Emma observed Lizzy for a lengthy period of time while stroking her chin. "You're Lizzy, right?" She asked and crawled up to her.

       Lizzy nodded. She fell back on the floor, legs up.

       "Can you tell me a story?"

       A story? I've never told anyone a story in my life. A story. She scoffed. Our lives are already a movie; what more is she expecting? I'm terrified and she's asking for a story. I hope Emily makes it back alive. I don't know how I'll care for this child if something bad happens to them. "I don't know any story. I never read novels and I didn't have grandparents to tell me fairytales like you."

       "Then tell me about when you met the love of your life. It must be exciting. You seem like a nice person so I'm guessing you approached him first."

       Lizzy giggled. She pulled Emma close and gave a tight hug and long-lasting kiss then sat on her legs. I didn't think about it. I should be cherishing good days and not thinking about what's happening now. The love of my life. "It's a beautiful story so listen carefully and visualize it in your head."

       "Is it possible to visualize a story?"

       "Yes. I do it all the time when I read an article about two celebrity lovers. Close your eyes and allow your imagination to do the acting. It all happened six months ago," She started,


       "Hi, I'm Lizzy Gills." She curled her arms.

       "Dave Grande."

       Oh my! It's Dave. The famous chef. I can't believe I'm having a conversation with him. And he's in my restaurant! "What will you like to order?"


       Emma opened her eyes and asked, "What was a famous chef doing in your restaurant? He could have just eaten in his restaurant."

       "I don't know. I didn't ask. Now close your eyes and listen. Don't ask any questions till I'm done. It's a beautiful story that needs to be acted and placed as a Hallmark movie." So,


       "What will you like to order, Dave? I'm sorry, is it okay if I addressed you by your name?" She blushed.

       Dave read through the menu and shook his head. He pointed at his preferred meal then lifted the cup of water and took a sip. When she walked back into the kitchen, he brought out his buzzing phone and answered.

       "He's cute." Her second admired. She winked at him from the kitchen window. "If you ain't interested I can step in. I haven't been in a relationship for two weeks. It's the longest I've stayed single." Her cheeks turned pink when he waved at her.

       "I have a boyfriend. Timothy." Lizzy blanched. She placed the fork and knife by the side of the tray. Folding the napkin, she continued, "He's not going to like it if I cheated on him."

       "I don't get it. So it's okay for him to be unfaithful to you but you can't? That's unfair. This is the 21st century, you can't be in an abusive relationship and keep quiet." She chopped off the veggies angrily.

       Pouring the second spoon of soup into the bowl, she glanced up at Dave. He had his eyes fixed on her the entire time. She turned away shyly and gestured to her co-worker to look up. "He's cute like you said but,"


       "There's the reason."

       Timothy laughed and gently raised his shoulders. Her eyes fluttered open as he tucked his hand under her chin. The co-worker beside her, looked away, cutting the veggies as fast as she could.

       "Were you drooling over another guy?" He leaned forward, intending to kiss her. But her lips were trembling, hands shaking behind her back. Grabbing her by the waist, his mouth met hers. It was the most annoying thing for her. Rough and painful, almost like a needle pierced into her lips.

       "Timothy," She jerked off. "I can't do this anymore."

       "Finally. I thought I would have to knock him out with my frying pan." Her co-worker exhaled. "She's sick and tired of your madness." Her reply was to his next question.

       Timothy pulled Lizzy by the wrist, "So you're breaking up with me? After everything we've been through together."

       "Let go of my hand, Tim. I'm done. I can't continue to pretend to be happy in this toxic relationship."

       "Toxic? I'm doing you a favor by dating you and this is how you repay me. Do you think any man would be foolish enough to put up with seeing your ugly face every day?

       "I would. And she's nothing close to being ugly." Dave corrected. After checking if Lizzy was alright, he advised her to stand behind him.

       She shifted uncomfortably behind Dave, twisting her hands in fear.

       "You're just gonna take my girl away from me in public?"

       "She's not yours. You said no one would be willing to look at her face every morning. But here's a thing, Tim, I'll gladly date this girl and take her home to be my wife on the 23rd of December."

      "What?" Her co-worker's mouth dropped. If their manager hadn't come in, she would have drooled on the food.

       Timothy gazed at them in awe, cursed and yelled then stormed out angrily. Taking her hand in his, Dave stepped out of the restaurant. She didn't know what to say or how to react. Everything felt like a romantic movie. It seemed like the updated version of meet-cute.

       Dave turned around, then apologized, and narrated how the person he was waiting for didn't show up. For a while, Lizzy felt like she was on cloud nine. Maybe everything was destined to happen. "You are a nice person."

       "Let's date." That flew out of her mouth before she could process it. "The girl you loved didn't show up. Let's just date till you finally tell her how you feel. I won't hesitate to leave for her to come in."

       "Isn't that a bit too much? What about you?"

       "Hey. I'll be fine. You just saved me from my nightmare."


       "Did you ever try to find out who his date was?" Emma asked inquisitively.

      Lizzy lay down again and shut her eyes. A smile spread across her face. "No, I didn't. I don't think I even want to know. I'm afraid it might turn me into a bad person if I find out." Dave still thinks of her even to date. I hope I never find out who she is. I'm not a terrible person.

       Everyone has a monster. Timothy was hers. "Timothy was wrong about you. You are very beautiful and smart. He said those nasty things to make you feel little about yourself and not want to leave him. No one's doing you a favor by dating you."

       Wow. I guess we underestimate little children. They are very sensible and good listeners. "Thanks, Emma. I'm very popular on social media. When we get out of here, I'll make sure I introduce you to my fans. You see, it's only a matter of time and you'll be popular too."

       "Yay! Can my grandma be in your video too?"

       If she's alive. "Sure."

       Emma rested her head on her legs. Gazing heavenward, she asked, "If the girl Dave loves, is someone you know and she's about to be taken by the bad guys outside, what would you do?"

       Mr. Larry held out a hand to Jacob. He broke off the cover of a sardine container in the fridge and gave it to him. "AG, we have to draw a plan on how to escape. There's hardly any food left. Sooner or later, Jacob will find out Hannah isn't asleep but dead."

       "Dad, you think I didn't realize that?" She twisted her fingers anxiously. Her forehead furrowed. She drank the last coffee in the plastic cup and then tossed it in the trash can. Just then her weak eyes took notice of their neighbor across their house. He was waving uncontrollably at her as if to draw her attention to him. "Dad, isn't that the new guy that moved into Mrs. Perry's house a month ago?"

       Mr. Larry walked over to the window and returned the guy's hand gesture with a nod. "Him? Oh yes. I saw him earlier when I went to get Jacob's inhaler. He seems like a nice guy."

       "He's trying to say something." Did he just say we should come over? Is he for real? "How do we get past these living dead outside and even in here?"

       "If he says come, it means he has a plan." I hope.

       The man from across their house held out a placard with an inscription saying 'Come over. I have a plan.'

       Aguilera walked back and forth, arms swinging in the air. She paused to stare at her daughter's lifeless body. That vibrant child she used to know was no more. The thought of not having to hear that beautiful voice again pierced her. Her heart ached but she knew better than to cry in front of her son. He wasn't aware and needed not to.

       She didn't get the opportunity to touch Hannah when Jacob called out her name in a low tone. "She's asleep. You said I shouldn't disturb her but you're doing it."

       "I'm sorry."

       "AG, the guy has a gun. He's going to watch our back while we run for his house."

       "I don't know, Dad. I'm having a bad feeling about this." She paced around. "I already lost two. I can't lose another loved one. You and Jacob are the only people I have in this crazy world."

       "My boy," Mr. Larry lifted Jacob. He had no positive response to her fear. "We are going somewhere. See that house over there?" He lifted the child higher.

       Jacob nodded. "Yes. Mr. Jerry. I invited his son to my birthday party. I didn't see him that day though."

       Does he have a son?

       "And a beautiful wife and baby," Jacob answered as if he could read Aguilera's unspoken question. "They are nice people. She gave me some cupcakes that day."

       Why don't I see his wife and kids if that's the case? "Dad,"

       "AG, that's enough. I'm an old man. I don't know how long my feeble legs would be able to run. You and Jacob need someone to rely on."

       "Don't ever say that again. We'll make it out alive together."

       "How many bullets are in your gun?" He asked, turning a deaf ear to her last statement.

       Aguilera pulled the gun from Hannah's hand. Tears shimmered in her eyes. "I have some in my pocket thanks to you."

       "What about Hannah? We can't go without her!" Jacob's bright red innocent face showed how disappointed he was in them. "We can't leave her alone. What if they come for her?"

       "Hey child, Hannah's badly injured. I just called the doctor and he said he's coming with the FBI. If we take her along, she might die on the way. I know, we'll lock the door from outside so those living dead won't come in."

       "Are you certain she's still alive? I haven't seen her sleep this long before. Maybe you should check on her." Is my sister alright? I hope they ain't lying to me. "Mum,"

       "Yes, dear. Hannah is alright." She cleared her throat. "She... she's going to come to us once she gets treated."

       Mr. Larry counted the Living dead in their sitting room through the small opening on the door while Aguilera signaled to the guy to get ready. She drew Jacob very close to her, holding the gun firmly in her left hand.

       Goodbye, Hannah. Tears flowed from his eyes as they ran into the arms of the living dead, fighting and shooting.