
Terranum Imperium

Cosmic Marines aka genetically augmented and cybernetically augmented soldiers born and bred for war check, world-destroyer spaceships a triangle shaped beasts of war check, an MC who doesn't give a f*ck and isn't a dance protag who goes the entire book without f*cking a single chick check, If youre a fan of kingdom building and Interstellar warfare and conquest then this book Is for you, current goal of two chaps daily so leave youre comments, reviews, and power stones I WANT THEM ALL MUAHAHAHA, alright enough with the bulls*it, Im off to write more chaps for you guys and gals.

99 Chs

C22 Breach Of Air Space

"Survived? That's... impossible. Are we dealing with something beyond our understanding?"

The dumbfounded Thomas asked not believing what he was hearing.

"Regardless of what we're dealing with, we need to act. The world is watching us. We can't appear weak or indecisive."

President Orlov who knew that they couldn't show weakness after they got completely humiliated by Dracula earlier declared.

"But we must tread carefully. A misstep could provoke an even greater response from the Terranum Imperium."

Premier Zhou cautioned.

The chief of security grabbed his tablet and showed a live feed of the outside chaos, the leaders watched in stunned silence as the Terranum soldiers retaliated.

"Look at their response. This is no mere military force; it's a well-oiled machine of war. How do we even begin to negotiate with such power?"

President Thomas commented grimly.

"We must. It's our responsibility. We can't let fear dictate our actions. We have to reach out, offer support, and condemn this attack."

Secretary-General Adelaja said only to get rebuked by President Orlov.

"Condemn? We don't even know who's behind this yet! We risk offending the Imperium if we point fingers too soon."

"Let's focus on the immediate task at hand – securing Ndonol city and providing aid where needed. We'll need to address the media and the public soon."

Premier Zhou suggested.

"Prepare a statement. We need to show unity and strength, even in the face of such... unpredictability. And get me a direct line to Imperator Dracula Von Death. We need to talk, now more than ever."

President Thomas ordered after sighing deeply.

The leaders noded in agreement, each lost in their thoughts as they contemplated the gravity of the situation and the uncertain future that lies ahead.


@GalacticWatcher101: "Just saw the video of the assassination attempt on Dracula. That deflection! Is he even human? #Superhuman #TerranumImperium"

@IntergalacticInsider: "Terranum's response to the attack was terrifyingly efficient. Those soldiers are no joke! #MilitaryMight #Supersoldiers"

@PeacePleas: "Scared and shocked by the violence in Nodnol. This isn't what we signed up for when we welcomed the Imperium. #TerranumTerror #SeekingPeace"

@SciFiSue: "This is like watching a blockbuster sci-fi movie, but it's real! That moment when the bullet hit Dracula... I'm still in shock. #RealLifeSciFi #DraculaSurvives"

@ThraeTruthTeller: "Our leaders looked utterly lost during the crisis. We need stronger figures to stand up to the Imperium. #LeadershipCrisis #TimeForChange"

@ExoPoliticsExpert: "Terranum Imperium's aggressive tactics are a wake-up call. We need to rethink our interstellar diplomacy strategies. #DiplomacyFail #ReassessStrategies"

@CelestialConspiracy: "Anyone else think this assassination attempt feels staged? It's too convenient for Dracula. #ConspiracyTheory #QuestionEverything"

@HumanityFirstActivist: "The violence from the Terranum soldiers is unacceptable. We need to stand up for our rights and sovereignty! #HumanityFirst #ResistImperium"

@AlienAffairsAnalyst: "The Terranum Imperium's military capabilities are beyond what we imagined. Their tech and tactics are decades ahead of ours. #MilitaryTech #TerranumPower"

@UniversalUnitySeeker: "Violence isn't the answer. We need to find a way to coexist peacefully with the Terranum Imperium and other interstellar beings. #PeacefulCoexistence #UniversalUnity"

The comments of the horrified netizens filled the Internet.


In the expansive skies above the Worker's Union territory, a pair of advanced fighter jets cut through the clouds, their engines a low hum against the vast silence of the atmosphere.

The lead pilot, callsign "Falcon", an experienced aviator of the Worker's Union, kept a vigilant eye on his instruments, his wingman, "Hawk", maintaining a tight formation beside him.

Suddenly, Falcon's radar console beeped urgently, signaling unidentified inbound objects.

His eyes narrowed as he adjusted the radar's range, trying to get a clearer picture of the situation.

"Control, this is Falcon. I've got unknowns on my scope, heading straight for our airspace. Over,"

Falcon radioed, his voice calm but laced with a hint of urgency.

The response crackled through his headset,

"Falcon, this is Control. Acknowledged. Maintain visual contact but do not engage. Gather intel. Over."

As Falcon acknowledged the command, he pushed his jet into a higher altitude for a better vantage point.

The clouds below parted like a curtain, revealing a sight that made his pulse quicken.

A squadron of massive dropships, escorted by a formation of fighters, sliced through the sky.

Their design was unlike anything Falcon had ever seen — sleek, menacing, and unmistakably advanced.

Flanking the dropships were fighters that bore a resemblance to science fiction depictions, their shapes streamlined yet intimidating.

Trailing this formation were bombers that could only be described as science-fiction B-2s on steroids — colossal, with an aggressive aura that chilled Falcon's spine

The interceptors accompanying them moved with an eerie precision, their formations tight and disciplined.

Falcon's wingman, Hawk, broke the silence,

"Falcon, Its the Imperium Its the goddamn Terrans what do we do?

Falcon's response was clipped.

"Not sure, Hawk. Stay sharp."

He quickly relayed the situation to Control.

"Control, we have a squadron of unidentified dropships, escorted by a formation of fighters accompanied by a flight of bombers, they can only be Terran, advice?"

The tension in Control's voice was evident as they responded.

"Falcon, Hawk, do not engage. Repeat, do not engage. Monitor their course and report back. We're escalating this to Command. Stand by for further orders. Over."

As Falcon and Hawk maintained their distance, observing the alien convoy's movements, Falcon couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and apprehension.

These were no ordinary aircraft; they belonged to a force far more advanced than anything the Worker's Union had prepared for.

"Falcon to Control, the convoy is maintaining course, no signs of aggressive maneuvers. Waiting on your go-ahead. Over."

Back at the Worker's Union flight command center, the room buzzed with activity as officers and analysts scrambled to make sense of the situation.

"Get me a direct line to our higher-ups,"

The commanding officer barked.

"We need to know how to handle this. This Is most likely a Terranum Imperium convoy. If it is, we're not equipped to engage."

As Falcon and Hawk continued their surveillance, a sense of unease settled over them.

They were mere observers to a display of power that hinted at a new era in the cosmos, one where the Worker's Union might find itself outmatched and overshadowed by the rising might of the Terranum Imperium.

The same thing happened all over the world and the reason for It was that TAI had discovered that an International paramilitary organization dead set on eradicating Terrans had formed all over the world with at least one cell In every Thraes nation.


In the underground bunker, before Thomas could contact Dracula a sense of urgency permeated the air as the Thraen leaders received confirmation from their intelligence organizations, the unidentified vessels breaching their airspace were Terran, recognized by the distinct designs of the dropships and fighters previously seen in Nodnol.

President Thomas, absorbing the news, grew more resolute.

"We have confirmation. Those are Terran ships. We need to respond to this development strategically."

Secretary-General Ngozi Adelaja expressed concern.

"Their presence in our airspace is a clear statement. We must understand their intentions without escalating the situation."

President Orlov, known for his direct approach, added.

"Their aggressive posture in Nodnol was unmistakable. We should prepare for any scenario, including possible hostile engagement."

Premier Zhou, always seeking diplomatic solutions, suggested.

"Before we jump to any military response, we should try our best to contact the Imperator, There must be a reason for their presence here."

The UNOT Security Chief interjected.

"Our air defense systems are tracking them. We're ready to act, but I advise caution. Engaging Terran forces without understanding their capabilities could lead to severe consequences."

President Thomas, deep in thought, finally spoke.

"We need to get through to the Terranum Imperium. We have to ask them about their intentions and remind them that this is a breach of our sovereignty."

Secretary-General Adelaja agreed.

"Yes, we must emphasize our desire for peaceful resolution. Any aggressive move from our side could be misinterpreted as a declaration of hostility."

President Orlov who still had the thought of flexing his muscles but getting debriefed by his people that the Terran fighters remain unscathed after being hit by a missile, conceded.

"Peaceful dialogue is the best course, but let's not forget to prepare for all eventualities. Our military should be on high alert."

Premier Zhou added.

"In parallel, let's inform our citizens about the situation in a controlled manner. We need to avoid panic and ensure that accurate information is disseminated."

The UNOT Security Chief, taking note of the leaders' directives, affirmed.

"I'll coordinate with our communication and defense teams. We'll do everything possible to avoid an escalation."

As the leaders continued to strategize, the gravity of the situation was not lost on them.

The presence of Terran forces in their airspace marked a new chapter in Thrae's history, one fraught with uncertainty and the delicate balance of peace and potential conflict.

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