
Leo vs PinkLotus

To spar with Leo, PinkLotus requested a sword from Leo's groundsman, Elandor, who quickly procured one for her.

Although the sword wasn't to her liking—since its weight balance felt odd in her hands— with no other alternatives available on the Arc Ship, she was forced to make do with it.

She swung it a few times, attempting to get more accustomed to the weapon's feel, but compared to her extraordinary weapon in-game, this common steel sword did not nearly feel as well balanced or forged.

Meanwhile, Leo began doing jumping jacks to warm up his muscles again, which had cooled down after he had to abandon his training session midway.

Internally, he felt brimming with confidence in his ability to win this spar, as he genuinely believed that he was the best fighter around, however, this was a grave mistake on his part.