
Terror & Joy Marvel/DC

Reporter: October 28th is a time when most civilised cities would enjoy the festivities that is Halloween but this is Gotham. Our not-so-beloved city is more than terrifying when it comes to Halloween, no it's record-breaking when it comes to the sheer number of crimes committed in a single night and these only count the ones reported. But on this terrifying night miracle happened in East End. Last night Park Row was safe, yes the crime alley for one night was crime free. And it wasn't Batman who did it, no it was something else. A pack of mutant-like dogs stormed the streets. What we are about to show is a video taken from an apartment window. Viewer discretion is advised. "Fetch Me Their Souls!!" {AN: This is my first time writing. I wanted to take the gamer system and make it more solid. The system is based on cod games. using perks, skins with abilities, zombies, perk cola and other items.

The_Angle · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

The Small Warrior

A smell of thick smoke and alcohol poised the air as a small boy woke up in a dirty kitchen surrounded by a puddle of water.

His thin frail body was bruised and scarred with trauma. He had long black fuzzy hair that hugged his small frame. His left eye lost its pupil leaving a ghostly white with specks of blue.

As the frail boy woke up his eyes turned cold as the atmosphere around him became heavy. The boy stood up with some difficulty. He then walked out of the kitchen towards the sound of the tv playing. He looked towards the couch to see his drunk father drinking and smoking.

"What do you want?"

The boy didn't reply he just stared at the vile creature that he called "Dad" and steadily moved towards him.

"Not gonna talk? Well, make yourself useful and get me a drink, make sure it's from the back"

The boy made no plans to do as he was told and continued to walk toward his dad.

"Did you not hear me!? Or did that last hit knock you deaf" The man then went to slap the boy around the face

As the hand came sweeping over the boy ducked and threw a punch directly at the man's throat. The man gasped for air as grabbed his throat in a panic.

The boy moved quickly and grabbed a glass bottle from the coffee table before smashing it across the man's jaw.


The man's eyes turn vacant appearing to lose consciousness before his hands grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him towards him. He put a hand around the boy's throat and quickly squeezed to end his son's life.

The boy's face quickly turned red while his eyes calmly stared at the adult man so desperately choking him. The boy promptly drove his palm up and through the man's nose.


After destroying his nose, the boy jumped with the man's hands still around his throat and delivered a sharp knee to the man's sternum. The man once again found trouble breathing as his grip loosened.

Seeing his chance he drove his elbows down onto the man's arms leading to escape. He then grabbed the small metal ashtray and smashed it across the man's temple.

The man's eyes rolled back as his body went loose before falling back into the couch. The boy then fell on his butt while attempting to control his breathing.

He then gave a deep sigh before rummaging through the man's pocket and finding his flip phone and his wallet. He first took out the cash from the wallet and then called the police.

"I'd like to report child abuse. The victim is me my dad is the abuser. I live at East End, Park Row The Johnsons Apartments 16. Where's my dad? He's knocked out on the couch please get here before he wakes up. There isn't anyone else but me here. I can go to my neighbour Margret in flat 15. Okay I'll wait there"

He then left to knock on his neighbour before seeing a 45-year-old chubby lady answer the door.

Margaret quickly pulled the boy into her apartment before looking over him "You poor boy did that rat bastard hit you again? Ah, what happened to your eye and did he strangle you? Let's get you fixed up"

"Thank You," He said while giving a bow

"When did you start bowing, come here" Said Margret while getting out her first aid.

"So tell me what happened to your eye," Asked Margret while applying ointment to his face and neck while passing him a mirror to see the damage.

"I was making pot noodles when he came in and started throwing stuff. Then I remember dropping my pot noodle and then he swiped the toaster onto the floor. I felt my body tighten up before falling and spacing out on the ground"

"The stupid drunk electrocuted you!? That piece of shit. Let me report his ass, I understand him being your only family but he's gonna kill you" Said, Margaret

Giving a nod the boy replied "I already did, the police said to wait here. But what am I supposed to do?"

Margaret gave the boy a light on the cheek and said "Don't be cryptic, if you want me to foster you just say. I've brought you up as a neighbour it makes no difference if the foster title is added"

"Thank You, Auntie," Said the Boy happily before rummaging through his pockets and giving him the money he stole from his dad.

Margaret didn't even hesitate as she took the money and went to the kitchen. She came back with a jar and put the money in "Use this as a piggy bank"

"Thank you"

"Let's make you something that can put some meat on those bones. You can watch tv while waiting"

Shortly after the police came and he gave his statement to Margaret. The police did see the wounds on the dad's face but didn't care much about checking the boy's body.

The police then arrested his father. He went back into his home and ransacked it. He then joined Margaret for dinner before putting the very few valuables that he owned into his room.

Lying down in his new bed he sighed in relief as he organised his thoughts.

'Name Thomas Blair, 9 years old quite frail and has been abused by his father since the day he could talk. The current year 2000 Living condition is poor, not only is he poor but lives in Gotham a city infamous for its crime and to make matters worse his neighbourhood is one of the most dangerous ones in the city'

This was Thomas's fourth reincarnation.

In his first life, he was born as a spartan. Much like the other weak babies, he was sent to drift along a river where he was picked up by a man in rags.

(A.N: I checked, the Spartans didn't drop their babies into a designated pit despite them saying they did. Archaeologists found no signs of baby bones at the said place. Also, this is a work of fiction)

His adoptive father Julius was a one-armed warrior that named him Faunus. Julius taught him to how to fight and survive. The Spartan's elders were not wrong to say he was weak. He is in every sense looked to be a strong warrior but he had terrible stamina that when pushed too far he would pass out. This forced him to develop a fighting style that many warriors looked down upon.

His style of fighting was one supported by tools like flash pellets, chilli water, and poison. He would use flash pellets and chilli water to blind and irritate the skin while using poison-dipped swords and knives that would quickly bring down his enemies.

He became a guard for the village trader and while travelling he searched for a cure for his weak body. Sadly, bandits ambushed him and the trader. He was chased into a temple ruin and stabbed before being left to die as they set the place on fire. Faunus tried his best to crawl out but he had used all his energy.

As he lost consciousness his blood ran along the grooves on the ground before it ran up the walls where the ceiling crumbled revealing the night sky. The sky turned cloudy as the crack of the thunder echoed before a single bolt of lightning struck the dying Faunus. His blood flowed back towards his body before the puncture holes were patched up.

His left eye turned a ghostly white with specks of light blue jumping around. He was blind but also not blind. Everything was black but when he looked down at his hands he saw shades of white and grey representing muscle and blood flow.

Faunus from then on was a new person. He no longer had his illness and could do more than ever but he did not abandon his style of fighting instead he further improved it by adding a new tool called smoke bombs. Using his left eye he became a man that saw through the darkness and fought countless battles that looked to be hopeless and yet he survived.

'Where there is smoke there is the Field Walker. So run and don't look back

The Field Walker.

The title spread quickly with every strong warrior and kingdom yearning to be the one to slay The Field Walker. Despite the sheer number of enemies, he came out of each fight victorious. That was until gods, demons and monsters came for him. They didn't want to kill him they wanted him to be their slave.

He could quite easily deal with mortals but gods, demons and monsters are on different levels. He managed to kill a few from each group before eventually dying in battle.

In his second life, he was William Smith living in England in the modern era. He gained his memories when he was 7 after another lightning hit him. Gaining the same white left eye he had before.

He still had that warrior heart of his and made his life's work to learn more fighting styles and weapon arts not including guns while travelling the world. He learnt many languages and cultures. Apart from fighting, he took an interest in video games. Interest then turned into an obsession.

While learning Krav Maga in Israel he met the love of his life and quickly made a wife of her. They travelled the world together before settling down in Japan with 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl. He died in an earthquake leaving his wife widowed and his children fatherless.

In his third life, he was born as Shamus Greenfall in an old era with magic and monsters. He gained his memories at 2 when he once again was struck by a lightning. He sadly wasn't born with a talent for magic but used magic to enhance his physical abilities. He started doing labour work for his village while becoming an adviser.

It didn't take long before the village made him the village chief at 16. The first thing he understood was that more than anything the village needs to be self-sustaining because the traders were taking advantage of them. Despite knowing this he couldn't just cut traders off instead he would buy a bunch of seeds and books about magic.

He taught the very little modern agricultural and engineering that he remembers. After improving farming and housing he moved on to improving the village's defence. Teaching martial arts, slingshot and crossbow practice became a mandatory morning routine.

He then fortified the village with high walls and traps while also managing to develop a small army. After doing all the necessary things to give the village a chance at surviving he moved on to introducing entertainment like musical instruments, books and sports.

He ran into some conflicts with neighbouring villages and kingdoms. The village was not cut out for all-out war with kingdoms but they up for their lack of numbers in dishonourable tactics like kidnapping, assassination, and traps. The greatest takeaway from the fights was not just the improved trade but the experience of fighting high-level magic users.

He had 5 wives and 17 children at 33 years old and later died at 56 defending the village from a monster hoard.


A.N: This is my first novel so you'll have to forgive me if the writing feels odd and hectic I failed my English and rely mostly on the very little writing knowledge I've seen. If there are any mistakes please say and if you enjoyed just comment on it