
Terranum Imperium

Cosmic Marines aka genetically augmented and cybernetically augmented soldiers born and bred for war check, world-destroyer spaceships a triangle shaped beasts of war check, an MC who doesn't give a f*ck and isn't a dance protag who goes the entire book without f*cking a single chick check, If youre a fan of kingdom building and Interstellar warfare and conquest then this book Is for you, current goal of two chaps daily so leave youre comments, reviews, and power stones I WANT THEM ALL MUAHAHAHA, alright enough with the bulls*it, Im off to write more chaps for you guys and gals.

97 Chs

C44 Boss Please You Have To Send Me For That Interview!

Noles Ksum who had been closely following the events that transpired from the moment he saw TIS Einherjar sat in his expansive dining room, the morning sunlight streaming through the windows, illuminating the enormous, state-of-the-art television that dominated one wall.

He held a cup of his favorite coffee, its rich aroma blending with the scent of luxury that permeated his home.

As the owner of the world's most advanced aerospace company, mornings like these were his brief respite before diving into the day's challenges.

On the TV, a special news report caught his attention.

"President Abdul Is about to Embark on a Historic Journey Aboard the Terran Warship,"

Announced the anchor. Noles, usually unflappable even after seeing Terran brutality that was being depicted all over the media outlets found himself startled by the news.

In his excitement, he inadvertently spat out his coffee, the dark liquid splattering across the sleek surface of the table.

President Abdul, though not a rival, was a significant figure on the global stage, and his boarding the Terran warship was monumental.

For Noles, this news wasn't just a political headline; it was a clarion call.

The space age was no longer a distant dream but a tangible reality. And he, a self-professed space nerd since childhood, could not let this opportunity slip by.

With a newfound urgency, Noles grabbed his smart phone and dialed his secretary.

"Liza, this is urgent. I need to be on that Terran warship. It's not just about business or technology; it's about being part of history. President Abdul's journey is a stepping stone, and we need to be right there with him."

Liza, ever efficient, responded immediately.

"I understand, Mr. Ksum. Do we have a strategy? Are we looking to propose a collaboration or a new venture?"

Noles paced the room, his mind racing.

"Yes, a collaboration, something that shows we are at the forefront of this new era. But it's more than that. I want to meet the Imperator. Discuss potential partnerships. This is about marking our place in the space age. It's about fulfilling a dream I've had since I was a child, looking up at the stars."

"I'll make the arrangements,"

Liza replied, her voice reflecting the gravity of the task.

"I'll reach out to our contacts, set up meetings, whatever it takes."


Noles said, his gaze drifting back to the image of the Terran warship on his TV.

"Keep me informed. This is our moment, Liza. We're not just going to be part of history; we're going to shape it."

As he hung up the phone, Noles felt a rush of excitement.

This was more than a business move; it was a personal odyssey.

A journey that would take him from the confines of his corporate world into the boundless realms of space, a realm he had always dreamt of exploring.


P.S. Changed Morgana's height to 180 centimeters, why? Keep reading and you will find out ;) Heheheh-Diabolical laughter, cough* cough* enjoy the chap.

In a bustling newsroom at a major media network, Morgana stood nervously in front of her boss, Mr. Reynolds.

Her heart raced as she knew this meeting wasn't going to be pleasant.

She had been summoned to discuss her another blunder that had become a trend after she had nearly caused an international incident during the Imperators diplomatic visit.

Mr. Reynolds, a stern and no-nonsense man, looked at Morgana with a deep furrow on his brow.

"Morgana, you've crossed the line one too many times. The incident with the Imperium's security personnel was bad enough, but your subsequent mistakes have shown a worrying trend of incompetence."

Morgana bit her plump lip, feeling a knot forming in her stomach.

She knew she had been careless in her reporting lately, but her mind had been preoccupied by thoughts of Dracula, the enigmatic and alluring figure she had encountered during the Imperators visit.

And no matter how she tried she couldn't get him out of her head, It was like a curse at first she almost lost her life then the humanity first militants started shooting, thankfully a nearby cosmic marine unintentionally took the bullets for her.

After surviving the Ndonol massacre as the press duped It she almost lost her job because of her blunder.

If that wasn't enough she broke up with her boyfriend, the reason well she couldn't feel a thing anymore.

Her boyfriend couldn't satisfy her s*xually anymore and It was weird as f*ck because up till getting a sniff of Draculas pheromones she had a very satisfactory s*xual life with her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend was tall, muscular, rich, and had a sizable junk that was way above average yet for some reason all of a sudden her boyfriend didn't look that good In her eyes.

But the worst part was that then she decided to tell her boyfriend about this hoping that maybe somehow they could fix It by trying something different.

Her boyfriend just laughed as he called another woman right In front of her eyes.

"Did you really think you were the only woman In my life? To me youre just another w*ore that I f*ck whenever Im In the mood"

Those were her boyfriend's last words as he left her apartment, on one hand, she was devastated because she thought that they would marry In the future.

But on the other hand, she was glad that things turned out this way at least she didn't waste her youth on a man who thought of her as a mere w*ore.

"Mr. Reynolds, I admit I've made mistakes, but I promise to improve,"

Morgana began, her voice quivering slightly.

Before Mr. Reynolds could respond with another reprimand, the boss's double doors were slammed open with such force that everyone turned their heads in surprise.

An unfamiliar figure stormed in, causing Mr. Reynolds to momentarily forget his frustration with Morgana.

"Who dares to interrupt my office?"

Mr. Reynolds thundered, his face reddening with anger.

The intruder, a disheveled-looking man with a disoriented expression, seemed oblivious to Mr. Reynolds' fury. He was clutching a tablet in his hand, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Sorry, boss,"

The man stammered.

"But you won't believe what I just found out. It's groundbreaking!"

Mr. Reynolds, despite his irritation, was momentarily intrigued.

"Spit it out, man! What's so important that you had to barge in here like this?"

The man took a deep breath and delivered the news that sent shockwaves through the newsroom.

"President Abdul of the Nacirfa Federation is boarding the Terran Imperium's warship for negotiations. It's a historic event, and they're allowing reporters on board for interviews with the Imperator himself!"

Morgana's eyes widened in disbelief at the announcement.

This was the opportunity she had been waiting for, a chance to personally interview the enigmatic Imperator and, perhaps, put her recent mistakes behind her.

Without thinking, she slammed her hands on Mr. Reynolds' desk, her voice filled with determination.

"Boss, please, you have to send me for that interview! It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I promise I won't let you down this time."

Mr. Reynolds, taken aback by the sudden turn of events and Morgana's newfound zeal, hesitated for a moment.

He looked from Morgana to the disheveled man who had delivered the news and then back to Morgana.

Finally, he let out a sigh and nodded.

"Alright, Morgana, you've got your shot. But you better make the most of it, and you better not let your personal feelings cloud your judgment. This is your chance to redeem yourself."

Morgana nodded vigorously, her heart pounding with excitement and determination. She had a date with destiny, and this time, she would be prepared to face the Imperator and possibly seduce the man. 

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