
Terrarian in the Dungeon

Watch as this Jake is thrown into Danmachi with the ability to make Terraria items, summon their bosses, and otherwise break the mold in the minds of all with his crafting abilities that can seemingly make Skills of all things.

Azazyel · アニメ·コミックス
93 Chs

Chapter 11 Commissioned by TimoteosJkim

The last little addition to my new dungeon kit was a Mana Flower, it was an accessory that reduced the mana I used by some seven percent, and minorly increased my mana regeneration and more importantly. It was literally the easiest thing I've made period.

All I had to do was coat a desert flower with my mana to make a Nature's Gift and then stick the Nature's Gift into a mana potion and then it became an accessory, I could then slot it into my inventory section of the accessory.

After making the Mana Flower I also made the Space Gun, a comically looking 'alien' gun even with little circles of metal around the barrel that would shoot little lasers that were more condensed than my Aquamarine Staff's magical bolts but obviously did less surface widespread damage on a foe with also having a slightly slower firing speed.

With my summons already being unsummoned and ready for their next battle I entered the dungeon and this time I just kept following the group of morning shift adventures as they all made their way down, deeper into the dungeon, and with such a line of adventures the dungeon didn't even bother trying to throw a monster party or whatever at us.

Because any monsters that popped up were just instantly killed by the line's archers or spellcasters. And this line of adventures basically stuck together until we all reached the ninth floor which was when I decided to peel off to start fighting the stronger variants of Goblins Kobold's and all the new monsters that started to appear.

Which included the likes of War Shadows, Killer Ants, Bad Bats Slimes, Dungeon Lizards, Purple Moths, Blue Papilio, Frog Shooters, and lastly the newly found bane of my existence in Needle Rabbits.

Needle Rabbits were a sign that the many Gods in this world hated us mortals... They were normal-sized rabbits that could leap at insane speeds and would shove their sharp-as-hell needle horn that was atop their heads into you. Their insane speed and lethal horn that easily could pierce through leather and chainmail armor made it one of the leading causes of early adventure deaths other than War Shadows assassinating an adventurer.

The way the dungeon's layout at the eighth and above changed to mostly large rooms with short corridors between the rooms did however make my life easier. As I was more easily able to abuse my newly made Aquamarine Staff as not even aberrant Killer Ants with their stupidly thick exoskeleton could withstand a dozen bolts of magical crashing into their frames.

"I need to make you an infinite grenade pouch," I muttered as I checked Sir Fluffykins the First's little bag of grenades I gave him and saw how many were left.

But while I was on the ninth floor, I was paying more attention to the dungeon itself, and by looking at the map I picked up from one of the stalls outside the dungeon that a retired adventure was selling that had lost his legs, I decided to test the Wulfrim Pickaxe I made to see if my Terraria mining bullshit could allow me to bypass floor's altogether as the staircases made the distance between floors at like some fifty meters deep at least up here in the first ten floors.

Well actually I was going to pick up some Dungeon ores and the act of doing so would ring the metaphorical dinner bell... But I was broke financially and if I wanted to make any more accessories I needed ore's that didn't cost me a dime as Seshat had cut me off from her stores.

"You guys keep watch I am going to work," I ordered my Wulfrim Drone and Sir Fluffykins the First who saluted in the squirrel's case with an acorn at the ready at the side while the drone beeped loudly and then did a back flip in the air? To show its enthusiasm, I guess?

I can't even understand girls, how can I ever hope to understand a sentient drone that gets its jollies off by ripping monster flesh off so it can extract its valuable organs?

Thus, with my summons keeping watch for me I began mining the off-colored stone walls that had the dungeon ores. And as my Wulfrim Pickaxe bit into the wall several times and did all of Jack after half a dozen blows. A perfectly square meter-wide hole appeared in front of me with my inventory receiving some titanium ore.

But my act of ripping a chunk out of the very alive dungeon didn't go unpunished, as throughout the room I was in, the walls of the room loudly crackled, and from the wall's surface came monsters of all shapes and mutation levels.

"The dungeon is being a big baby bitch at only getting some skin taken off..." I cursed seeing the crowd of War Shadows with even an aberrant leading the posse of a dozen or so. Not to mention the crowd of Frog Shooters and literally all the other monsters that could spawn on these damned floors.

"Fuck you guys I am going home!" I said flipping them off and instead of literally teleporting home, I simply hurried up my mining with my summons overworking themselves and explosions ringing out behind me as Sir Fluffykins the First, gleefully began taking this as an opportunity to begin chucking grenades fucking everywhere.

But as soon as I hollowed out a little tunnel that was like four meters into the dungeon's walls and made a whole meter little room at the end of the tunnel. I resummoned both Sir Fluffykins the First and the Wulfrim controller in front of the little tunnel I dug out and laid new stone upon to hopefully keep the dungeon from regenerating it.

"Come into my parlor, little darlings!" I taunted the dungeon and it answered with a cacophony of howling filled with murderous rage as the monsters outside my little tunnel tore each apart to push themselves into the meter-wide entranceway.

And I gleefully allowed them... Until they almost reached my little room and as the much stronger aberrant goblin tried to tear my face off, it was met with a torrent of blue magical bolts from my Aquamarine staff and the laser bolts from my Wulfrim Drone.

So, I had the tightest killing field literally possible, and I had somehow pissed the dungeon off so much, that even the normally cowardly Blue Papillo butterflies that would typically fly at the roof of the ten or so meter tall dungeon rooms. And would just heal the monsters actually attempting to push into the tunnel in order to batter me with their wings...

'Which I happily allowed!

Because literally the Blue Papillo butterflies' healing was indiscriminate, and I wanted to see if I could tame Danmachi monsters without a taming skill coming off my Falna. Granted I wasn't brave enough to try to screw the dungeon monsters like that one guy I read about in another Danmachi fic to tame them... But harpy feathers are stupidly expensive so I would like a mount or something to carry me around the dungeon as running around for hours on end was tiring.

So, with the Blue Papillo monster having only a healing ability and just generally being super fragile, I wanted to see if I could tame it rather than trying to bully a kobold or goblin into being tamed and removing its connection with the dungeon.

When I ran low on mana, I quickly chugged a mana potion and then switched to my Copper bow and shot some Jester Arrows that conceptually didn't give a shit about whatever foe it hit as they would only stop when it hit a 'wall' or in other words, it would shoot through the entire horde and would only stop when they collided with the rooms opposite wall.

Hell, the arrows weren't even affected by gravity so they could technically fly forever due to me making them with pieces of the last Mana Crystal I saved last night so they had a bunch of astral mana affecting them.

But after I shot a dozen arrows over the course of a couple of minutes I switched to my Space Gun and with the insane mana cost reductions I had stacked with my Meteor Armor set, Helmet, and the Mana Flower accessory I was barely using more mana than I could regenerate passively when I carefully measured the amount I was shooting.

My cheesing method of killing the monsters truly paid dividends as I killed at most three or four dozen monsters without getting a single damned scratch on me and having incurred no costs other than the grenades Sir Fluffykins the First threw to give me enough time to mine out a little room and fill it with stone.

With the monsters all dead and in a gory mess on the ground I decided to take a minute to practice the whole stone placement technique as the Terraria-style stone I had in my hand was a cube about the same size as a Rubik's cube on all its sides but once I went to place it against a wall or on the ground it would become a full meter square.

"Should I make a house and just torture the monsters?" I verbally pondered and then recalled how the monsters and dungeon didn't damage the stone I lined the little tunnel and room I made I decided that yes making my own little safe houses and even for other adventures could be nice.

Eventually anyway. For now, I don't have the mechanical accessories that will allow me to make traps/teleporters and all kinds of goodies... Plus, I want the Guild and other Familia to pay and protect me while I build, as the dungeon very obviously doesn't like my Terraria bullshit mining.

"Maybe I should open up to the Loki or Ganesha Familia about my building abilities and have a party of high-level adventures escort me in the dungeon setting up safe houses and stuff in the dungeon that cannot be destroyed except by my pickaxes in particular.

It's not like I could summon a Terraria Boss and kill it on my lonesome with it not attracting every damn adventurer in the next three floors in each direction.

"It's not like they could force me to join their Familia's for a full year anyway..." I muttered as I went over the pros and cons of showing off my safe house-building abilities which would be huge to the land of Orario not to mention I could have all the huge Familia's love me by being able to create bosses on demand that they could use to get high-quality Excellia as the first couple floor bosses of Danmachi were in short supply for the hundreds of Familia's that made Orario home.

Because there were plenty of level three and four's in Orario, I mean sure they weren't common or anything but with the Goliath and the Amphisbaena only spawning once every couple weeks or once a month there was a reason why there weren't too many high-level adventures.

While helping my Wulfrim Drone clear out the many corpses of monsters that I made sure to smack over the head with my corpse-testing stick I eventually got tired of repeatedly bending over while trying to pull open the monsters and went over to bully the three Blue Papillo's I captured to act as a pixie dust dispenser by just fluffing them against me and getting their healing powder bullshit on myself.

"So... Become my loyal slaves or whatever?" I ordered the Blue Papillos just flapping their somewhat mangled wings on the ground with their very prominently red glowing eyes showing they were still under the dungeon's control.

My only response was a nose-clogging amount of their healing powder being blasted into my face like an overused set of chalk dusters being clapped in front of my face which made me cough heavily.

Thankfully my armor burnt away and blocked the Purple Moths' poisoned dust that they loved to drop on people, but the armor seemed to allow the healing powder to reach me.

"Ok so... I am not really into torture so either you submit, or I will see what happens when I test Terraria physics and how much damage being smashed between blocks do!" I warned them and once again they threw a deluge of healing dust at me seemingly in hopes that I would suffocate on it.

"You know what... Fuck you, I don't want a butter-free ripoff. Imma go waifu a Xeno's and you shitty dungeon monsters can just rot." I cursed and then I killed the damned chalk throwers that had thoroughly clogged up my nose with my Space Gun.

"Chitter!" Sir Fluffykins the First called out to me and when I looked over to him, I saw the squirrel repeatedly wiping its face before pointing at me after getting its message I wiped my face and felt my hand get coated with the Blue Papillo's rainbow healing dust.

"Fuck dungeon monsters!" I yelled as I realized that my whole damned face was covered in damned rainbow-colored dust.

And then seemingly drawn to my voice, a little squad of Killer Ants heard my voice and came at their honestly pretty slow speed with a mutated Killer Ant leading the little party.

With a loud zapping noise, I simply shot the Mutated Killer Ant and bisected it at the waist leaving it lying there screaming the Killer Ant screech that would call upon more of their kind.

But with the little house behind me, I was fearless when it came to monsters trying to attack me as my Jester Arrows would go through them like butter and they were nowhere near the size they needed to be to walk off having a slow flying arrow tear through their bodies.

After finally dealing with all the monsters and boarding up my little house after I picked up the rest of the ore I realized something as Sir Fluffykins the First was riding my shoulders up the dungeon lift with my Drone also beside me.

"Can't I just give you a rocket launcher or guns?" I asked the squirrel, and the squirrel froze before it leaned over to look me in the eyes before firmly nodding and patting me on the head for the wonderful idea.

"Alright... The operation makes a mini shark for my squirrel is a go." I muttered with Sir Fluffykins the First shuddering in delight at the thought as I could actually make a musket pouch so he would have infinite ammo quite easily.


After turning in a couple of mutated monster stones along with the rest of my normal monster stones to keep up appearances, I was called off to the side by Rose Fannette my guild advisor to discuss my dungeon experience so far as a newbie to the dungeon.

"Hmm so in the last week, you have been stuck to the second floor and being careful with how the dungeon has been changed. That's good news. And your average income is a good deal above average except for the day you worked with a party apparently. That day was quite beyond average for that day." Rose read off my files and made little notes as she went before the meeting room's door, we were in had a loud series of knocking resound.

"Come in! And here are the third to fifth-floor maps you requested." Rose said pushing the maps over to me and I compared the maps I got from the disabled adventure outside the dungeon and saw the ones I bought had a lot more details on them and no discrepancies compared to the one the guild gave me.

Coming into the room was Eina and her eyes snapped to me with her eyes literally glowing behind her spectacles as she smacked down a paper on the table between me and Rose. "Jake! You went down to the ninth floor today solo!" She yelled at me, and my face froze as I forgot how monsters grew stronger their monster stones would change slightly and would thus be worth more.

And both Eina and Rose were very much in the don't-go adventures in the dungeon camp...

"You have only been an adventurer for not even a week... Why in the world were you that deep in the dungeon?" Rose asked frowning at me.

For a moment I thought to deny it or say I was with a party, but I knew those words would be a blatant lie, so I just took a deep breath.

"Familia secrets," I said using the universal, butt the hell out of why I am so special expression people used when people still asked about your skills and such. "Plus, Eina... You literally didn't even close the door when you stomped in. Misha is right at the damn door peaking!" I said pointedly as Misha cursed and her short hair flashed out of the doorway as she hurriedly went back to work making Eina's face twitch at my evasion.

"Anyway, I was hilariously overprepared to be at that floor depth and I wasn't alone I did have a chaperone as I am a mage," I said truthfully Rose picked up on that and she came to the conclusion that I had a higher-level friendly adventurer who was coaching me basically as mages always made friends easily as we were far more valuable typically then just another sword-wielding warrior.

After Rose asked me a couple more questions about what I was doing in the dungeon, and I firmly and somewhat truthfully answered how I was standing as far away as I could to cast my magic upon my foe she gave me even more maps of the dungeon to try to memorize.

"Just be careful Jake, even level threes can get overwhelmed in the early parts of the dungeon if the dungeon is feeling vindictive enough," Rose warned me and I nodded taking her words to heart as I mentally made a note to further reinforce the killing room on the Ninth floor of the dungeon.

Then the red-haired beauty strode away back to work as I put the maps into my inventory, and I went on my merry way to ask Seshat if we could make a deal with Loki or Ganesha to have their middle-level adventures escort me into the dungeon and make little safe zones and just help me with the bosses I could summon.

Because making safe zones in the dungeon that said dungeon couldn't break would be a feat worthy of the Falna giving me a skill that my Terraria abilities wouldn't mess with.

Next five chapters on supporting sites.

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