
Tensura: Reincarnated As A Larva

In the heart of a dark and unforgiving city, a young woman finds herself abandoned and alone in a cruel world. Haunted by the dreams of heroes from the stories she loves, she longs for someone to notice her, to save her from the shadows that threaten to consume her soul. But fate has other plans... As her consciousness began to wane, a mysterious voice pierced through the darkness, capturing her attention. Despite the dire circumstances, she couldn't help but find the strange voice oddly amusing, its familiarity reminiscent of the countless novels and anime she had immersed herself in... [NOTICE! Processing requirements...] ___________________________________ Note: This is a straight ship. Other Tags: #NO HAREM #NO YURI #OVERPOWERED #FEMALE LEAD #ISEKAI #R-18 #SMUT #DASH OF DEPRAVITY #ISEKAI #Slice of Life #NON-HUMAN MC PPS. English is my third language, so be lenient and give constructive criticisms so I can edit any errors. However, it should be readable... I give ALL credit to the referenced pics since it is the art that inspired me to continue the story, and I can't draw for the life of me. If you own the pictures and art referenced, please notify me if it bothers you, and I shall take it down. Thank you!

JuicyGrape · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

I Forgot About That... {Part 1}


||Short Recap||



{Hierarchy: The user can freely {Plunder} skill of any creatures linked to your genealogy, while also enabling the user to {Transfer} subordinates linked to your genealogy any skill they are compatible with.}


... It's similar to Rimuru's food chain... 

A rather aggressive and primitive version of {Food Chain}... Instead of copying the skills of my subordinates, I can only plunder and take the original skill...

That's essentially ripping off a part of their soul and taking it for myself...

I pondered, trying to understand the specifics of its effects... "Hmm... subordinates linked to my genealogy should mean creatures who are descended from me and those I named..." I whispered as my gaze seemed to wander to the four eggs a few feet away...


'No... I wasn't such a fan of such aggressive moves such as "plundering"... I will only do so to those I deem unworthy of such power and those unworthy of living...' I thought as I steeled my resolve...


I sighed, letting out a deep breath. My thoughts were in disarray.


Veldanava had mentioned that I'm a Spiritual Being. Throughout the year during the gestation of my eggs, I haven't felt the need to eat, but I do sometimes feel a bit peckish, like wanting to snack on something just for fun, probably a lingering habit from my past life... other than those 'cravings' I mostly slept the whole year.


Let me be honest here. Not much has changed with my routine from my previous life... I just did anything I wanted; eating and sleeping whenever, sometimes not even sleeping at all, just to read novels and binge-watch my favorite shows and anime...


In comparison, this otherworldly life is kinda... -boring...?

'Life without internet and entertainment just feels so incomplete...' Granted, it wasn't like I never thought of practicing magic to gain new skills and spells, but being continuously drained of magicules to nourish the eggs that were gestating at the time wasn't exactly the best feeling. 

My body felt drained, dry... -empty. The effects of weakening and energy depletion.

Using more magicules in that state is like telling someone tired of a day's work to work again without resting... It might be possible, but frankly, exhausting...


I pondered, recalling what I could do to stave off my boredom now that I was hopefully on my way to recovering my depleted magicule reserves...

... Finally, I recalled something...

I was so preoccupied with fulfilling my end of the deal with Veldanava that I had forgotten... I now had an ultimate skill! 

I immediately cast Ultimate Skill 『Moirai: Weaver of Fates』. Excited to see and try out for myself...

Suddenly, a feeling I'd never felt before. I seemed to become disconnected from the world as I was enshrouded by curtains of dazzling white light, my senses obscured... A cool breeze caressed my skin softly, my face feeling ticklish as something gently brushed across my face.

'Wind...?' I thought, confused... My nest was underground. How could that be...?

I opened my eyes, looking up. I could see the vast, breathtaking spectacle that is the night sky; like shimmering diamonds scattered across a velvet cloth. The celestial bodies twinkle and glimmer, casting a soft, ethereal glow that captivates even the coldest of hearts...

'Beautiful...' I thought as I stared into a trance.


At the corner of my vision, I saw three towering columns similar to those of Greek descent; sturdy..., intricately carved marbled patterns of lifelike vines wrapping along its base. A delicate silvery curtain shone in iridescence as it draped along the top...

Snapping out of my trance, I looked around... I was on a circular platform... an island...? The three columns create a semi-circle pattern along the circumference of the island. In the middle of this all was a sapphire-colored... ball...?

It was about the size of a yoga ball in my old world... it seemed to float from the ground, about chest height, for easy access...

I went closer to the ball...

Out of nowhere, as if sensing my presence, it lit up! The draping curtains from the three pillars seem to transform into threads of silver light, connecting to various points in the "ball"; some threads seem to clump in a single area while others are far and secluded... On the ball's surface, the faint light formed into fine details... It formed miniature replicas of mountains, forests, bodies of water, and even... settlements...



Happy Holidays! Happy New Year!

It's already almost midnight here as I type. This is a short chapter since I decided to delete the previous chapter draft I created since it was barely coherent...

Anyways~ if you might've noticed my style of writing in this chapter seems more descriptive...? I'm doing trials on immersion of my story since this is also #slice of life genre... feel free to comment if this type of style is nice or if you'd rather not bother with it lol.

Bye, gotta go fast its almost midnight! Happy New Year, Love Ya'll! Thank you for supporting my little story this past week since we started <3< p>