
Tensura: sun pillar

Arriving in the world of tensura as a human; life was not as easy as I thought it would be. In the name of cheats, I just got some extra skills and Tsugikuni Yoriichi’s teen appearance without his talent, am I even going to survive in this world filled with dangers and overpowered beings? Watch my journey as I grow from a normal modern boy to a MAN. This will be a multiverse fic with tensura as main world, MC won't have any knowledge about tensura only. Next worlds and love interests would be decided by poll. As of now confirmed worlds are: 1. Demon slayer 2. ??? 3. ??? 4. ???

fate_Abhi · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

morning sheningan

Sleeping peacefully in the bed, I was cradling a pillow to my chest. The sun was beaming through causing me to stir. Waking up was a difficult task for me; I am a night owl after all.

I groaned when the first beam of sunlight hit my face. Raising my hand to grab the alarm clock I was confused as I didn't find it there; usually it was there, then suddenly reality hit me I remembered what happened yesterday " *sigh* ".

Crawling out of the warm bed, I did some light stretches then walked towards the bathroom; and jumped into a warm shower.

The pitter-patter of the shower seemed to clear my mind; as all of my insecurities and troubles seemed to just wash away. However all good times must come to an end as after I dried myself up, I realised that I have nothing to change into; not even a bath robe also I don't really feel like wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday.

As though it were the doing of a higher being I just realised that I got 2 skills rather 2 extra skills. As Sakaguchi-san told me yesterday about the various type of skills which were extra skills, intrinsic skills, racial skills and the strongest ones unique skills. Unfortunately, I didn't have any unique skill; which are common for otherworlders or so she said. Not like I am sad or anything.

I tried hard to remember them but no matter what I do I can't seem to remember, ok so let's take a different approach. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate; few minutes later I felt information flooding my head about the two skills, both skills are polar opposite of each other as for what they do it is quite simple as the name applies [NEGATION] allows me to negate any abnormal status effect proportional to the magicules supplied whereas [CREATION] allows me to 'create' something using magicules but under heavy restrictions and by heavy I mean INSANELY heavy. Talk for later.

Well, since I can't even create clothes for me might as well try something else; oh did I mention I am naked right now and am not even aware where my clothes are.

After finding my clothes which are now wet as well I tried negating the water and *boom* lo and behold ….nothing happened. Gazing at the clothes for few seconds when nothing happened I was about to leave but slowly but surely I saw the vapour leaving the clothes and as they taught in school this is definitely 'evaporation' *cough* even though the clothes dried up they were wrinkled though; meh not like anyone would care; that aside so this was also considered abnormal status huh? I can already think of some practical application for this skill, however isn't it pretty broken for an 'extra skill' whatever.

As for the other skill even though it sounds op in reality isn't because of the various restriction right now I can only create simple items, as for first try let's make a "POTATO CHIP!!!" I shouted. I saw something leave my body which I assume my 'orange' colored mana it was gathering above my palm like a mini orange rasengan; slowly it began to shape like an actual 'chip' and soon the finished product landed on my palm, a real potato chip. Looking at the 'chip' I….. I realised something deep.

Need gives birth to inventions. Need also gives birth to desires; and right now I have a desire.

What I am about to do next would be considered 'stupid' by some and 'honourable' by others but "someone.....SOMEONE HAD TO DO IT!!!!......IF NO ONE ELSE WILL DO IT, THEN I ...I WILL!!!"


somebody knocked on the door and I didn't knew who it were; might they be an hostile individual trying to catch me off guard! Jokes on you NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!!

"I will do a jojo pose and EAT A POTATO CHIP!" I said as I assumed a jojo pose and brought the chip closer to my mouth -*Boom* *Crash*- the door was kicked open by someone; that someone being Sakaguchi-san.

''I was passing by and heard a loud sound and I came to ch-" she stopped when she saw the scene in front of her.

Sometimes in some romcom manga and anime we see some lucky pervert incidents; one of them being walking into a girls room while she is changing. Well, even me being a boy it is no rocket science to tell what a girl might feel, however have you even wondered what would the boy feel when the situation is reversed?

{img} {pose}

{img} {expression}

[Third person pov]

Currently inside a room we can see two people, a boy doing a weird pose; the situation would have been slightly normal were it not for the fact that the boy was naked with a scary/creepy expression and a girl with an expression looking at the boy as if she had given up on humanity.

The girl went back to pick up the broken door and put it upright before leaving the room with the same expression.

The boy was left alone inside the room frozen with an unreadable expression; the chip he was holding fell on the ground, he still did not react though.

[First person pov]

Coming downstairs I was in the same fantasy themed hotel; looking around I saw Sakaguchi-san sitting alone on a table having a cup of coffee, I went towards her not sure what kind of face to make; let's see how it goes.

"I think I have seen you somewhere. Your face looks familiar." I said, as though we didn't yesterday and she was not paying my rent despite being a stranger.

"Is that what you say to all the pretty girls you approach?" she replied, fortunately she just raised a curious brow and decided to go with the flow than making the situation more awkward.

"oh no, you have that disorder." I said with such seriousness that for a second she herself doubted if she had such a thing. Also just so you know the only thing I know in biology is the number of bones in human body; which is 208.

"what disorder do I have O' great one?" she said clearly enjoying this little skit.

''the 'misinterpreting others' and 'overestimating yourself' disorder"

"that was not funny" she said suppressing a smile.

"what would you like to order sir?'' the waiter came near our table and asked me. "a cup of tea and todays breakfast please" you see I am not a coffee person. "ok sir, and madam would you like something else".

"no, thanks" the waiter bowed and left after she replied.

She took a sip of her coffee, looked straight into my eyes and asked "So ,you have a girlfriend?".

honestly I was surprised by the question; I know that she is not interested in me romantically so what might be the reason for that? Now I have two options first I tell her the truth 'no' and that's it. Second I tell her a white lie and my right now I am going to follow my gut feeling.

"yeah. She is perfect" I replied simply.



"Imaginary?" for the first time since I met her she said in teasing voice, something other than her normal indifferent tone.

"yes" I replied barely being able to suppress my laugh and tears? How strange.

"how the hell did you guess that? Your unique skill perhaps?"

"no, it was easy to guess; I would hardly expect you to call your long term girlfriend 'perfect' instantaneously" she said casually while sipping her coffee as if she were a love guru. I wonder how old is she?

She put her empty cup down and glared at me coldly. 'shit! I forgot about women's intuition', I tried to remain as natural as possible took the tea and breakfast from him and ate it.She stopped glaring at me mid-way.

after I finished my meal she asked me if I was sure about becoming an adventurer and after my confirmation she led to the guild.

As we were leaving the hotel, I tried joking with her. "have I done enough to secure another tryst with you?".

"Umm… well, it wouldn't hurt to meet you one more time." she said and started heading out leaving me behind.

"Such humility in display, appalling" she gave a cute little laugh at that; as I followed her. Unfortunately I couldn't see her face.

[ few minutes later inside the same hotel ]

Receptionist: our apologies sir but there is no room available right now.

???: *haah* I can't find any room today looks like I have to search for an local inn.

Receptionist: wait sir! We might have a room but the door is broken and walls are damaged, so would to like to stay in it we will need some time to repair it though.

???: how the did hell it break? Whatever I am fine with it

[after entering the room]

[??? Pov]

"aww what the hell happened here; looks like someone kicked open this door dude must be strong, broke the walls as well. Hmm what is that" the man said as he found something lying on the floor.

*sniff*-*sniff* he sniffed the 'thing' after picking it up and much to his surprise it smelled unlike anything he smelled before, just the smell makes it appetizing. He took a small part of the 'thing' and put it in his mouth.

"!!!" his eyes widened as he was shocked by the taste and shouted "OISHiiiiiiiiiiii"