
Terranum Imperium

Cosmic Marines aka genetically augmented and cybernetically augmented soldiers born and bred for war check, world-destroyer spaceships a triangle shaped beasts of war check, an MC who doesn't give a f*ck and isn't a dance protag who goes the entire book without f*cking a single chick check, If youre a fan of kingdom building and Interstellar warfare and conquest then this book Is for you, current goal of two chaps daily so leave youre comments, reviews, and power stones I WANT THEM ALL MUAHAHAHA, alright enough with the bulls*it, Im off to write more chaps for you guys and gals.

97 Chs

C12 Return And Debriefing

The vessel shuddered and vibrated as it encountered atmospheric resistance, turning the journey into a roller coaster ride for the unacclimatized Thraens.

John and his fellow astronauts gripped their armrests tightly, their faces a mix of exhilaration and anxiety.

The noise of the atmospheric entry filled the cabin, a roaring reminder of their high-speed descent.

For them, each jolt and shake was felt acutely, a stark reminder that they were no longer in the weightless tranquility of space but plunging back to the solid, unforgiving ground of their home planet.

Despite the tumultuous journey, there was an underlying thrill for the astronauts.

This was unlike any re-entry they had experienced before, both in the nature of the spacecraft and the circumstances of their return.

Glances were exchanged among them, a wordless communication of shared awe and apprehension.

As the dropship finally stabilized, breaking through the most turbulent layers of the atmosphere, a collective sigh of relief was almost audible among the astronauts.

The view from the cabin windows changed from the fiery orange of atmospheric friction to the clearer blues and greens of Thrae's landscape.

The Terrans, ever composed, prepared for the landing procedure as if it were just another day at work.

But for the astronauts, this journey back to Thrae was an unforgettable experience, marking the end of an extraordinary chapter in their lives and the beginning of another.

They were returning not just as individuals who had been held aboard an alien ship but as key figures in a larger narrative unfolding between their world and a newfound cosmic neighbor.

The dropship's descent into the Liberty House courtyard was a moment laden with significance.

The area, cleared of non-essential personnel within a ten-kilometer radius and shrouded in a strict media gag order, had an air of tense anticipation.

As the ship landed, its engines humming quietly, all eyes were fixed on the ramp as it slowly ascended upwards.

Hans dressed In his striking service uniform, flanked by John and a member of the Death Squad, stepped out into the bright light of the courtyard.

The scene was a stark contrast to the dimly lit interior of the dropship.

Thomas, the President of the Liberty League, along with his Chief of Staff and two marines in service uniforms holding ceremonial rifles, stepped forward to meet them.

The marines' presence was both a mark of respect and a subtle display of readiness, should the need arise.

President Thomas who was still deeply shocked at the Terran's resemblance to humans, a tall figure himself, seemed almost dwarfed by the imposing presence of Hans and the Death Marine.

He extended his hand in a gesture of diplomatic greeting, only to awkwardly retract it upon meeting Hans' cold, emotionless red eyes.

The moment was brief but telling, a silent acknowledgment of the complex dynamics at play.

"Welcome to the Liberty House,"

President Thomas said, recovering from the initial awkwardness.

"We appreciate the safe return of our astronaut.

His voice was steady, but there was an undercurrent of unease.

Hans, his expression unreadable, simply nodded.

"The Imperator wishes for peaceful relations. This is a gesture of our sincerity."

His voice, devoid of warmth, carried a formal tone, reflecting the military discipline of the Terranum Imperium.

John, standing beside Hans, looked distinctly relieved to be back on Thrae.

Despite the surreal nature of his return, his gaze held a depth of experience gained from his time aboard the Einherjar.

He was acutely aware of his new role as a bridge between two worlds.

Thomas turned his attention to John.

"We're glad to have you back safely, John. Your experience and insights will be invaluable to us."

The President's words were both a welcome and an acknowledgment of the importance of John's debriefing.

The Chief of Staff, observing the exchange, signaled for the medical and debriefing teams to approach.

It was crucial to ensure John's health and to gather as much information as possible about his time on the Einherjar.

As the formalities of the transfer concluded, Hans and the Death Marine returned to the dropship, which soon lifted off and flew to Its next destination, leaving behind a flurry of activity as John was escorted away for medical checks and debriefing.

This encounter, brief yet charged with significance, marked the beginning of a new era in the Liberty League's history.

The return of John was not just a reunion; it was the opening move in a high-stakes game of interstellar diplomacy.

For President Thomas and his administration, the challenges were just beginning.

The decisions made in the wake of this event would shape the future of their relationship with the Terranum Imperium and, potentially, the fate of humanity itself.


In the days following their return from the Einherjar, the astronauts who had been aboard the ISS were individually debriefed by their respective countries.

These sessions, held in high-security facilities across the globe, were designed to extract detailed accounts of their experiences and interactions with the Terranum Imperium.

Each astronaut faced a panel of experts in a secure and confidential environment.

These panels typically comprised military officials, intelligence operatives, scientists, psychologists, and in some cases, high-ranking government representatives.

The aim was to gather comprehensive information and insights from each astronaut's unique perspective.

John, representing the Liberty League, was debriefed in a facility known for its high-level security protocols.

He recounted his initial capture, describing the Terrans' methodical approach and technological superiority.

He emphasized the disciplined and seemingly emotionless nature of his captors.

When asked about the Terrans' intentions, John conveyed his sense that while they were prepared for conflict, there seemed to be a broader strategic objective behind their actions.

The UNOT astronaut's debriefing focused on the technological and scientific aspects of the experience.

The astronaut provided detailed descriptions of the Einherjar's interiors, the medical procedures he observed, and the advanced life support systems.

Scientists in the panel were particularly interested in any information that could advance Thraes own technological capabilities.

The Workers Unions astronaut's debriefing was heavily skewed towards understanding the military capabilities of the Terranum Imperium.

Questions revolved around the structure of the Terran forces, their weaponry, and the tactical maneuvers observed.

The debriefing also delved into the psychological tactics employed by the Terrans during interrogations.

The Heavenly Domains astronaut focused on the societal and cultural aspects she observed.

She recounted interactions with Terran soldiers, attempting to decipher social hierarchies and cultural norms based on behavior and limited communication.

These debriefings were instrumental in formulating potential diplomatic strategies.

Each debriefing session included an evaluation by psychologists, assessing the mental and emotional impact of the experience on the astronauts.

These assessments were crucial for providing support to the astronauts and understanding the Thraen response to such extraordinary circumstances.

They also went through extensive medical checkups, after all, none could say that Terrans didn't Infect the astronauts with some kind of biological weapon designed to wipe out their entire race.

Overall the individual debriefings provided a mosaic of perspectives, painting a comprehensive picture of the Terranum Imperium.

Each country analyzed the information within the context of their national interests, but there was a consensus on the need for a coordinated global response.

Discussions about forming an international coalition to address the presence of the Terranum Imperium began to take shape.

For the astronauts, the debriefing process was both cathartic and intense.

They had returned as key figures in a rapidly evolving narrative, their personal experiences now invaluable in the grand scheme of Thraes response to its first confirmed extraterrestrial contact.

Their testimonies would shape policies, strategies, and potentially the future of humanity itself in the cosmic arena.

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