
The second test

"All the best for the second round, I'll be going my own way since working together will do neither of us any good, I hope that's okay with you?" said Lin Mu before slowly walking away from Leo.

"Yeah alright, I had the same idea in my head- stay safe" Leo said as he started to rack his brains on how to approach this round as for starters he decided to stay close to other players, intertwining his scent track with that of others in hopes of surviving longer.

" If you want to take positions within the test stage, you have one minute to do so.

After one minute, the tracking dogs will be released and after five minutes the rabbits will be released" The Alliance leader said as almost instantly many began to scramble to find a place to hide from the hounds.

Leo too began to move, as he carefully intertwined his own scent track with that of other assassins moving haphazardly all over the testing arena to make his trail as obscure as possible.