
ten out of ten

woke up as ten ten in the naruto world

Kenisha951379 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 2

So I woke up in the morning feeling lighter only to once again come to terms with what happened last night. After freshening up I head to the kitchen for something to eat only to see Ten Ten's Dad there prepping breakfast and I froze. Damn I don't even know his name. He greeted me and told me to sit and have some breakfast and all I could say was okay. In my mind " I'm thankful I can just call him dad in the future without anyone picking up anything strange. So he then reminds me to be ready for the academy registration thats due 2 days from now. After finishing up breakfast Dad said to train lightly today while he heads out to open the weapons shop. I waved him good bye and head back to the bedroom where I saw a bunch of kunais, shurikens and senbons etc in a box on the ground near the bed. I looked out the window and saw there was a backyard big enough for practice so I headed there to set up. Okay I started with some light stretching exercises for a warm up. I can't remember the exact details to the show but I remember that everyone has chakra and it depends on if you're able to activate it for yourself or require assistance from a ninja from the Ninja academy or Clan ninjas but the latter only assist their own clan members unless they work at the academy so I'll wait till then because I thought I'll feel a certain energy in my body but honestly I don't feel shit and even if I did I won't try anything with it. I'm not taking any chances so I prefer to be in front of the professionals incase anything pops off or goes wrong with chakra awakening. I'm just going to stick with weapons throwing and boy oh boy it was easy. I don't know if it's because of the previous owner muscle memory and great eyesight but for me a total noob who never did anything like this before and was just winging it for the first time got the bulls eye on nine targets out of ten then even if I didn't get a cheat I'm definitely 😁 satisfied with this talent and I danced in excitement for a few seconds. I can work with this. I know most ninjas can do the same thing and considers it a basic skill but to me it was freaking cool. I can definitely work and improve on this skill so I continue to try different weapons and positions to which had great results. After training for the entire day I cleared up the backyard and went to the house for a nice long shower. Dad came back in the evening after closing the shop and asked how my training went so I told him it went well. I'm currently sitting in the living room with a notebook and pencil to write down any ideas I can use for self improvement because I really don't want to be in a position where I'm attacked especially by ninjas and can't even defend myself or have to ability to retreat. For now I'm gonna improve on my weapons throwing and physical ability. I'm thinking about adding an element when throwing weapons in the future. I want to also specialize and master archery as well as trap making and lastly medical ninjustu. I remember ten ten not being qualified for it because of her chakra control but I hope to God it's different with me and I will start practicing control of chakra as soon as I get into the academy. Medic nins are not obligated to fight on the front lines unless everyone else is dead and even so I think you're allowed to at least retreat without being reprimanded so with medical ninjustu plus long range weapons throwing and archery my resume will scream support fighter so I won't have to be on the Frontline.