
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · アニメ·コミックス
276 Chs


Everyone looks at Tenchi as he continues

Tenchi: Rei, its proper to introduce me to them

Rei: umm, Nura-san this is Akari the eldest, the middle child Hinata and the youngest momo

Tenchi: So why is the mood so heavy?

Everyone looks confused

Tenchi: I mean are we interupting a lovers quarrel *tenchi teased but was surprised with Akari response

Akari: No were not like that

Kyouko raised her eyebrows: He was joking...why does it matter what he sees you as...

Akari: It doesn't...oh speaking of which. those two were upset you left them the way you did when you VISITED ME at MY JOB. I hope you can GET a PERSONAL ROOM again..oh did he not tell you?

Hinata: (Personal room?)

Kyouko: Oh he told me he visited your shop while undercover to look for information. He tells me everything.

Tenchi: (huh are they glaring at each other...lets pretend I don't see anything): so Momo you are really cute. How old are you

Momo: I'm 5 and a half

Tenchi: aww so cute. your similar to my little sister

Kyouko: (Oh no this sis-con)

she elbows him in the stomach

Tenchi: Huh whats up? are you jealous? don't worry I love you

Kyouko elbows him one more time embarresed

Tenchi: Hey momo I need your help...do you want to help me...Its is a mission to save the world

Momo: me save the world

Tenchi smiles


Momo: So I just paint it the color I want? umm what is your favorite color?

Tenchi: red its the color of heroes

Momo: then I'll do that...aww she is so cute Hina-nee-chan look look isn't she cute

Hina: ye-yeah shes cute

Tenchi: how about yours oh its also a cute yours is black...you too Akari oh you did a bear cute

Right now Tenchi is having the girls make new gundams models...its a new design he had come up with. Giant girls. The girl robots are called Angel layer models. They are from a different Dimension....they fight to save the world. (Think of like transformers)

Tenchi: ok the better connected you are with her the more they grow...so you have to talk with her and eventually she will help you. Then when you put her in a gunpla machine and you connect with her you both will get stronger...

Her eyes shined

Kyouko: huh is that new?

Tenchi: yeah its a new design Keima came with. I had our programer create the AI interface...its surprisingly advance.

Kyouko: those must be worth alot

Tenchi: well the one I gave them are unique so they are worth only 235

Akari sighs she was worried for amoment but then he said million yen

Akari: we-we can't accept them

Tenchi shakes his head: no you all are connected to them so it matters not besides its only a 235 million yen

Hinata: do you make that much in shogi?

Rei shook his head saying no way

Tenchi: No, oh I guess you wouldn't know. I'm the inventor of the cell phones, gunpla, ect. Writer of the harry potter series, also I did acting and music before, I have tons of deals and awards from the olympics...oh yeah I am also the third heir of the Shuei clan and the third heir for the Masaki clan...

Everyone but Kyouko and momo who was playing with her doll froze

Tenchi: I also have a manga I'm writing...what

Rei: when when do you have time for shogi and practice...do you practice

Tenchi: what? of course I practice. Its my daily routine after doing some farm work and clean the shrine


Tenchi: yeah, I'm also a detective 2nd class (spirit detective through)

Kyouko laughs: Ten-chan works hard at everything he does.


Tenchi talked with Rei after a bit alone

Tenchi: Rei...you like Hinata right...

Rei blushed: I-I don't know

Tenchi: well you should know what shes going with right...

Rei: huh

Tenchi: also...why the family isn't living with their father...

Rei: I heard their father abandon them...

Tenchi: really? is that true...but you havent notice Hinata? She seemed to have a lot on her mind...

Rei: She probably just shy...

Tenchi: I see...I'm a little disapointed...ok I'm going to talk with her

Tenchi stood up and told Kyouko that he was going to go and she says she will talk with Rei for a bit...some family stuff concerning their father and brother and how he never checked on them...damn Rei what are you doing...


Tenchi walked with Hinata showing him the way....they were about to walk across the bridge but tenchi grabbed her hand and took her to under the bridge

Hinata blushed not used to a boy holding her hand

Tenchi: ok...this is a good place

she looked a little nervous

Tenchi: whats bothering you...I could tell you were bothered by something...what is going on?

She was hesitant at first but for some reason she wanted to open up to him

She told him. That her friend was being pick on... Everyday people would hurt her friend...they did because apparently the popular girl had a crush on this guy but the popular guy likes Hinata friend...so that is when the bullying started...they called her friend easy and made things up like her friend is a slut and slept around

She didn't know what to do...so she yelled at the girls but that got the girls wrath and they started to add her to the list...and they told her friend that if she joins in they will stop picking on and she did...

Tenchi didn't say anything he just listened...she said she tried to tell a teacher but the teacher didn't want to get involved with this..

She started crying and crying but Tenchi said nothing but he hugged her...

Tenchi: You know...I'm a athlete...

hinata pulled from Tenchi chest and looks up

Tenchi: When I was younger (In my past life) I wasn't...I let someone I care about get bullied because...I was a coward...I didn't want to fight back...I hated myself for it too...but I wanted to avoid being targeting..I thought to myself as long as its not me...I could talk to them outside of class but outside I have to hurt them...it may sound cowardly but I did...you see bullies aren't athletes...an athlete challenges everything. they compete with everything and everyone...even themselves....One day...they told me to beat up my friend...it was about 20 of them...I fought them all...I competed against all of them...you see I realized this when I challenge them...Fighting means you could lose. Bullying means you can't. A bully wants to beat somebody; he doesn't want to fight somebody. they became afraid of you...

Hinata: but...what do I do

Tenchi: I'm not sure...I could beat them up for you if you want. I could get them kicked out of school

Hinata: That won't change anything...I just want it to stop...

Tenchi: Then confront them...show them your not afraid...and gather people like minded like you and have them stand up together...but not in a bullying her... because as I said bully's are cowards....

Tenchi then told her if she really is ever in trouble to get his sister Mikan who is in the same school

Seeing how she is going to be his sister in law...


After which Tenchi spent some more time around japan. He played some basketball with Kuroko. finished his match and won the tournament in shogi. became a professional boxer

After which he decided back to the holy land...


* Many years ago*

a boy sees a black haired man come out his mothers room. the man is in a black Kimono and has one eye closed

he looks at the boy and rubs his head

boy: what were you doing in my mothers room

he glared and smacks his hand away

Man: Oh little Dio why are you upset...I am trying to have a new child. sadly I may die soon

Dio: Don't call me that. what do you mean your going to die soon? arent you strong

Man: yes, I'm the second heir of the Nura clan, The strongest and most handsome being in the universe. I even became a Demon King...

Yes this was Tenchi's father Rihan

Dio: then why would you die

Rihan: well I have lots of enemies who want me dead. So I have to produce a heir. you see its nature to spread your seed around

Dio: disgusting...I don't want you to fornicate with my mother

Rihan: oh...I was just checking on her conduction..did you thank we were doing something else...haha what a mom-con

Dio mumbled: seriesly how did you get stong

Rihan: huh, I've always been strong. I just get stronger. Listen up Dio. The only people who train hard are people who are weak. Strong people like me don't really train

Dio: what...then you don't train to use that sword...

Rihan: oh this sword

he shows the Tesega

Rihan: I only know one attack with this sword...

Dio: What...my father knows 10,000 different attacks with a sword

Rihan puts a pipe in his mouth and leans against the wall: Do you know whats more scarier...a person that has practice the same move 10,000 times

Dio...kept this in his heart...but he didn't believe that this man was just checking on his mother conduction with the screaming her heard...