
Tensura's New God {Dropped}

Reborn as an outer god (I don't own any of the characters, And some idea were copied out of impression)

WenxyButDiff · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

「Ch-1 - Years Contibution, Tensura」

I was just your normal otaku friend who loves anime and manhua, Manga so much

I'm neither handsome nor ugly just an average face as I was walking on the street a man who is running with a knife came right straight at me and stab me,

"*Ack*" I groaned in pain and a heat was flowing through my entire body, Suddenly a voice sounded in my head

[Resistance accuired, Heat resistance]

'... Wait then I want to be reincarnated as an outer god, No Stronger than the strongest outer god' Thought of hself and even if this is a dream I could only do this for fun in my last life

[Affirmative, The host will be given 2 Ultimate skills, {Magicule Breeder Reactor}, {Beelzebuth Lord Of Gluttuny} Accuired, The host will be staying at a space for years to continue to evolve until becoming, Outer-Omni-God]

'Great Now give me the ultimate skill {Goddess of wisdom, Athena}, And a skill that let's me create any skill I want also make it so that no one can copy my skill, Also Great sage merge with athena'

[Affirmative, Accuired 3 Ultimate skill, And 1 Origin skill]

{Athena:Goddess of wisdom}, {Uriel:God of vow}, {Soteria:God of protection}, {True Creation}]

[Merging with ultimate skill Athena... Error, Retrying... Error, Sacrificing Skill, Uriel God of vows]




[Successful, System evolution to skill... Successful new 2 Ultimate skill accuired, {Solomon: Goddess of Knowledge/Vows}, {Solomon's Wall}]

'Wow, If I was just extremely lucky what will I end up..' He then ended up losing consciousness

[Master You have New skill you have obtained {Fortuna:God of luck}, And don't worry just sleep for zillions of years and you will become an Outer-Omni-God, Thought it will be lonely but if its you master~]





Zillions of years have passed inside a void there is a young man lying there naked, He have a six pack body, And a muscle who girls would die for he have a handsome face that exceed the words God, Even the god of charm will be envious, This man is none other than our mc, He seems to be waking up

"Huh.. Where am I" Said our mc trying to calculate but

<Master, You are currently in a domain where time is stopped>

Our mc flinched but remembers the voice he had heard the moment he died

"Wait, So does that mean-"

<Yes, You are now strong here look at your stats master>

Name:「??? 」Age:「1.3Decillion」

Nickname:「??? 」









Omni Skills:「Omnificence」Locked






Can be unlocked after the promotion

True Origin Skill: 「+」

Origin Skill: 「True Creation」

Ultimate Skill:「 {Solomon:Goddess of knowledge/Vows} {Solomon's Wall} {Magicule Breeder Reactor} {Beelzebuth:Lord of gluttony} {Soteria:God of protection} {Fortuna:God of luck}

Unique Skill :「+」

Common Skill:「+」

Extra Skill:「+」

Resistance:「Reality Erasure nullification, Spiritual attack nullification, Demonic attack nullification, Void attack nullification, Soul attack nullification, Seal attack nullification, Magic Nullification, Lust nullification, Greed nullification, All-Elements nullification, Mind Attack nullification」

[Requesting to omni-god the throne approval... Request confirmed Unlocked the omni- skills」

"Hmm, Great sage use True Creation to recreate Skill, Yog-Sothoth:Lord of space & time"

[Affirmative, Used Origin skill True Creation.. New skill accuired, {Yog-Sothoth:Lord of space & time}]

(A/N:[{...}] Is when using skills)

"Yosh, Great sage teleport me to Veldanava's cave, Thought I can just go there using Omniscient, And Yog-sothoth" Said the mc before appearing in a cave



"Eat everything [{Beelzebute}]" After that everything within the cave got sucked dry and beginning to collapse

[Notice, Accuired all ultimate skills, {Veldanava:star King}, All Unique skills, All Common skills, All Extra skills, obtained, True origin skill, {True Dragon God Transformation}]

"By the way athena your name from now on, Will be lumina"

<Th-thank you master for n-naming me>Said Lumina shyly

"Right! this year should be the year rimuru gets invited to the walpurgis right... Well whatever"

"Alright now for the finishing touch, FROM NOW ON I MY NAME WILL BE VELDEVA THE OUTER OMNI-GOD, WHILE MY OUTER GOD NAME WILL BE Nacht'Hemmoth" Shouted Veldeva And then

(Notice, A powerful Outer God is in the tempest verse) The voice of the world said which shocked thousands of demons, angels




In a certain domain there are demon Lords here sitting in a round table including rimuru when they were about to speak then

(Notice, A powerful Outer god in in the Tensura verse)




They fell into silence for a while, With rimuru asking ciel

>Ciel, Who is this outer god that even the voice of the world called powerful<

<... I-i can't believe it that even the voice of the world who killed an omnipotent being called called him powerful when he could just say that he is a god like he did to Veldanava>




"G-guy-sama it couldn't be-" Rain said but was interrupted by guy

"Yes, Even it looks like the voice of the world is afraid of him and calling him, Powerful" Guy said

"I-impossible there's no way someone is stronger than the voice of the world, Who killed an omnipotent being" Said clayman while trying to low his voice not to provoke anyone

"So are you doubting the voice of the world" Said leon who is clearly sweating thinking if that guy join Rudhra it'll be over for them

But they still finish their discussion while cayman.. And rimuru battling cayman dead and the end




'I've have to be honest' Thought of Veldeva

"Eat the voice of the world Upgraded Version of, {Adeph'Agia:God of gluttony}"

[Notice, New skill accuired, {Omniversal edit} {Administrator's Privileged} {Omniversal gift} {Laws Creation}.. Ultimate skills {Laws Creation} {Azazoth:God of Void} {Yog'Shothoth:Lord Of Space & Time} Combining into one....]

[Successful, True Origin skill accuired, {Themis:God of laws:Balance} Creating Important skill space on the panel... Successfully created]











Omni Skills:「Omnificence」






Important Skills:「Themis:God Of Laws:Balance」「Adeph:God Of Gluttuny」「Athena:Goddess of knowledge/vow」

True Origin Skill: 「True Dragon God Transformation」, 「Themis:God of Laws/Balance」

Origin Skill: 「True Creation」

Ultimate Skill:「 {Solomon:Goddess of knowledge/Vows} {Solomon's Wall} {Magicule Breeder Reactor} {Beelzebuth:Lord of gluttony} {Soteria:God of protection} {Fortuna:God of luck} {Shub-Nigurrath:Goddess of harvest} 」

Unique Skill :「All+」

Common Skill:「All+」

Extra Skill:「All+」

Resistance:「Reality Erasure nullification, Spiritual attack nullification, Demonic attack nullification, Void attack nullification, Soul attack nullification, Seal attack nullification, Magic Nullification, Lust nullification, Greed nullification, All-Elements nullification, Mind Attack nullification」

"Also Lumina tell rimuru a message and a gift him the ultimate skill {Adeph:God of gluttuny} , Cause I'm gonna go to the world of my Fav. Manhua"

<Yes master>

'I'm gonna go to the world of Who made me a princess, Where the emperor still hadn't fallen inlove with Diana and get him to fall in love with me' Thought of veldeva before opening a portal through another dimension he step inside and then the portal dissappear





I was just sitting here on my chair when ciel notified me something

<Notice, An outer god being gifted you, Accuired Ultimate skill {Adeph:God of gluttony}, Discarding Ultimate skill {Beelzebuth:Lord of gluttony} >

I nearly spit the water on my mouth, What the who gifted me that ciel' Asked rimuru

<Answer, It seems like he is the one the voice of the world is afraid of and he sent you a leeter, Would you like me to read it? >

>Yes<Answered rimuru

<Hi there rimuru, I know of you being reincarnated but don't worry I was just giving this letter tob you using your great sage, I also gifted you that skill so that when the time comes we may meet again, I expect you to be powerful goodbye! >

>..... <

"Sigh, At leat he didn't do it with bad intentions" Sighed rimuru in relief

<Master, it seems this skill is one of the strongest skill in the tempest verse, Nearly reaching the rank of origin skill>

"..." Once again rimuru was shocked and looked frozen for a day

Shion:Rimuru-Sam-, Ahh what happened to you rimuru sama?... "




'Wait, Before I go why don't I make the 4 Primordial Demons my suburdinate's, Lumina cast demon summoning magic'

<Yes, Using skill unique {Demon-Summoning magic}>

After that a bright light resounded the room four beings were summoned

They are, Black, Violet, White, Yellow

Black was the first to speak cause the other girls were as red as a tomato bleeding through their nose

Diablo:"Kukuku, Such a strength to be able to summoned the 4 of us at once, You may now be my master" The other three snap off and quickly Regained their composure, "We will follow, The Lord"

"Yeah, My name is Veldeva, I'll be naming all of you now"Veldeva said

Black now known as 'Diablo'

White now known as 'Testarossa'

Yellow now known as 'Carrera'

Violet now known as 'Ultima'

After naming them they seem to have reached the peak of their strength being, Stronger than Guy, and Milim

" The three of you got mission, All of you will be guarding rimuru in secret and will only come out if he was to die" The four nodded and dissappeared on the spot