
23: Magic sword

Zepes visibly gulped due to the sudden change in Anos's behavior. 'why am I suddenly scared of him? I can definitely defeat him with my magic sword and armor, but why can't I get this bad feeling over me'

Looking at the scared zepes anos raised an eyebrow 'ohh did his instinct warn him that I was being serious well this should make things interesting "hey did the clown know his place already "

As anos spoke those words with magic imbued to them which was a similar version of what Rimuru did with her skills. But suddenly runes began to appear on the zepes's armor. After seeing that his magic was defended, anos began to analyze the runes on the armor and in less than three seconds, he found their uses.

 That armor was designed to ward off any kind of mental attack and spiritual attack. Make no mistake, that defense can be bypassed if anos, Rimuru, or any skilled magician uses their magic power and attack the weak spots on the armor. But for your average magician, it is an absolute mental defense. 

 "hehe did try to use magic and control me as that bitch did. Then you fucked because with this armor I can block any mental attacks. Now after I kill you I will find that bitch and show her the consequences of standing against a royale. "

Anos almost in a bored tone said "yes yes you wear armor because you have zero defense against mental attacks we all know that so can we begin this already "

"you …." before zepes could argue the owl spoke,

" I allow the use of weapons, armor, and magic equipment. Victory or defeat will be decided by the death of the other or the declaration of giving up. Now then , let's begin the practical test!" 


Immediately zepes unsheathed the sword that was hanging on his waist and sprinted towards anos at a high speed . when he was near him his swords emitted a terrifying black flame around it. Zepes wasting no time slashed towards anos's neck with the earlier momentum clearly fixating on killing him. When the sword was near his neck anos immediately ducked and began gave a kick. Zepes immediately backed away and evaded it.

While their battle is going on the audience cheered with much excitement. To them it looked like anos is barely dodging zeps's sword strikes. To them fighting against a royal or a noble is very hard as they are given more training at a early age. So they are betting on how much time anos would survive. Well they couldn't be more wrong from the truth.

While to many zepes's speed may be fast but to anos who fought hero cannon head on he is very slow and while some may believe it as nonsense , if zepes's sword came in touch with anos's skin it would simply a broken in half. Well anos has a weak anti-magic barrier around him . while this maybe weak to anos the barrier is a top tier magic spell in the modern era. So when the sword touches it it would break due to the barrier's properties and its hardness.

While some may ask what's the big deal if it broke its just a sword. No you are wrong . what zepes is wielding is the family heirloom of the Indu family the magic sword Zelfried. It was a sword born from an ancient flame that was handed down to the Indu family for generations. This sword amplifies the user's magic power by ten folds and increase the agility by 5 folds.

So to anos who is the ancestor felt like he is bullying his descendants if he broke that sword by accident so that's why at the last moment he evaded the strike after realizing the sword's state.

After a few rounds of dodging both of them jumped in the opposite direction of each other to get a moment to breathe. Well, it's mostly for zepes since he is the only one who is tired. To anos it's just like a walk in a park.


Anos POV:

This is boring, If I had a sword in my hand, I would have already cut him a hundred times, but well, there are no grown-ups who take children's games seriously. Look at him seriously, we only battled for about 20 minutes and you are already panting. If it was at war you would have died already.

And that sword seriously what kind of crap is that. Well, I do remember some folks creating some swords called magic swords in those days but we almost never used them since we lose immediately if that weapon was stolen or broken.

Well, it's quite ironic that those swords are used as family heirlooms these days. But even if this guy is a complete scum destroying a family heirloom would not be good in my guilty conscience. So lets just break his spirit and get the win.

"hey is that a magic sword?"

"That's right. Are you seeing it for the first time? A little different from modern magic, true magic. Yes, this is an ancient sword with hidden magic. A product of the age of the gods. Magic sword Zefried!"

 really that a magic sword? Compared to something like this, the sticks around here that fell in the age of the gods have a lot more magic hidden in them. Must be one of those high copy I heard from Rimuru. Yeah, that must be it, while it is said to be a product of the age of the gods, it must be a fake. A true magic sword has a will. And even the owner is undermined by its enormous magical power. And it seems the word "magic sword" has also come to be treated quite lightly

First let's just put out that candle. * blows some air *

" huh ... eeeeehhhh"

Wow, I didn't even need to use a magic circle to blow it away. And now that commotion is here let's amplify some voices that would break this guy's spirit.

" I can't believe it! He extinguished the flames of the magic sword Zelfried "

" an ancient flame that is said to never go out until the end of the world.. and I didn't even see a magic circle unfold "

Wow, that sword is way more famous than I thought but looks like zepes doesn't want to believe reality.

"You, no way, sealing magic...!?"

"What, I just blew it out. Even with the amount of magic hidden in that sword, well, it will light the flames again in a few years."

 Zepes has a bitter expression.

"…Seal magic, command magic, it certainly seems like you have talent at those magic at a tremendous level, but apparently the magic you use isn't suitable for combat. And you can't do anything to me since I have this armor with me "

 hmm, The armor looks like i will have to shatter that armor if i want to break his spirit .

"I don't think I'll be proud even if I break it through."

"Hmph. Are you scared?"

"No, I have an interesting suggestion. In the first place, it's wrong for you and me to be in the same position."

 Zepes glares at me but this time he didn't do anything or came running at me .

Hmm looks like he still has a brain .












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