
Tensei Slime: The First Otherworlder

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: This is the story of the first human summoned on the cardinal world of Tensura. Follow Lucius on his adventures and discover what the cardinal world was like in the past, not to mention the personalities and dangers that lurked around every corner.

SlimeLibrary · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

The Fairy and the Dragon

Velzard flew through space at surprising speed. Its dragon wings beat so quickly that it seemed to create a windstorm. She was in search of someone who had disturbed her peace, it was a human who even imagined having awakened the wrath of one of the most powerful beings in the world.

She was so focused on her quest that she barely noticed when suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of her, illuminating the dark space. Velzard stopped abruptly, startled by the sudden appearance. The light became more intense, and little by little the image of a woman was revealed.

A vision of exotic and seductive beauty. Her long blonde hair, tied in a ponytail, framed her delicate and charming face. Her yellow eyes shine with an intense, piercing glow, capturing the attention of anyone who looks at her.

She wears a long, elegant gown that enhances her stunning, sculpted curves. The low neckline and bodice reveal a small part of her bust, adding a touch of sensuality to her look.

Her movements are graceful and confident, conveying an aura of power and mystery. It's impossible not to feel attracted by her presence, as if she were a magnetic force that draws everyone's attention to her.

The perfect combination of beauty, elegance and seduction, which makes her a fascinating and irresistible figure. That woman was Ramrys, the Queen of Spirits.

She floated through the air with a grace that seemed unearthly, her radiant beauty contrasting with the blackness of space. Her white, translucent wings slowly fluttered, as if she were floating on a gentle breeze.

Taken aback, Velzard stopped her movements abruptly and floated in the air, staring at Ramrys with a mixture of irritation and curiosity. Ramrys, in turn, looked at Velzard with a disapproving expression, as if she was staring down at an ill-mannered child.

"Velzard, what do you think you're doing?" asked Ramrys, with an authoritative tone. "What do you intend on heading towards the realm of humans?"

"I have my reasons, Queen of Spirits," she replied, in a defiant tone. "Don't tell me you're here to stop me from moving forward?" Velzard said, his golden eyes glittering with killing intent.

Ramrys sighed, looking a little bored with the situation. "I'm not here to discuss your reasons, Velzard," she said, in a calmer voice. "I'm here to make sure you don't cause unnecessary trouble."

Velzard laughed, as if hearing a joke. "Unnecessary trouble? You're underestimating me, Ramrys," she said, a smirk on her lips. " "And since when do you care about humans, Ramrys? Didn't you give up protecting them because of their idiotic and self-destructive behavior?"

"I am responsible for maintaining the balance of the world. And that includes protecting humans from being targeted by powerful beings like you. You can't go around doing as you please. You need to understand that your actions have consequences, Velzard." Ramrys replied, keeping his voice steady.

Velzard laughed, as if she heard a joke. "I don't need a lecture from a boring old woman like you," she snapped, in a sneering tone. "I am a True Dragon, the most powerful creature in this world. I make my own rules."

Ramrys smiled, as if she had anticipated Velzard's reaction. "You can be powerful, Velzard," she said, with a challenging look. "But you still have a lot to learn. I am the Ruler of this world, the Queen of Spirits. You can't just ignore me."

The tension in the air was palpable, and the two creatures seemed to be bracing themselves for the impending battle. Velzard, her golden eyes glittered with a fierce intensity as she eyed Ramrys suspiciously. For her part, the Queen of Spirits remained calm and confident, as if she was ready for anything.

They stared at each other for a moment, each ready to fight for their own goal. That's when the fight started...

Velzard flapped his dragon wings, sending a gust of wind towards Ramrys, but the Queen of Spirits simply dodged with grace, her wings beating with incredible speed.

Ramrys then raised his hand, and a small orb of light appeared, floating in front of it. Velzard realized that this sphere was a form of spirit energy, one of the special abilities of spirits. She eyed Ramrys suspiciously, but before she could do anything, the sphere of light exploded, shooting a wave of energy towards Velzard.

With Velzard in Dragon form, it was impossible for Ramrys to miss that attack. The wave of energy slammed into her, knocking her back. Velzard roared in rage and flapped his wings again, launching a blast of fire and ice towards Ramrys. The Queen of Spirits raised her hands and a luminous barrier formed, protecting her from the elemental attack.

Velzard was surprised by Ramrys' speed and mastery, but she didn't give up. She tried again, this time with a direct lunge with her claws. But Ramrys blocked with impeccable defense and countered with another blow. This time with her hands, her fist glowed similar to Lucius's {Overwhelm}.

But the aura that covered Ramrys' hands was a different color and seemed a million times more intense, as if it was tremendously dangerous to be hit by such a blow. Velzard who was hit in a sensitive spot, feels a sharp pain and falls towards the ocean, but manages to recover before hitting it.

The secret behind Ramrys' attack lay in a martial art or technique that she herself had created. It was called, {The 48 Spiritual Truths}. As the Queen of Spirits, she understood the foundation of spirits and spiritual engineering better than anyone, even Veldanava. With that, she managed to develop a martial art where she hit 48 vital points that underlie the existence of each being, this would defeat anyone and cause existential erasure if the 48 blows were successfully completed.

An extremely dangerous martial art, it should be banned, not even allowed to exist. Velzard who was not aware of such information, lets go of his stubbornness and tries to attack again, his fury even greater than before. So the fight continues...

The Queen of Spirits seemed to be in full control of the situation as Velzard struggled to stay aloft.

The battle continued intensely for several minutes, with Velzard attacking with all his strength and Ramrys dodging and counterattacking with quick and precise movements. The Queen of Spirits showed off her skill, using twenty out of the forty-eight strikes of her ultimate martial art, and leaving Velzard baffled by her prowess.

Finally, after a series of acrobatic moves, Ramrys took advantage of an opening in Velzard's defense and landed a decisive blow. Velzard was hit hard, falling into the ocean in a deafening crash. A tidal wave formed due to Velzard's impact in his Dragon form.

"Oh little Velzard, how far will this stubbornness of yours take you?" Ramrys sighed, she had known Velzard since birth. She being a supreme spirit that was born from the fear and disapproval of creatures by the cold of the ice age, the second true dragon.

Ramrys rather liked her, but Velzard could be a little complicated and always acted as if she wanted to get attention, perhaps from the world, or from her brother Veldanava, for whom she had an almost unhealthy brotherly love.

That aside!

When Ramrys thought she would have a second of rest, Velzard emerged again. But this time, she presented herself in her human form.

"I now understand why my brother thinks highly of you, Queen of Spirits. You are powerful, perhaps even more so than I am, a true dragon." Velzard's expression made it clear that she didn't like to admit it.

"It's good that you acknowledge that… Does that mean you're going to stop your childish tantrum?"

"Childish tantrum?" Velzard responds with an annoyed expression "Don't underestimate me Ramrys, I'm still not taking this seriously you know?"

Yeah, that sounded like a loser excuse, but it was true. So far, Velzard has only performed pure brute force attacks and some basic True Dragon abilities. Still, the damage she took proved severe, so she gave up her Dragon form, which only made her an easy target for Ramrys' agility and technique.

By assuming her human form, Velzard intended to continue the fight more intelligently and strategically, resolving to focus on using her abilities. The skill that Veldanava had bestowed upon her recently, that was, the ultimate skill {Patience Lord Gabriel}.

"And what makes you think I'm taking this seriously, child?" Ramrys replied, looking smug and intimidating at the same time, which made Velzard even angrier.

"It's you who asked for this, die!!!" After saying that, Velzard charged forward…

Velzard launches an ice attack towards Ramrys, who deftly dodges it as she summons a magical barrier to block the attack. Ramrys then tries to attack Velzard with a blast of spirit energy, but Velzard blocks it using his Gabriel-enhanced defense skill.

The two continue to trade attacks and counterattacks with great speed, creating explosions and blasts of energy that light up the night sky. Well, it seemed like they weren't kidding when they said they weren't serious yet, now the fight between the two was on another level.

Ramrys begins to show off his abilities, casting a series of powerful spells that confuse and stun Velzard. She uses her thought-acceleration ability to anticipate Velzard's movements and dodge his attacks with grace and swiftness. Velzard, on the other hand, uses his Lord of Patience ultimate ability to increase his strength and defense, making him harder to defeat.

As the battle between the two continues in full swing, Ramrys begins to sense that Velzard is using all of his power and resources to defend and counterattack. She realizes that the situation is becoming more and more dangerous, and decides that it's time to use her ultimate ability, the Spiritual Goddess of Creation {Gaia}.

{Gaia}", possessed powers such as: {Thought Acceleration}, {Space-Time Manipulation}, {Law Manipulation}, {World Map}, {World Labyrinth} and {Embodiment of All Creation}.

Overall, this ability allows her to interfere with the world and modify whatever she wants, as long as she has the knowledge to do so, see any part of the world and teleport wherever she wants, create or recreate anything she wants, as long as she has mana. enough for that, and that wasn't all. It was an indescribable and extremely powerful skill.

Ramrys begins to focus his energy, and creates a dimensional portal that sucks her and Velzard into a parallel dimension. There, they find themselves in an empty field, with a dark and stormy sky. Velzard looks around, confused by what just happened, but soon realizes that she is inside a sub-dimension created by Ramrys. That was {World Labyrinth} in action.

Ramrys uses her ultimate ability {Gaia} to create a breathtaking landscape, filled with majestic mountains, picturesque valleys and meandering rivers. Meanwhile, Velzard creates an extremely resistant ice field around him with his ice manipulation powers and multiple attributes.

In that isolated space, the battle would continue for the next few hours. Each of the combatants doing their best to defeat the other. {Gabriel} or {Gaia} which skill would prove superior?



With the battle reaching its climax, Ramrys and Velzard are exhausted and seriously injured.

In a last ditch effort, Velzard tries to invoke the ultimate skill {Lord of Patience {Gabriel}} to gain the upper hand in the fight, but Ramrys anticipates the move and uses the skill {World Map} to teleport behind Velzard and then deliver the 48 blows of the {Spiritual Truths} at key points on Velzard's body.

In that moment, it turned out to be the perfect opening that Ramrys had been looking for during the combat. She would not let this opportunity pass.

"{Ultimate Martial Art: 48 Spiritual Truths}" Ramrys raised his willpower as he said.

Velzard tries to defend himself, but the speed and accuracy of Ramrys' strikes are simply overwhelming. In a matter of seconds, the powerful dragon is hit by all the blows and falls unconscious to the ground.

Ramrys, knowing victory is in her hands, approaches Velzard and watches her for a moment before deciding what to do next. With a deep sigh, Ramrys decides to spare the dragon's life and uses his abilities to heal Velzard's wounds and restore his energy.


Velzard opens his eyes and sees that she is lying on the ground. She gets up and feels a sharp pain in her body.

She looks to the side and sees Ramrys, who is meditating with his eyes closed. Velzard remembers the fight, how she was defeated, and how humiliated she felt.

Anger at her starts to grow and she approaches Ramrys. She screams, "How dare you defeat me? I won't take this!" Ramrys opens his eyes and looks at Velzard calmly.

Regardless, Ramrys didn't seem pleased with the victory, and instead of bragging, she reached over to comfort Velzard.

"You are very strong, Velzard. But I believe you still have a lot to learn about your power," said Ramrys with a calm and serene tone.

Velzard, who was still trying to recover from the battle, looked at Ramrys with an expression of disbelief. "How can you say that? I used all my power in the fight. How could I be stronger than that?"

Ramrys smiled gently. "You may have used all of your power, but that doesn't mean you used it effectively. Your skill {Gabriel} is very powerful, but it seems you still don't know how to use it correctly."

Velzard lowered her head, feeling humiliated by both defeat and Ramrys's lecture. She knew Ramrys was right, but it was still hard to accept defeat.

Ramrys then walked over and placed his hand on Velzard's shoulder. "Don't worry, you're talented and have plenty of time to learn. I'm willing to help you train and hone your skills if you'd like."

It looked like an attempt at reconciliation on Ramrys' part, but Velzard didn't see it that way. She knocked Ramrys's hand off her shoulder and looked very furious.

"How dare you offer your help after defeating me? Are you trying to humiliate me by any chance?" Velzard screams, his eyes flashing with anger.

Ramrys, seeing Velzard's furious expression, realizes that her offer of help has not gone down well. However, she doesn't give up so easily.

"I'm not trying to put you down or anything like that, I mean it when I say that you're very talented. Veldanava was also very impressed by your evolution since he gifted you with such an ability."

When the name Veldanava was mentioned, Velzard seemed to blush for a few moments. She even forgot all her previous anger, just to confirm something. "Are you saying that Nii-sama (Older Brother) is satisfied with my performance?" She looked at Ramrys in a different way than before.

Ramrys who noticed this change in Velzard, sighed briefly. "Why is this child so attached to his brother? Just mention him and his figure changes completely." Ramrys said in her mind, worried about Velzard's future. But at that moment, Ramrys also saw the opportunity to end Velzard's rampage.

"That's right, Veldanava is impressed by your efforts. He told me that he would like to see you grow up, besides, don't you think he would be disappointed if he knew that his dear sister was trying to attack the humans he cares so much about? "

Velzard who had forgotten about that fact, seemed to freeze for a moment. An indescribable fear gripped her. "Nii-sama will be disappointed in me?" A woman like her, had tears like she was going to cry at any moment.

"Easy, easy! I won't tell him. But in return, you must promise not to try something similar again."

Velzard instantly agreed, his tears stopped instantly. She thought the core world was fun, she didn't want to leave so soon because of a stupid tantrum.

Ramrys who knew the truth, felt bad for Velzard. For Veldanava had been watching the two fight since the beginning. "That good-for-nothing" Ramrys roared inwardly. To her, Veldanava was like a child who only cared about having fun, but he was also the person Ramrys respected the most.

'Why is the race of dragons so complicated? This new child, Veldora, I feel that this world will never be at peace because of his birth.' Ramrys sighed...

Veldora's existence was a consequence of the many wars that were fought in that world, the Titan King was the biggest contributor because of his fury and thirst for destruction.

But Veldora, a supreme spirit of chaos, had recently hatched. That's because of the wars between species over the last hundred years. Veldora's birth could be considered the embodiment of 'disaster' itself.

The one who takes the storm with him no matter where he is.

Ramrys, who had to deal with Veldora all the time, was already fed up with this routine, so she came up with a little plan…

When he noticed that Velzard had already calmed down, Ramrys tried again.

"So, will you accept my help?"

Velzard looked at Ramrys with a surprised look. She never imagined that the Queen of Spirits would be willing to help her. But she looked pensive for some reason, maybe her pride was still speaking louder.

"If you accept, I will tell you stories of Veldanava and teach you something that would impress you, what do you say?"

"I accept!!!" With a twinkle in his eyes, Velzard accepted without hesitation.

'This child, why is she so easy?' Ramrys sighed again. As if she said 'Veldanava doesn't deserve her'.

"By the way, how many times have you met Veldora, your younger brother?"

Velzard became thoughtful, as if she was counting the times.

"Not much, I have no interest in someone so destructive, when he learns to behave, I'll pay him a visit."

It was then that Ramrys made his move, wearing an expression of concern.

"Well, don't you think that Veldora's behavior could be tarnishing Veldanava's reputation? After all, he is also a true dragon and his younger brother."

Velzard who heard that, seemed to have heard something important that she had been ignoring without realizing it.

"Are you saying that Nii-sama will be frowned upon if that child continues this wholesale behavior?

"That's right, it's inevitable that this will happen."

"This is unacceptable, what is that idiot doing?" Velzard was shown to be very furious, but also worried.

"As a big sister, don't you think Veldanava would be proud if you helped Veldora behave better?"

"That's genius, Queen of Spirits. I think it's time to teach that child some common sense." Velzard's eyes glittered with determination.

Ramrys gave a small nod, as if to say "I did it". But unintentionally, she had doomed Veldora to a terrible fate.

"Since you're calm, let's get out of this place. {Labyrinth Disperse}" As soon as she said, that whole world fell apart and both of them returned to the real world, in a land close to the ocean where they were.

"So Velzard, do you remember what you promised me?"

"Yes, I will try to behave better from now on, after all I am a lady. And as for Veldora, don't doubt that I will visit him very soon." A frightening glint passed through Velzard's eyes.

"But in return, keep your promise as well. I will visit you soon, Ramrys-sama." From that moment on, Velzard treated Ramrys with respect.

"That's enough. So, I say goodbye now, try to get back safely and don't destroy anything on the way." After saying this, Ramrys used instant movement and disappeared.

Velzard who stayed behind, snorted furiously. "She thinks I'm a kid, Hmph?!"

After complaining, Velzard assumed his Draconic form and flew away. As noted, her behavior was that of a rebellious teenager, not to mention that she was some kind of easily manipulated brocon.

Well, that's how one of the biggest clashes in the history of the core world happened. The person responsible for all of this didn't even know he was the cause.

Lucius, the human from another world. He was preparing for the events that fate ({Quest}) had in store for him.