
Tensura:New Journey

This story takes place after the defeat of Feldway/Zelanus/Ivarage. Thus paving the way for an expanded cosmology and new and bigger threats to the Tensura Verse. Will they be able to stop the oncoming threats? Or will they fade away in their upcoming disasters? Read to find out

Astra178 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Tournament Begins

After a rousing first day of the Tempest Founding Festival, the inevitable second day had begun. The first event taking place would be the tournament.

The visitors from both near and far have travelled all this way to see the Tempest Festival with their own eyes. Those from either old or newly found nations here to see the nation of monsters for a change.

All visitors were lined up outside and purchasing tickets in order to enter the colosseum and watch what was about to unfold.

Slowly but surely the colosseum was being filled to the brim with individuals. All of which were filled with a plethora of emotions. Some being excitement while other were full of skepticism and low expectations.

All while a certain draconic slime was sitting above the colosseum in an area reserved for him and some of his allies, while he was waiting for them to arrive. To be precise his fellow demon lords and siblings.

To his right was his right hand man and the leader of the Tempest Military, Benimaru.

"Benimaru, I have some questions to ask you."

"What is it Rimuru-sama?" Benimaru answered.

"What are your thoughts on Tomoe? She is competing in this after all."

Benimaru brought his hand up to his chin as he closed his eyes in thought.

"She is young but has alot of determination to become stronger. She is quite goofy at times but she can read the room and understands when a situation is severe. She even has high determination to become strong enough to become a member of the Patrons." Benimaru explained.

"I see, she has quite the life goals. Do you think she will become strong enough to join the Patrons?" Rimuru asked, wanting to hear Benimarus opinion on the matter.

"According to what I gauge from her, she is about Calamity Class. Given a few more years, perhaps she will be strong enough to join." Benimaru spoke with a smirk. Seemingly pleased with the thought of having a new member become worthy of joining their ranks.

"Yo." A voice rang out from behind the seated Rimuru and Benimaru. A familiar voice at that which the both of them had recognized.

The both of them had turned around to see a long crimson haired individual wearing a jacket that exposed his finely toned abs.

Demon Lord Guy Crimson was the first one to arrive.

"Sup Guy." Rimuru said with an outstretched hand, waving towards one of his closest friends over all these years.

"Greetings Lord Guy." Benimaru said with respect as he took a slight bow towards the arrived demon lord.

"No need for that Benimaru." Guy said as he swung his right arm around Benimarus shoulders. "We are all friends, so no need for those pointless formalities." Guy spoke in a collected and friendly tone.

Through the years since Ivarage's defeat, everyone has not been simply lazing around and have instead been trying to constantly improve themselves. Benimaru included had gotten significantly stronger than when he was prior. The result of 10,000 years worth of training had boosted him from the level of an average awakened demon lord into that of a True Dragon level threat. One that could contend with Velgrynd when she had just gained possession of {Divine Flame God Cthugha}.

Due to this massive boost in power from all this hard work, he gained acknowledgment from Guy Crimson. Thus Guy began treating Benimaru more like a friend and equal rather than anyone lesser.

"Yeah thats right." Another voice had arrived in the room. This one was a bit more refined and ladylike. The three of them had turned to see a beautiful blonde haired woman. Her hair was a single long braid. Her ears were long and pointy like an elf. Her eyes were a shiny and pure golden color.

It was Ramiris. In her more recently acquired adult form. With the fact that it is more permanent and she can willingly switch between her adult and childlike forms. Giving her more flexibility in terms of being prone to combat tactics. Due to her regaining this adult form, her power came with it and to a much greater extent.

Accompanying her was a tall tan man. With short blonde hair and markings near the corner of his eyes. Storm Dragon Veldora was accompanying her.

"Yo Brother." Veldora said as a greeting.

At the sight of both of them together, both Rimuru and Guy had smirked, seemingly amused by the sight.

"Sup Veldora, Ramiris." Rimuru answered with a snicker. Doing his best to stifle his laughter.

Veldora had noticed what was going on and released a sigh in slight annoyance.

"How you been doing Ramiris?" Guy had asked, his grin also still relevant on his face.

Ramiris looked at them a bit confused. She was completely unaware as to why they were laughing. She looked around at the three of them with her visibly confused expression. But after a few moments, she resigned on figuring out why and simply gave up. Not prying any further.

"Its good to see you guys again. I had been consumed in our research." Ramiris said as she approached both Rimuru and Guy and promptly gave the both of them a hug. Naturally, as she is one of their closest friends they hugged her back. Lasting for about 4 seconds from each before releasing.

"I see. I had been too busy myself so I am quite unaware of what you guys have been doing." Rimuru mentioned.

"Also, you appear to be stronger. Did you perhaps train yourself?" Guy had asked. Ramiris had smirked when he asked this. She seemed glad that such an old friend had noticed her efforts.

"Yes, I am glad you asked. During downtime from our research I was training with Veldora in order to get stronger and not be left behind." Ramiris spoke with a proud expression.

When she mentioned this, A Magic Formation had formed within Rimurus eyes, as well as changing his eye color from its usual golden to crimson red.

This was a single skill that Rimuru had developed with the help of his wife, Ciel. It was an Ultimate Skill titled, {Lord of Destruction, Anos}. This was a mere sub-skill of that called {Eyes of Destruction}. According to the name, it would seem like all it does is destroy. But Rimuru wanted to be able to do things independently from Ciel and this skill helped with that. As it allowed him to gauge any enemies power and abilities with a single glance.

He wanted this because in the past he felt like a complete idiot for inaccurately gauging his power when compared to his opponents. Such as when he compared himself to Demon Lord Dagruel. So with this, underestimating himself when compared to his opponents is no longer a problem.

He used the {Eyes of Destruction} to gauge Ramiris abilities. More precisely, her Ep and Skills. And surprisingly to Rimuru, she had gained a new Ultimate Skill.

It was called {Goddess of Magic Circe}.

It consisted of,

Magic Creation

Magic Nullification

Multi-Dimensional Barrier

Mind Domination

Space-Time Domination

Cancel & Copy

Thought Acceleration

All of Creation

A powerful Ultimate Skill that specifically specializes in magic.

Rimuru was fairly surprised with this skill. It seemed really strong from the looks of it. Ramiris was already capable of using magic that could combat an Ultimate Skill. Now with this skill she could freely create her own forms of magic that could potentially beat out Ultimate Skills entirely.

Cancel & Copy sounded exactly how it is supposed to sound. They allowed her to eliminate any magic thrown at her, this would include magic that is further enhanced by the power of an Ultimate Skill. And Copy would allow her to copy any magic she sees with 100% accuracy and efficiency.

"Your analyzing me Rimuru?" Ramiris had asked as she noticed Rimurus eyes glowing red.

"Yes, sorry for prying. But that new skill you have is something." Rimuru spoke with quite a proud tone.

"Why thank you." Ramiris said with her grin.

"No praising her. It will go to her head." Guy said towards Rimuru.

"HEY!" She retaliated.

Both Guy, Rimuru and even Benimaru and Veldora began to snicker at her response. Clearly lifting the mood even higher. Since all the guests here were already on edge since there are multiple demon lord level individuals here. But plenty of them did not know just how strong demon lords were. The best they believed were they were strong enough to destroy a single town before getting tired. So there was quite a bit of arrogance in the crowd as well as a bit of fear.

"Anyways, do you have any idea if Luminous is coming directly here or not?" Rimuru had asked the either of them.

"I did see her earlier. She said she was coming here without Hinata and Chloe. Since they want to catch up with those students of hers." Ramiris had answered.

"Oh right." Rimuru had answered. It had been so long since he last seen those kids. Ryota, Ken, Alice, Gale. Years after the Tenma war and living in Tempest, they all left together on their own journey as soon as they became proper adults. Eventually evolving into Saints with given time. But, ken had been the only one of them to evolve into a True Hero via gaining his own Hero Seed. Thus, Rimuru naturally let it slip his mind that they are also immortal now.

Minutes later:

Slowly but surely everyone else that was expected to arrive had arrived. Ciel, who took her seat directly next to Rimuru so she could lay on his shoulder. All the Demon Lords, True Dragons and even Masayuki since he was with Velgrynd. Naturally everyone had greeted eachother upon entry and took their seats.

Given a few more minutes, the colosseum was finally filled with no open seats left. Thus marking the beginning of the tournament.

In the center of the colosseum, a woman with two pristine white horns on her forehead was slowly walking to the center with a microphone. It was Shuna.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would hereby like to announce the beginning of the Tempest annual Tournament."

As she said these words, the crowd erupted in excitement. Clearly happy the tournament was finally about to take place. After a few seconds the roars of excitement began to die down.

"But before we begin I would like to notify you all about the details regarding the tournament." Shuna had mentioned. Grabbing the crowds attention.

"Like always, our colosseum here now incorporates the effects of the Labyrinth. Meaning, you can die freely here and be revived on spot. This is all due to our master Lord Rimuru. So death is not a concern here." Shuna said. Parts of the audience began to whisper among themselves. Part filled with admiration for that detail and other with sarcasm. It was pretty evenly split between the audience. Not knowing whether to believe it or simply outright not believing it.

"There will be three matches played today. All ten individuals who placed in the preliminary. As well as two individuals selected at random to participate in place of Tempest. Adding for a total of twelve participants and six matches for the starters for the course of three days. These matches were also selected at random." Shuna explained, taking a small pause to gauge the crowds reaction. But to her surprise everyone was still waiting.

"Finally, I have been notified of a special match taking place at the very end of this tournament." She spoke, grabbing the attention of the crowd once more. The Tenpestians in the crowd were excited for who this matchup could possibly be between, but they did have some idea.

"That match will be played out between Chaos Creator Rimuru Tempest and Lord of Darkness Guy Crimson. It will be a match for the history of the world and not one you should miss." Shuna said with a smile as she spoke these words.

The crowd was dead silent for a few seconds. After, half the crowd erupted into pure excitement. That was the Tempest side. They were excited to be able to see the power of their master for once. And close up at that with a fight against one of his peers and someone who Rimuru viewed as an equal.

The other side of the crowd remained dead silent. They had heard only tales and legends of what these two individuals had done in the past. And now there would be a fight between them and they would be watching it up close. It was nothing short of terrifying.

"Without further ado, let the tournament begin!" Shuna had shouted on mic, with clear excitement in her voice as well. These tournaments has also become something she tends to enjoy as well.

And with that shout, at long last, the tournament finally began.

(A/N: This might take a while, because I am considering all these matches at the end to be a prologue. At least until we get to Rimuru and Guys match. So I will be trying to dedicate a whole chapter to either a single fight or two fights. Or I might just go the way for these first six matches to try and fit three fights in a single chapter. The way I will do it is still undecided, so yeah. But the next chapters are already being worked on. See you next time✌️)