
Tensura: Chronicles of the Star-King

Two thousand years have passed since the Creator God, Veldanava, died and refused to reincarnate. At least, that's what everyone believes. But what if he couldn't reincarnate at the time, and what if he's only just now coming back? And what if he's manifested again on the outskirts of Rimuru City, in the domain of the Newbie, True Demon Lord Rimuru? What will happen when the world finds out about his return? What will happen he the Destroyer meets her long dead father?

J_D_Johnathan · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

The Sleeping Ruler


 That was all I felt when I sensed Lord Veldanava's Death through our Soul Corridor. It was as if a piece of my soul had vanished into the unending darkness.

 No Pride over my swordsmanship, no sadness over my lord's death, nothing… except utter rage, rage at the ones who had dared to sin, dared to hurt their own Creator.

 In my pure unrestrained fury, I obliterated the country responsible. I hunted down every last one of those bastards down to their very corpses, removing them from existence, as I rescinded their very souls along with their bodies.

 But then, it finally hit me … I didn't know what to do anymore.

 Should I destroy this world and that damned humanity? —I had thought, but stopped as I heard a wailing sound from afar. Looking towards it, I found a small child hugging a small dragon in its arms.

 It didn't take me any effort to understand who it was; it was my lord's daughter.

 I wanted to defend her, to protect her until my Lord and Master returned. However, I could not face her. Seeing her reminded me of my failure to protect Lord Veldanava, so I did that while in the shadows, watching over her from afar.

 But I then once again failed, failed to protect the tiny creation of my master, Gaia, who my master had created to accompany his daughter.

 However, in this event, I realized two things.

 Milim had inherited some of my Lord's powers and a great degree of his Draconic might, including his ability to manipulate and generate Stardust itself, though to a far lesser extent. She was also extremely intelligent despite her behavior and age, rivalling even that of Feldway's, the oldest of us and the only one who had been blessed by master with a body similar to his own.

 However, there was another factor I also recognized. She, as close as she seemed to Lord Veldanava, was not him. Her aura was nowhere near the pure vibrant divine aura my master exuded, this one felt… contaminated. However, it was undeniable that she was the closest there was to being master's successor, something I did not want to reason, as I patiently waited for my lord's reincarnation.

 But…it never came. Years had passed, even after the incident of Milim's rage, even after Velzard killed Veldora countless times, my lord did not return.

 I wondered…Had Master grown disappointed in his creations and abandoned us? —I shuddered at the thought.

 It could just not be true. I remembered his jovial expression as he watched over his creations' achievements, their growth and prosperity. I retained the memories of him being sorrowful as his creations began destroying themselves. There was no way he had abandoned us—that was what I should…no, what I wanted to believe.

 So, as I waited for his return, only one reason seemed appropriate for his refusal to reincarnate. He was watching over his creations from afar, and would return at the end of time, of end this cycle and create a new and better world in its place, and I…wished to help him with that, even if I had become an unholy fallen, unworthy of being by his side again.

 I wanted to be selfish, I wanted to be by his side no matter what.

 As time passed, my motivation to continue gradually waned, lacking motivation to such an extent that I received the title of 'Sleeping Ruler', besides 'True Demon Lord' and 'Watcher'.

 Not finding myself worthy of living in the Star Palace any longer, I roamed the Central World, until Dagruel offered me to stay in his country, something I accepted since I did not have a place to stay.

 Without a purpose, me and the other 6 angels that served alongside me always checked if our lord had returned by inspecting our soul corridor, but after more than a thousand years had passed, we began to lose hope, and around 1500 years later, one of us seldom did so.

 Just like that, I spent my days lazing around and participating in that troublesome Walpurgis. But this time was different, there was Slime who had managed to evolve into a True Demon Lord.

 I was surprised, but then…the weakling, Clayman, dared to hit Milim.

 I wanted to rip him to pieces, but I knew guy wouldn't allow that, and I wasn't strong enough to fight him, now that my strength and skill had degraded a significant amount over the millennia. But surprisingly, the slime, Rimuru, was angry at this as well. Why? —I wondered. Milim behaved as her whims called, and Rimuru had somehow peeked her interest. However, the real surprise came when I saw his soul. 

 It was…unbelievable. It shone with an intensity closest to my master, while still lower, it was the closest I had ever seen to my lord, even more so than his daughter herself.

 I was curious, and for a moment, I had thought that Lord Veldanava had secretly reincarnated, which would not be difficult for him. However, it was different upon closer inspection.

 Unlike my lord's soul, which shone with unparalleled intensity even when only partially discernible, and was filled with patience, curiosity, benevolence, and divinity, Rimuru's soul seemed calm and orderly, still yet chaotic, human but not at the same time, a conflicting yet stable soul I had only once seen in my master.

 Maybe, just maybe…I hoped for Rimuru to be Veldanava's reincarnation, but I knew that was a futile wish. Rimuru's soul was unique, and a True Dragon's soul cannot be shattered by any means I knew of. And so, I was once again left disheartened.

 Then, an even greater surprise came when the Storm Dragon Veldora, just teleported in Guy's barrier. And Rimuru, seemed to be acquainted with him… no, he seemed as if he was friends with him, as if they were brothers, something I knew only Veldanava was considered by the Manifestation of Chaos

 That coincidences were too much for me to ignore, so, I entrusted this task to my laziness, which put it in the back of my mind with ease, and I once again felt the same as I did again, patiently waiting for my master. 

 As the weakling was devoured by the Ultimate Skill of Gluttony possessed by the slime, I felt a bit dejected, but the nuisance had been dealt with, and there was not much I could do now.

 And so, I left the Walpurgis with Dagruel again, as always.

 However, that same day, a sudden anxiety struck me. I didn't know what to do about, I didn't know what it was, and decided at I would just sleep all my worries away.

 Then, just out of a spontaneous intuitive thought, my soul told me to check the soul Corridor with my master. I was becoming tired of it, believing that my master would come at the end of time, but I somehow ended up doing it again.

 That…was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Expecting to see the same nonexistent soul corridor with my master, I gazed within myself, only to find it was there.


 I lost any sense of drowsiness I could have felt, as my mind ran countless thoughts, overwhelming my very being.

 Has Master come back?

 Why didn't he tell us about it, why did he tell ME about it?

 Then again, this was not the time to ponder over these thoughts. Quickly unveiling my 12 wings, I took off to the where I sensed Master as fast as I could, no other thought occupying my heart, as I uttered a hopeful cry—

 "Are you really back…Master?"


 In the midst of the day, a big boom was heard across the Heaven Tower. Chaos all over the country would have been inevitable lest it's Ruler, the Demon Lord Dagruel had not taken the stage to calm down his subjects.

 Dagruel now stood before the room his friend and former colleague, Dino, usually occupied, which now was empty. Dagruel, looking at the hole torn in the ceiling furrowed his eyebrows.

 "What happened?"

 He could not understand. The Dino who refused to even move as if it would have killed had rushed somewhere with such haste. It was unbelievable. He could not comprehend any possible reason behind such an action. Even when facing guy, he never gave away his laziness.

 This enthusiasm. He has not behaved like this ever since

 Dagruel shook his head. It was not possible, Veldanava had not reincarnated even after all this time, why would he do so now. He wondered if he should check it himself—

 Leave it. I'd rather not bury myself in false hope. Dino's in a hurry because maybe something happened with the Angels.

 Dagruel sighed. He had already accepted that Veldanava had decided not to reincarnate. He wished not to be let down again, and turned back.

 "Get this room fixed"

 "Yes, my Lord"

 The guard beside him responded, quickly taking off to get to the task given. Dagruel, left alone, looked at the navy sky brimming with the sun's warm radiance, his face nostalgic as he ultimately voiced his inner thoughts.

 "I hope you return one day"


 I held the sword in my hand, the one Veldanava gave me. It was a thin dark blade with lavender runes crafted on it, which read 'Void' on one side and 'Order' on the other. I tried to ask Raphael about it, but it also could not give me a proper explaination.

 However, Raphael did tell me some of its effects, though it said that some of them are hidden and would be likely accessible when certain conditions are met, which it could not tell were. But they sure were terrifying nonetheless, which Raphael said was unusual for even a Mythical Grade weapon, I didn't press further but mythical sure sounds cool.

 It was enough to make me doubt if Veldanava really gave it to me to use or just take a look at, but Raphael said it was the former so it's not a big deal…right?

 The sword seemed to have a few functions which Raphael had discovered besides its passive ability to buff my demonic attacks by the factor of a whooping 250%.

 One of them was to change between two different modes.

 One boosted my Demonic abilities by any factor I wished, but the downside was that it would make me just as vulnerable to Holy attacks, this could even add up to the point where I was immune to Demonic attacks, however, there was a greater consequence to this. I would be vulnerable to Holy attacks to the point where even a normal attack with the Holy attribute could kill me, not to mention, this effect would persist till 10 seconds after I deactivated this mode, which I called 'Demonic Rush'.

 The other mode was actually more of a battle mode, in which the sword takes over, letting it fight by controlling my body. Raphael also said that there were a few instructions left deep within it, likely Veldanava's doing. They seemed to be only accessible by establishing a greater connection with it. I called it, "Fiend control".

 But more of that another time. I have to visit Vesta and Kaijin regarding the new tools for the city now that I have finished my paperwork, so I guess I'll wrap it up.

 With these thoughts in mind, I looked at 'my' new sword before putting it into my 『Stomach』 and being on my way.

 Now that I think about it, Veldora seemed to hang around me less and less every day after Veldanava came, I should probably give him a visit as well, it's kinda boring and a bit lonely without him in the office.

 «Warning. High Energy entity approaching at enormous speed. Threat Level: Critical»



 In a castle frozen by Unnaturally Chilled Ice, on top of his throne, sat the oldest of the primordial daemons, Rouge, now known as Guy Crimson, the Ruler of the Ice Continent and partner of the Frost Dragon Velzard.

 His eyes remained shut, as he sat still, his head resting upon his hand. The furrowed eyebrows were testimonial that he was deep in thought.


 Rain and Misery, the two servants of the red progenitor, remained anxious, as they saw their master's strained expression. Even Velzard was feeling uneasy, as she refrained from interrupting his contemplations, quietly watching from besides the daemon maids.

 "What a headache!"

 Guy grumbled, as he leaned back in his seat, his hand covering his eyes. Slowly, it fell, revealing his sharp scarlet eyes. Heaving a deep sigh, he turned to Velzard.



 "What would you do if Veldanava returned?"



 A dreadful silence fell upon the castle, as a blizzard began outside while Velzard's face darkened and the frown on her face deepened.

 "Forget it, just go unwind somewhere"

 Guy waved her off, receiving an icy expression from his 'partner' before the latter left.

 I already know what you will do, being the same obsessed child you are. However, it seems you could not even recognize the real question I asked you.

 Guy, once again, sat alone in thought, as the 2 daemon maids followed Velzard out. Rimuru had become a headache.

 He better not mess with the balance I created more, I will not hesitate to eliminate him if he does more chaos, even if Milim calls him her friend. I spared you because you were interesting, but don't expect me to tolerate you too much.

 Guy was enraged. The balance he had so carefully created, lasting for thousands of years was destroyed just like that. That Slime, who called himself 'Rimuru', was special, but not special enough for Guy to let him be if he threatened the world, after all, he had already grown to such a degree within only a few years, who knows what he could become he grew more in strength.

 Guy would not have gotten this much of a headache if 'that person' did not predict this, as if they knew that this was going to happen, as if they knew the future itself, something he only knew Veldanava was able to predict with whatever means he had.

 Not to mention, there is that matter of this Nova, who 'that person' said was the center of all this mess, even more than Rimuru. Should I eliminate him?


 Guy shook his head, dismissing the thought. He almost got paranoid due to the words of __(That person).

 Even so, just what are you up to… __?!