
Terranum Imperium

Cosmic Marines aka genetically augmented and cybernetically augmented soldiers born and bred for war check, world-destroyer spaceships a triangle shaped beasts of war check, an MC who doesn't give a f*ck and isn't a dance protag who goes the entire book without f*cking a single chick check, If youre a fan of kingdom building and Interstellar warfare and conquest then this book Is for you, current goal of two chaps daily so leave youre comments, reviews, and power stones I WANT THEM ALL MUAHAHAHA, alright enough with the bulls*it, Im off to write more chaps for you guys and gals.

99 Chs

C3 This Isnt Funny!

Above the vibrant continental world, teeming with diverse life and natural beauty, an extraordinary event unfolded.

Out of the fabric of space itself, a gargantuan triangle-shaped battleship materialized, as if conjured by some unseen cosmic force.

It was an awe-inspiring sight, stretching 3 kilometers in length, 1.5 kilometers in width, and towering 500 meters high.

The battleship's design was a marvel of sci-fi engineering, coated in a striking camouflage pattern of black, red, and white, blending the artistry of war with a futuristic aesthetic.

This sudden appearance of the battleship in the orbit of the continental world was nothing short of miraculous.

The ship, with its daunting size and imposing presence, cast a large shadow over the land below.

Its design suggested a vessel built for significant conflict, equipped with technology far beyond the current advancements of the planet it now hovered above.

The emergence of the ship was silent yet palpable, a moment that seemed to freeze time itself.

It hung in the sky, a silent guardian or a harbinger of something yet unknown.

Its utilitarian, angular lines and the advanced weaponry that bristled along its hull spoke of a civilization that had mastered the art of space warfare.(Concept Art In the paragraph comment)

John, an astronaut aboard the Thraes International Space Station, had always been fascinated by the mysteries of space.

As he gazed out of the viewing window during a routine orbit, his eyes caught sight of something extraordinary near Thrae.

There, amidst the backdrop of the cosmos, loomed a colossal warship, an entity so vast and so alien that it seemed to defy reality.

The alien battleship was unlike anything John had ever seen or imagined for a moment, John felt as if he had been transported into the pages of a science fiction novel. (Concept Art In the paragraph comment)

"Guys, come over here, you won't believe this,"

John called out, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and disbelief.

His fellow astronauts quickly gathered by the window, their faces pressed against the glass, eyes wide as they took in the sight of the mammoth ship orbiting Thrae. (Concept Art In the paragraph comment)

Realizing the gravity of their discovery, John reached for the communication headset, this was a moment that transcended their routine duties on the ISS.

"Mission Control, this is John aboard the ISS. We've got an unidentified object in orbit around Thrae. It's enormous and unlike any human-made structure we've ever seen."

As John relayed the details, his colleagues busied themselves with documenting the sighting.

They snapped photos and recorded videos, capturing the warship from every possible angle. the atmosphere in the ISS was charged with a sense of urgency and wonder.


In the still, dark hours of the early morning, the secure line in the Liberty House rang with an urgency that was impossible to ignore.

The President of the Liberty Leagues Thomas E. Caldwell, deep in slumber after a day laden with the usual rigors of office, was jolted awake by the insistent sound.

The ringing was a harbinger of urgency, reserved only for moments of utmost importance.

His Chief of Staff Emily Harrison, flanked by a duo of Secret Service agents, entered the presidential bedroom with an air of grave seriousness.

Thomas, now fully awake, sat up, his instincts honed by years in office sensing the weight of the moment. (Concept Art In the paragraph comment)

"What is it?"

The President asked, his voice a mix of concern and authority.

"Mr. President,"

Emily began with a dry voice, her tone reflecting the magnitude of the situation.

"We've received an urgent report from NASA and the International Space Station. There's... an anomaly, sir. Something unprecedented."

Thomas slipped out of bed Into his slippers, quickly donning his robe.

"An anomaly? What kind of anomaly?"

"It's a spacecraft, sir,"

Replied the Chief of Staff.

"A massive one, in orbit around Thrae. It just appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. The astronauts aboard the ISS have visual confirmation. It's nothing like we've ever seen or built."

For a moment Thomas looked at Emily with a look that was saying this isn't funny only to stride across the room upon seeing that his chief of staff wasn't joking, his mind racing with the implications of this revelation.

This was uncharted territory, a situation that could redefine humanity's understanding of the universe.

As he entered the Situation Room, a sense of solemnity hung in the air. (Concept Art In the paragraph comment)

The National Security Advisor General Marcus Donovan, the Secretary of Defense Roberta Jenkins, and other top officials were already assembled, their expressions a mix of disbelief and concern.

The President took his seat, his gaze fixed on the live feed from the ISS projected on the screen.

The image of the gargantuan alien ship, with its menacing design and unknown intent, was almost surreal.

"Have we made contact?"

He asked, his voice steady despite the rising tide of questions in his mind.

"Not yet, Mr. President,"

General Marcus answered.

"We're assessing all communication options. The ship hasn't made any aggressive moves, but its capabilities are... well, beyond our understanding."

Roberta chimed in.

"Our military is on high alert, sir. We're coordinating with our allies and keeping all channels open. This could be a first contact scenario, or it could be a threat. We just don't know yet."

The President nodded, absorbing the gravity of the situation.

"I want continuous updates. Set up a line to the United Nations Of Thrae (UNOT) Secretary-General and contact every other head of state of every nation and Inform them of the current situation If they still haven't been Informed by their astronauts we need to set up a meeting ASAP"

He paused, his gaze returning to the image of the alien ship.

"This could be the most significant event in human history. We must approach it with caution, curiosity, and readiness for any outcome."

As the room buzzed with activity, the President remained focused on the screen, aware that the eyes of the world, and perhaps beyond, were now on him and his next decisions.

The appearance of the alien ship was not just a test of technology or military might; it was a test of humanity's ability to face the unknown with wisdom and unity.

"May g*d help us..."

Thomas muttered under his breath so quietly that only he could hear.


The response from the leaders of Thrae was swift and filled with a similar sense of urgency.

"ISS, continue to observe and send all available data. Do not lose sight of the object,"

Instructed Mission Control. The instructions were clear, and John and his crew understood the importance of their role in this unprecedented event.

For hours, the astronauts remained fixated on the warship.

The station became a critical observation post, with John and his team providing real-time information to Thrae.

Theories and speculations floated amongst them. Was this a creation of an advanced civilization from Thrae? Was it something else entirely?

John, who had always dreamed of contributing to human knowledge of space, found himself at the forefront of a discovery that could redefine humanity's understanding of the universe.

The sight of the alien warship, a sentinel in the cosmos, was a profound reminder of the vastness and mystery of space, and of how much remained unknown and unexplored.

In the wake of the unprecedented appearance of the colossal warship orbiting Thrae, the planet's leaders, previously on the brink of war, convened an emergency, clandestine meeting. (Concept Art In the paragraph comment)

The decision to keep the existence of the warship a secret from the public was unanimous, driven by the fear of causing mass panic and the potential exacerbation of the already fragile geopolitical situation.

In a secure and undisclosed location, leaders from Thrae's rival nations gathered around a long, austere table.

The usual air of animosity and rivalry was subdued, replaced by a collective sense of apprehension and the gravity of the situation at hand.

The meeting commenced with a sense of urgency.

"This changes everything,"

Declared UNOT Secretary-General Ngozi Adelaja the leader of one of the most powerful coalition of Thraes nations, her voice steady but her eyes betraying her concern.

"Our disputes seem trivial in the face of this...discovery."

Another leader, a seasoned diplomat known for his shrewdness, leaned forward.

"We must approach this carefully. Revealing this to the public without understanding the intent and capabilities of that ship could lead to widespread hysteria."

A third leader, a young and charismatic figure who had been advocating for peace, nodded in agreement.

"We need a unified approach. Our intelligence agencies, our scientists, our military experts - they must all work together, covertly, to gather information and formulate a response."

The discussions that followed were intense and pragmatic.

The leaders debated various strategies on how to study the ship, mitigate any potential threats, and leverage this discovery for the betterment of Thrae, should it prove to be beneficial.

They agreed to establish a joint task force comprising the best minds from each nation, a decision that would have been unimaginable under normal circumstances.

Another pressing topic was the control of information.

"We must control the narrative,"

Insisted one leader, known for his hardline policies.

"Any leak could lead to chaos. We cannot afford misinformation or conspiracy theories to spread."

As the meeting drew to a close, the leaders, once fierce adversaries, found themselves united by a common goal.

They had come together not just as representatives of their respective nations, but as leaders of a world facing an unknown and potentially existential threat.

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