Follow the strory of multiple people and their encounter with a certain monster, the true nemesis of the venators.
On August 24 in the year of 79, an alternate version of the event that transpired on that day was soon to come, in this alternate version of earth, just like in the original version, the mount started to make itself noticeable as loud sounds could be heard coming from its core.
It wasn't long until it happened, magma was launched from the volcano before the source of the sound could be identified, crashing into the nearby houses of the inhabitants that didn't know any better, lava overflowed from the top of the volcano and instead of quickly solidifying when entering into contact with the much less warm air, it kept on flowing as impressive speed, almost seeming as if if was water.
The amount of lave pouring out of the volcano was much higher than what should be possible, the nearby cities were quickly submerged entirely in the visquous lave, erasing the mark of humans in this area, after a while of fast movement, the lave started to slow down and finally solidified.
It was a catastrophe, all of those present at the moment of the eruption had been killed, it would have usually been said that they had died as it was but a natural disaster, however, the cause of this lave flooding could be seen walking on the now solid lava.
A thin creature seemingly made of volcanic rock, lava oozing out of its body, the heat it produced was enough to cause anything to burn up when approaching it, causing great fires to start upon exiting the area of destruction of the volcanic eruption.
It claws shined in a brilliant orange as they seemed to be made out of unmoving lava, no one could see the creature as the flames would always arrive before it did.
It seemed like another world would fall victim to the strokes of fortune but the divergent world will wouldn't let it happen, it did its best to do something, making use of everything it had, making use of its unnatural feeling of desparation and fear.
It called upon it all, materialising what shouldn't be before the monster sent to end its divergence, in a flash, two otherworldly creatures now faced one another as the wold will felt its strength being sapped away, only being able to watch as the show unfolded, it deeply believed that its summoned creature would be able to defeat the venerer.
The summoned creature roared, putting out the fire that surrounded the both of them, with its size, it towered over the venerer, covered in blue scales, a water dragon blocked the venerer's way.
A most classical-looking dragon except for its color, the two creature stayed unmoving for a moment, the two predators seizing each other up and the first one to move was the fiery venerer, lauching itself at the dragon by slamming its heavy arms onto the ground, the weight it carried would certainly be enough to wound the mystical creature, which is why it couldn't let the venerer approach.
The dragon reeled its head back before breathing out a geyser of cold water, the venerer seemed to not be stopping but it slowed down until its jump came to a total halt, falling to the ground with loud thud as the weight of its rocky body shook the scorched and flooded earth.
The seemingly extinguished venerer suddenly exploded, a result of the water that covered and surrounded it being vaporised as its heat suddenly returned.
Also reeling its own head back, the venerer shot out a beam of lava and blood out of a newly formed mouth, the beam was able to render the touched scales useless but the dragon moved awau before it could dig in any further, flapping its wings with great strength but not enough to budge the heavy venerer as it kept on shooting the beam without stop.
realising that it couldn't escape the beam of lava for all eternity, the dragon once again shot out its own beam, meeting the venerer's head on, the beams were constantly disturbed by the resulting explosions of steam but none stopped.
The lava beam was powerful but the dragon's larger breath was slowly overcoming it, however, the venerer was not limited to just this, spreading its arms and presenting its chest, maws opened up all over its body and also began to shoot a beam of their own, each converging in a single point, pushing the laser of water in a few moment and crashing in the dragon's open mouth.
Suffocating the great being with ever flowing lava, the dragon couldn't focus on anything else but its own suffocation and was buried under an endless stream of lava, its scales melting away and letting the lava pierce its skin, soon leaving nothing but scorched bones that would soon also be melted away.
The world will couldn't believe it, how could the venerer defeat a mighty dragon so easily? It had seemed like a fight for only a short while before turning into an execution.
With its energy depleted, the world will was unable to properly manage the world and what could only be called chaos ensued, the world will weakened state gave way for many catastrophe to befall the unhabitants.
It did not matter however, the venerer was flooding this world with lava and fire, magma replaced the rocks and the ocean were turned orange, the worlds temperature suddenly rose up and the very earth caught on flames, the world will burned, it couldn't do anything more.
It had failed to protect itself and had spelled the doom of the inhabitants of this world, were crying possible for bodiless entity such as the world will, it would have wept to no end but even so, the temperature wouldn't have allowed such a thing.
The venerer was a mobile volcano in constant eruption at this point, were this world to be reborn, it would be as a lava covered one.
In the end, only floating islands of magma were left as the only solid ground of this world, as the lava seemed to stay liquid, its mission accomplished, the venerer vanished from this world.