
TENSURA: That Time I Abandoned Humanity

(No one read the PS's, so I'll put them up here instead) PS: The first volume was just a prologue that's fast-paced AF and ALSO a canon copy only for the convenience of future plot. PPS: If you don't want to read a canon copy, just go ahead and read Volume 1; Chapter 1,2,3, skip to 11.5 another skip to 19 and 20. THEN, You can go ahead and open Volume 2. Also, THIS BOOK CONTAINS SPOILERS! 《DISCLAIMER》 《The following is a non-profit fan fiction. I do not own Naruto, Tensura, The gamer, and a bunch of other stuff in this fan fiction. Please support the official release.》 . . . . 《Confirmed. Reconstructing the spirit...『Gamers mind』 has been acquired. Report. 『Gamers mind』 and 『Gamers body』 evolved into one skill category: 『Gamer』 has been created 》 And that's what I heard after my death. Did I Hallucinate? Can a ghost even hallucinate? or did I survive, but the doctors gave me too much morphine?? well, no matter... [Additional tag: Genderbender ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] And yes, I own the book cover. Sincerely, Chair-kun's alter ego - Door-kun

Door_kun · アニメ·コミックス
85 Chs

Chapter 25 - Shadow Squad

Rimuru tempest's POV

I woke up in a futon in human form and I still wore my bathing yukata.

'That's right, Kaito!!!'

After remembering some memories, I get out of the room and get to the dining room.

「Shuna! Shuna! Where's Kaito?!!」 I shouted while opening the door.

「Oh, my, who is this "Kaito" I wonder? Also... Rimuru-sama, you shouldn't run around while like that...」

Shuna who's setting up breakfast said.

My yukata was almost slipped down, my hair is messy and I soon realized that.

「UWAAAH!!!」 I closed the door and change into slime form.


While blushing a little, I came back inside.

「s-sorry for the ruckus...」 I said entering the room.

Shuna giggled while I can see shion sitting beside the table.

「Rimuru-sama! It's time for breakfast! 」 she exclaimed.

Ignoring her exclamation, I say...

「Has anyone seen karma? 」 Shion's eye twitched.

Her eyes can freeze the air which made me a little unease.

「Karma-sama is training the shadow squad right now, rimuru-sama」

Shion said, I could sense a glint of anger from that tone. What's up with her?

「Oh... I see... then I guess I'll just go see him later...」 Shion's mood worsened, did I upset her???

I had breakfast with the three.

Good thing shion's not cooking today, even though her food tastes good, the texture just makes you want to puke.

Not to mention, it will still make the victim acquire [Poison Resistance] skill...

After we finished eating, I looked at the clock and asked shion my appointment for today.

It's almost 9 AM.


Shion read her papers.

I still have 3 hours left before the busy hour starts...

No appointment for today... That's good.

Only paper works today, I guess...

I suppose I don't have anything to do now...


「Yo! 」 A certain red-haired appeared through white smokes.

「Uwaa! Karma?!」 I jolted to the now karma who appeared beside me.

「Whatever are you trying to do in this place karma-sama?」

Shion asked with a smile. Well, her eyes did not...

「Hey that's mean! I'm just passing through as you can see?

Not to mention, I figured you guys would have nothing to do, so why not watch the shadow squad? 」

He spoke.

Watch the shadow squad? What is he planning?

He took out a black rectangular object.



He opens it and placed it on the table.

「Karma-sama, this is....? 」 Shuna who's behind us asked.

「Maa, maa... just watch」 karma assured.

After a while, a video was shown.

There's a scene of a certain shadow squad leader admirer and the other three members.

These are the 5 dragon newts of the shadow squad.

The squad leader is also with them.

「Yo! 」 karma approaches the squad

A face of annoyances was shown on the squadron's face except souei of course, who greeted his shishou gracefully.

「Sorry I'm late, a black cat crossed my path you see? 」 karma said rubbing his head sheepishly.

After seeing the faces of the tired dragon newts, Shuna asked.

「why do they look so tired, karma-sama? 」

In response to her question our karma says.

「well you see, I told them to come to the training field at 6 but alas! a black cat crossed my path, so I had to go the long way...」

Shion lightens up at this and starts nagging at karma.

「Karma-sama! Even if you're a demon lord it is important to watch your time, you need to be like me! A secretary that-」

shion blabbed while I can see karma sheepishly rub his head and sweat dropping at the same time.

Ignoring them, we turn our head back to the laptop...

「souei, I already approved you as my disciple. But I can't say for the others, that's why... everyone except souei will be given a test」 karma in the laptop said.

The squad tensed at this.

Karma then proceeded to bring his hands up, he made a sign like what he did at the Walpurgis banquet.

POOF* a white smoke appeared beside him.

A clone appeared.

The original brought an alarm clock and set it to ring at 12

「Souei, come with me」 He said to souei and disappear with him.

The dragon newts were baffled. Karma's clones proceeded to take a thing from his pouch.

He took out 3 bells.

「Today's assignment is to take these bells away from me by noon.

Those who can't do it won't get lunch.

They'll be tied to the tree, and I'll eat my lunch in front of you」

Karma said on the laptop

「Why do they look a little bit panicked just now??」 I ask

「ah, that's because I "advised" them not to eat breakfast before that」 our karma said, grinning evilly.


I can see Shuna's worried face as the four of us watch the show.

「But, hold on. Why are there only three bells? 」

A female dragon newt with green hair, I recalled as Touka asked.

「There are only three, so at the very least, two will have to be tied on the tree, And I'll eat lunch in front of you.

Both of them will be disqualified for failing the mission.

It might be two persons at the very least, or it could be all five of you.

You can use your Kunai and any tools you can use.

You won't be able to take the bells unless you come with the intent to kill me」

By the moment he said that, the male dragon newts charges at him with a kunai.

「Don't get so hasty, I didn't say start, yet...」 karma paused while dodging both of them.

「But, that's fine. At least you came with the intent to kill me. Now then, Let's dance, shall we?」

Karma said while grinning. We watch in awe as the fight started.




Karma Uzumaki's POV

I took souei with hiraishin to my hidden village.

I took out the laptop I made yesterday with magic.

I'm quite the tech nerd in my past life, so making this is easy for me.

Especially if you can just use metal you can create from thin air.

It doesn't have programs yet, but it can show video, I can do a live stream with this.

It's way better than watching from a crystal orb.

「Closed your eyes souei, I will open your chakra path ways」

I said as souei followed.

I put my right hand on his stomach.

Well, I did say I will open his chakra pathways, but in reality, I used a bit of soul consumption to place his chakra coils and give him a portion of chakra from the chakra fruit. Then, I let his body do the rest...

It was a success.

I can feel his chakra reserve expand.

And there he gained the skill, 『Chakra Manipulation』.

I stopped when it reaches the amount of Kakashi's reserve, we don't want to make him too much OP now, do we?

「Good, open your eyes」 I said as he followed suit.




I taught him hand signs, ninja histories, and clans.

Of course, I didn't forget to teach him the three great doujutsus and my seishingan too.

「Listen souei, my seishingan is probably the weakest of them since it can't see chakra points. But that won't matter if I, the user, evolved it 」

Souei is listening to me.

I revealed my spirit rings. The moment it appears souei felt a sudden throwback at his body.

「Powerful, isn't it? These are spirit rings.

Spirit Rings are the soul cores released by Spirit Beasts following their death, sacrifice, or contract with another living form.

The Spirit Ring can only be absorbed by the person who kills it and should be at a Rank to be able to absorb it 」

「At the moment you absorbed these spirit rings, your bloodline will evolve, and only you will know what kind of abilities you get.

But of course, spirit beasts are rare. The chance of you meeting one is lower than 1」 In this world, that is.

「There are also stages in this doujutsus.

Special case for my seishingan, I need spirit rings to evolve it.

But There's other who unlock a doujutsu purely because of their blood line」

I brought my hands up and a projection appeared, it's like a film without a projector screen floating on air.

An image of Sasuke fighting haku appeared.

Souei was a little bit surprised by this.

「For example, the Sharingan has 3 stages. The first stage will be the matured Sharingan, the user's eye will turn red as 3 tomoes appear on their eyes. 」

I said while projecting my imagination.

Photographic memory is quite useful...

「The second will be the Mangekyou Sharingan...」

I told him about the MS's abilities.

Susano'o and its other abilities too as the film changes to Itachi and Obito who's still with a mask.

「But of course, attaining this power would cost you more than just your life. 」 I said.

「It is initially awakened by the trauma suffered from witnessing the death of someone close to the user.

But the Uchiha have historically misunderstood the criteria as the user needing to be responsible for the person's death.

And for that reason, they developed the practice of killing their closest friends in order to gain the Mangekyō Sharingan」

Souei narrowed his eyes at this.

「Now then moving on to the next stage, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan...」

I saw the astonishment and some glints of disgust on souei's face after I told him about the Uchiha clan.

After I finished telling him about rinnegan and byakugan, I give him scrolls of kagebunshin, henge, and kawarimi Jutsu.

Well, I know this will be easy for him...

And I was right... he finished it in less than 15 minutes.

「Good, those are the basics.

We will resume this tomorrow considering that I need to teach your subordinates too.

Well, I doubt that they will be up for training before lunch.

They didn't get to eat breakfast after all」

I touched souei's shoulder and teleports us to one of the roofs at tempest.

There I sat down on the roof while indicating souei to sit beside me.

After he did, I took another laptop from my stomach and opened it, I placed it on the roof as the both of us watched.

The scene of struggling dragon newts appeared.

「I'll teach you the first Shinobi Battle Jutsu. Taijutsu」

The karma clone said.




To be continued.