
Ten Infinities Minus Eleven

The records of a man seeking perfection in the river of time and the wretchedness of incorporeality. This is a BNHA/MHA fanfiction with crossover elements. Extra Tags:- #TimeTravel, #Regressor, #OP, #ImmortalMC, #Harem-SeekingMC, #ParentalMC, #SmartMC, #ScifiElements, #NeutrallyAlignedMC, #ImmoralMC, #Crossover

Exalted_Felix · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

The End of A Beginning

Author Note before we start:-

This fanfiction will be STUFFED with hidden meanings and hints. Just the title of the fanfiction alone holds eight different meanings/hints/foreshadowings. I guess I just like doing this?

None of the following will be a part of this fanfiction: Netorare, rape, MC getting kicked around despite being "OP" (hate this with a passion), stupid characters, dense MC, stupid atagonists, lgbtq agendas, political agendas, meaningless projections, and such.


Izuku Midoriya had lived a life littered with adversities. Not only was he declared quirkless at the age of four, but he suffered the consequences of being born different. In the beginning, the children made fun of him. But then, a few key incidents lead to him being bullied throughout the entirety of primary and middle school, with the one leading the bullies being none other than his former best friend. It was only after a little over a decade later that things would look bright for him. By almost dying, but then being saved by his favorite Hero. Then, having his dreams shattered by said Hero. He found himself saving his former best friend and then speaking with his favorite Hero once more. The most surprising part? He was offered the chance to be his successor! That was it; the day everything changed! Little did Izuku know that his journey was going to be an odd one.


First Day at UA High School


Class 1A had a hectic morning. At first, they introduced themselves to one another, while a certain bunch had a war of words. Then, a worm-like thing slithered into the class before a vagrant-looking man appeared from within it. He introduced himself as their homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa, before instructing them to put on gym uniforms and head out to the grounds.

When a student asked about the orientation, the teacher simply said it was a waste of time. When another student pointed out that one student had yet to arrive, the teacher looked over at the empty seat before his expression turned dour. "Satan…" He simply muttered, much to the students' chagrin.

It was a while later after they had arrived at the grounds in their gym uniforms that things beyond their wildest expectations began to occur one after another.

"Yo, Wooden Pencil!" A loud voice reverberated around the students' as a figure arrived from the sky. As they curiously observed the newcomer, a select few students noticed that their teacher looked like he had seen a monster.

"Satan…" Shota hissed.

"Were you seriously going to begin without me? That's not very nice of you, you damn Pencil." The newcomer shook his head somewhat exaggeratedly.

"Uh…" a pink-skinned girl with horns uttered with a dazed look apparent on her face, "anybody got any ideas who that hottie is?"

"Nope." "No." "No clue." Came a few responses. (Almost all of the females were gathered together.)

As for the boys… Well, a certain Izuku had a notebook out as he hastily wrote in it while muttering a storm. A certain tall boy wearing glasses was shouting about disrespect. A certain sparkling blonde muttered about magnificence. But the one that stood out the most was an irritated shout, "The fuck is this Flying Prince Charming?"

However, as if he couldn't hear them at all, their teacher simply observed the newcomer as his expression slowly turned worse with each passing second.

"Why?" Shota started in a pained tone, "you could've just stayed at home, or, go unleash hell somewhere in the town. Why did you have to come here?!"

"Oi, Pencil, stop acting like you don't want me here."

"Because I do ACTUALLY not want you here!" At this point, Shota looked like someone broke his coffee machine (or decapitated one of his cats).

"Ouch, my feelings."

Seeing the interaction between their teacher and the newcomer, many inspect the latter from head to toe.

For starters, he was tall and muscular, but not too bulky. He had the face of an idol and a magnificent periwinkle-colored hair that reached his shoulders. His hair wasn't smooth, but it was full and slightly wavy, with the ends curled up. All in all, his face and hair were aesthetically perfect. What stood out most were his eyes that glowed in blue – perhaps as a result of a quirk?

Setting his natural appearance aside, unlike the students, he didn't wear the school uniform or gym one. So, he might not be a student? But then, what would he be? He was as young as them, that much was apparent. However, his interaction with their teacher left them confused. How did the two know each other, and why did their teacher seem so indignant when it came to his presence? Most importantly, why was he calling their teacher "Pencil"?

Such questions continued to swirl within the minds' of the students, but they would remain unanswered for a while.

"Well then, now that I am here, we can begin. You're the one always spouting shit about not wasting time, Pencil."

"Call me by my name, Satan."

"You first."

"That's not happening."

"Your loss, Pencil."

"You – Forget it… Why am I even bothering with this? At least, tell me why you're not wearing a uniform."

"It was ugly."

"… You damn Satan. Do you think you're allowed to break the rules just because you found the uniform ugly?


"Deep breaths, deep breaths."

At that, Shota took a deep breath before letting out the longest sigh of his life. What had he done to deserve having Satan incarnate as his student? Either way, he was here now, and remain. Thus, he did the most logical thing – ignore his existence. Well, until he unleashes hell as usual and he has to do something about it.

"Class, listen carefully. The reason I have brought you all here is to have you take a quirk apprehension test."

In response to his words, the students' thoughts went awry as a few exclaimed. "A quirk apprehension test?!"

"Yes. You will be doing your best – except Satan – to redo all the physical apprehension exercises you've done in middle school, however, this time you'll be not only allowed, but encouraged to use your quirks."

Hearing that, a few students seemed confused and a few downcast, but most were excited. Though, a certain green-haired Izuku looked like he had just heard his mother had committed suicide with fifteen bullet holes in the back of her head.

"Katsuki Bakugou, you were the one to get the most marks in the practical part of the entrance exam. So, tell me what were the results of your ball throw in middle-school?"

A boy with spiky blond hair stepped forward and responded in a somewhat rasp tone, "About fourty-three meters."

"Alright. Now, take this ball and throw it as far as possible. You may use your quirk freely."

"Heh," Katsuki scoffed before he approached Shota and took the ball from the teacher's hands.

"Head over to that circle over there. As long as you remain within that circle, everything else is fine."

"Got it."

Katsuki walked over to the center of the circle drawn on the ground before pulling his arm back with ball. "DIE!" He screamed at the stop of his lungs before hurling the ball explosively.

"705.2 meters. Not bad." Shota declared as he showed the screen to the students.

A few students were confused about Katsuki's usage of the word 'die', while others looked excited about using their quirks, but a certain newcomer looked like he witnessed the worst act in history.

"That was pathetic."

Silence ensued by the statement as Katsuki turned to face the newcomer with a furious look. "What did you just say, Prince Charming?!"

"Did I stutter, you absolute moron?"

At this point, the rest of the students had mixed reactions ranging from glee to total horror. While they hadn't known Katsuki for long, they were well aware of his personality by now. Though a certain green-haired boy looked like he was witnessing the end of the world.

"You want a go at me, you fucking extra?!"

"Like you would stand a chance at all." The newcomer looked down on Katsuki – it was obvious to everyone.

Shota simply looked like he was done with life. Five minutes. That's how long it took for Satan incarnate to arrive and already stir some trouble up. And the worst part is that this was one of his slowest records in doing so. Shota could tell that he had somehow manged to hold back from causing trouble. He wasn't sure whether to be impressed or frustrated that he lasted five minutes.

"YOU!" That was all Katsuki shouted before he lunged toward the newcomer explosively. Then, he dropped on the ground, unconscious.

"Huh?" a few students could only voice in confusion.

"Did he use his quirk?" A girl that had a frog-like look asked after a short while, "But I thought his quirk was related to flight…"

"Yo, Pencil," the newcomer suddenly turned his attention to the teacher that now looked dead inside, "if this idiot doesn't wake up for the rest of the exercises, would his results be counted as a big fat zero?"

"No." Shota glared at him.

"Aw… Too bad."

To that, Shota simply shook his head once again and cast a glance at the unconscious Katsuki before he shifted his attention to the other students. "Now, the rest of you will be doing your exercises. You saw the difference using a quirk makes, so do use them."

It took a moment for the students to recover from the recent events before a few broke into cheers. "This is going to be awesome!" A girl cheered somewhat loudly.

"Awesome? Do you think this is some sort of game? This a test. Should you fail this test by coming in last for most of the exercises, then you will be expelled. Aside from that, if I sense that you're not giving it your all, then once again consider yourself expelled."

Shock. That was an emotion experienced by most of the students. A certain boy with hair split vertically into the two colors red and white frowned at that.

"But sir, that isn't fair!"

"Nothing is fair in life. Especially for heroes. You will find yourselves in disadvantages situations most of the time, so beat it and let's start."

With that said, the teacher proclaimed that the first exercise is going to be a 50-meter dash. Basically, students would stand at the starting line and make their way to the finishing line as fast as possible.

Most students achieved results around the five second mark. Everything was going fine until the teacher proclaimed, "Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou."

He was still unconscious. Shota sighed. Have someone wake him up? He could do that, but… Whatever, it was Satan that caused this, so it was meant to be.

"Satan, since you're the one that ruined this, you will be taking his place."

"That's cool with me," he responded in frisky tone before making his way to the starting line. A few seconds later, a nervous Izuku arrived beside him.

"Now, let me make this clear. Satan, you are NOT allowed to use your quirk to its full extent. Keep it at a level that is just right, understood?"

"What the fuck?!" The newcomer looked annoyed, but not angered. "Weren't you the one that said we should put in our all. Plus Ultra and shit?"

"Not for you. You know exactly why we need to place a limiter on you. Now, tell me you will do that."

Shota despised Satan's existence. However, he admired one quality about him – whenever he gave his word, he meant it.

"Fine. But, do understand that I will pay you back for this – tenfold."

Shota wanted to cry; he really did. If the quality he admired most was his integrity, then what he loathed most about him was how petty he could be. It only took one logical ruse for him to find out what true pain is in this damned world.

A short while later, the newcomer and Izuku were side by side as they waited for the start signal. When it came, the newcomer simply disappeared and reappeared in the finishing line.

Upon seeing that, Izuku's eyes widened immensely as he found himself stagnated. Then, he ran desperately with no sign of quirk usage on him.

"Satan, 0.01 second. Izuku Midoriya, 11.6 seconds."

As Izuku despaired over his score, the rest of the students looked like they were going to explode from various emotions. 0.01 seconds! How did he even do that?! Did he just move that fast? Did he teleport? Or was there something else entirely going on?

"That's so manly," a certain red-haired boy uttered with awe apparent in his tone.

"Seriously, what's his quirk?" a black haired boy asked no one in particular.

Shota looked unimpressed. "Moving on-"

"Wait," Satan (he be damned) interrupted him. "Let this guy repeat his exercise."

He was pointing at Izuku who was as pale as paper.

"And why should I?" Shota questioned.

"Well, obviously because that wasn't his best? He didn't even use his quirk, for Pete's sake!"

"That doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does." Then he walked over to Izuku. "Come on, buddy. Use your quirk properly this time."

Hearing his words, Izuku paled even further as tears welled in the corners of his eyes. "B-but, I can't! I-I will b-break my legs i-if I do!"

"Why would that happen?" Satan tilted his head.

"M-my body is n-not used to my q-quirk."

"Ah, I see. The power is too much for your body to handle, so you end up damaging yourself every time you use it, right?"

Izuku could only nod in affirmation.

"Then, why not use less?"


"Usually, quirks that strengthen one's body can be controlled. You can just use a part of the strengthening – as much as your body can currently handle. Aside from that, obviously don't only strengthen your legs."

Now, Izuku looked even more confused as he waited for him to continue.

"Well, think of it like this: Too much energy will break you, so just limit it and distribute it so that not only you won't break yourself but you will get used it."

After having said that, Satan got a little closer before leaning in and whispering into Izuku's ear, "Yagi will be sad if you don't figure something out."

As if he hadn't just dropped a nuke on him, Satan cheerfully walked away while whistling a song.

Satan knew. He knew about his connection with All Might. He might even know about One for All. How much did he know? Why did he know? Simply put, Izuku was both terrified and as anxious as possible. He needed to speak with All Might as soon as possible.

But, for now, the exercise. It seemed like their teacher had decided to give him another chance (he actually listened to Satan???).

Satan's words rang within his ears as he arrived at the starting line. He pulled on One for All, but as minimally as possible and focusing on spreading it all over himself. Shortly after that, he found a point at which his body didn't hurt from having it active and he realized that lightning was sparking all over him.

"Magnificent…" he heard one of the boys state, with a few students agreeing with him.

"Alright," Izuku muttered to himself. Problems for later; right now, he should take this chance to show his worth. He can't be last. He can't get expelled. Not after everything he has been through.

"Start!" He ran. Fast. He was going much faster than earlier. That, he was sure of. Once he reached the finishing line, he eagerly looked over at his teacher.

"3.45 seconds. Not bad, problem child."

He did it. Not only did he obtain a much better score, but it was second only to Tenya Iida's score. This opportunity was given to him by Satan. He had mixed feelings about the boy. On one hand, he helped him out immensely. On the other, he knew things he shouldn't know. For now, Izuku could only hope he was an friend and ally.

"Next exercise," the teacher announced, "Is one to measure your grip strength. Come on."

Most students got relatively normal results in this exercise. Then, the exceptional ones came. First, it was a boy with multiple extra arms named Mezo Shoji. He attained a score of 540kg. Then, Izuku once again used his quirk. He got 153kg.

But then, Satan's turn came. He was the finalist, and many had an odd feeling that something absurd was going to be happening.

And it did happen – Satan quite literally crushed the device.

"So, that happened," he stated mischievously.


"It was 0.5%, honest!"

"I know…"

The students were too stunned to speak. They weren't sure which was more shocking: that Satan claimed he used only 0.5% to break the device or their teacher believing him without doubt. If it was actually true, then what the hell?! Who or what was he? All Might? Heck, was All Might even capable of doing this with 0.5%?

Most students had similar thoughts swirling within their minds. Their questions would once again go unanswered as the teacher simply ushered for them to move on to the next exercise.

The standing long jump. Some cleared the sandbox, while others didn't. As for Satan? He simply flew over to the other side. Once again, quite a few students rose a commotion over the mystery of his quirk. It felt like he wielded multiple quirks, but that wouldn't make any sense. Everyone has one quirk, no?

Following that exercise was, repeated side steps. Once again, the results were mostly average. Except for Satan. He moved at extreme speeds as his score rose at a dramatic rate. In the end, he seemed to stop out of sheer boredom, if anything.

The next two exercises were those that quirks almost had no effect on: sit ups and seated toe-touch. Once again, that didn't apply to Satan. For sit ups, he was paired up with Momo Yaoyorozu, an elegant tall woman with jet black hair tied into a spiky ponytail. She held his feet to the ground (not that he needed it) as he proceeded with the sit ups at an extreme pace. Shota didn't even seem to bother with counting his sit ups. Then, an interest incident occurred when it was Momo's turn for the sit ups.

Satan pressed down on her feet as he peered into her eyes. Momo felt her heart skip a beat due to being in such close proximity with his face. Especially those glowing eyes that felt like they were staring right into her soul.

It took her a moment to recollect herself before proceeding with the sit ups, during which her sizable breasts were quite the show for her partner. Momo noticed he was looking. What struck her with oddity was how he seemed to look at her appreciatively rather than lecherously. Years of interacting with the upper-class has taught her the difference between the two.

"Satan, stop seducing your classmates."

"Pencil, please focus on being a good teacher. You haven't been much of an exemplar so far."

Yet another interesting interaction between their teacher and the newcomer. The students of class 1A only got more curious with each interaction. Their first day unlike anything they could've prepared themselves for. And, at the center of their interest was the classmate(?) (their teacher did say he was a student, right?).

"Seduce?" A certain Momo muttered under her breath as her cheeks flushed ever so slightly. Satan seemed to notice her reaction, as he winked at her in a playful manner. That only further intensified the blush on her cheeks.

Once they were done with sit ups, they moved on to the seated toe-touch exercise. In that exercise, the ones that performed best were the girl with pink skin, Mina Ashido, from the girls' side and Satan from the boys' side.

The next exercise was a test of endurance and stamina. The distance run. Simply put, students would run until they were too exhausted to continue. In that exercise, a few students got creative with their quirks. For instance, Momo created roller skates. Surprisingly, Satan didn't do anything flashy this time as he simply ran normally, albeit his speed was a clear cut above the rest.

Then, the the final exercise arrived. The ball throw. Katsuki had already displayed an overwhelming score by using his quirk on the ball, getting a score of 705.2 meters, so the students were somewhat nervous about that exercise in particular.

The students proceeded with that test and got relatively normal results – that was until it was Izuku's turn. The aforementioned boy took a deep breath as he prepared to throw the ball. Shota looked on with a disinterested look.

Then, he threw the ball. It was stronger throw than almost half of the class, but that didn't say much. He had limited himself as per Satan's advice earlier, so that he won't break a limb when just throwing a ball.

It didn't take long for Shota to display his score – 234 meters. That was good. Very good, in fact.

Then, Ochaco Uraraka happened. By making use of her quirk, the rather adorable girl achieved a score of infinity by removing the gravity from the ball.

"Quite the show you put on there," Ochaco heard someone say as she made her way back, "guess I'll have to do so as well, huh?"

Looking over to the source of the voice, she found the newcomer grinning widely. In all honesty, she got curious by what he meant with that statement.

"Satan, you're the last one left. I believe you understand why I let you go last?"

"Because I will destroy the entire place?"

"Being self-aware is an admirable trait to have."

The students who were listening in on their back and forth sweated at the implications behind their teacher's words. What the heck was Satan going to do?

Soon, they found out. Satan made his way to the circle and stood with a confident gait. He lifted his arm and gestured to the ball in the teacher's hand, which launched into his own.

"Telekinesis?! Or is it attraction? Maybe gravity manipulation?!" Izuku had pulled out his notebook once again as he wrote down in a flurry like he had been doing each time a student used their quirk. However, for some reason, it seemed like he displayed much more interest in Satan's quirk than the rest, which was understandable considering the mystery shrouding it.

"Alright then, here goes nothing." With that said, Satan casually pulled his arm back before hurling the ball at the sky. A strong shockwave followed suit as a few students fell on their butts, while a certain sleeping beauty awoke from his nap.

The ball had taken an instant to be immediately out of sight. Most students were shocked, but a certain girl with extended earlobes was frowning.

Silence ensued (Katsuki raged again, and was rendered unconscious again), as the students looked over at their teacher with fervent curiosity. Just what score could the newcomer have gotten?

Thankfully, their teacher didn't keep the results from them for long as he slowly turned the device. There, the students saw it. Infinity.

"WHAT?!" "Ehhhh?!"

Satan wasn't the first to get infinity. However, the way he got it was completely different from the one before him. Ochaco removed gravity from the ball, making it effectively 'weightless' enough to be hurled into outer space. But, what did Satan do? They saw him throw the ball NORMALLY (with a quirk, but still).

"That's crazy," the black haired boy, Hanta Sero, uttered with sheer disbelief dripping from his voice.

"Manly…" A certain boy muttered to himself.

"Wait!" A purple haired girl with extended earlobes shouted.

"Is something wrong, Jirous-san?" Momo inquired.

"I didn't hear anything – again."

That earned her a confused look from most students. Though, a certain Satan was chuckling. "Yeah, that would be because of me. I blocked all sounds from reaching you whenever it got too loud."

"You know about my sensitive hearing? How?"

"It doesn't take a genius to figure out."

"But still-"

"That's enough," Shota intervened, "I will now show you the results."

1. Sora Hado

2. Momo Yaoyorozu

3. Shoto Todoroki

20. Katsuki Bakugou

"Aw. Too bad you'll have to expel the terrorist." Satan – Sora Hado – stated in a cheerful manner.

"That's not happening. The thing about expulsion was a logical ruse for you all to try your best."

"I thought that was obvious," Momo uttered, earning a few pointed looks, "Sorry, maybe I should've said something."

"It's not your fault if they're too dumb to figure it out on their own," Sora stated, "blaming others for your own ineptitude is downright disgusting. If that's a habit you have, strive to change it."

Those that had given her the look then looked down in shame. He was right – she had no obligation to tell them in the first place.

"Now then," Shota said exhaustedly, "change back into your school uniforms and then head back to class. Your day is almost over."


Twenty Minutes Later


"Now then, in the back of the class, you'll find papers regarding the curriculum and such. However, do that later. Right now, there are a few rules you all need to be introduced to."

Class 1A were all seated quietly as they listened on to their teacher. Somehow, even Katsuki (who was awoken ten minutes ago) was holding his rage in as he sulked in his seat.

"First and foremost, under no circumstances are you allowed to disobey an order from a teacher or an overseer."

At that, a few hands shot up.

"Yes, Iida?"

"Sir, what's an overseer?"

"An overseer is someone that is assigned the same level of authority as the principal outside of normal classes."

A few more hands shot up.

"Basically, an overseer doesn't necessarily have to be a teacher. In which case, you actually have an overseer among yourselves."

Suddenly, the class broke out into a commotion as they questioned who could be the overseer. However, a few students were focusing their sight on a certain student that was acting rather nonchalantly.

"Trust me, I absolutely despise the fact that HE is chosen as the overseer. Though, I won't deny its necessity."

With those words, everyone immediately understood who was the overseer. The entire day, Shota rarely displayed any blatant hostility. While yes, he wasn't very friendly toward them all in general, Shota actually never singled any of them out – apart from one student.

"Satan, please home to the front of the class and introduce yourself."

"Got it," came the response as he stood from his seat and calmly walked over to the front of the class.

"My name is Sora Hado, and I have been chosen to be the overseer for the first years by the principal himself. I'm sure you all have a lot to say regarding this, but I assure that if you were to figure out my quirk, you'd immediately be understanding."

With that said, Tenya rose his arm. "Yes?"

"Can you tell us about your quirk? I assume it isn't classified information?"

Sora chuckled at the question before responding, "No, it isn't classified. Though, I would like to keep my full capabilities a secret for now. Still, I suppose I can tell you all of a few of its applications."

That remark caused everyone's attention to focus on him as a few even leaned forth. Izuku had brought out his notebook with a bright glint in his eyes.

"My quirk is called Perfection. It is the combination of quirks that are already immensely powerful on their own. However, combined together, well…" Sora grinned, "let's just say that you have no hope in facing off against me in direct combat."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean!?" Katsuki immediately exclaimed, while Shoto Todoroki's brows creased.

"Have years of exploding your hands affected your hearing? Did you already forget what became of you not even an hour ago?"

Katsuki was seething with rage. However, he couldn't do anything about it. Their teacher was there, and for some reason, he was giving preferential treatment to the fucker. Just what the hell was going on with UA?!

"I will make something clear for you all. My quirk is currently the only EX-class quirk in the world."

"Excuse me," Izuku spoke up, "W-what's an EX-class? Isn't c-classing only up to SSS?"

"Fair question," Sora responded before he moved closer to the teacher's desk, "you should all be aware of the nature of quirks. While quirks can be powerful, the drawbacks grow in severity with them. That applies to even SSS-class quirks. An EX-class quirk, however, is an extremely powerful quirk that doesn't have any drawbacks, or they're negligible at worst."

Sora then lifted his arm, and along with it, every single student suddenly found themselves completely locked in place. They couldn't move any part of their body. They couldn't blink. They couldn't speak. In fact, they felt a terrifying feeling that it wasn't just their conscious control that was gone.

"This is one of the many applications of my quirk. It isn't limited to humans or living beings for that matter. However, this is far from the true capabilities of my quirk. This should be enough to give you a clear picture of why my quirk is classified as an EX-class."

Suddenly, everyone regained control of their bodies. A few were slightly trembling, while others displayed clear signs of awe on their face.

"Amazing," Izuku uttered, breaking the silence, "I can't figure out the quirk at all. It seems to be a strong version of telekinesis, but that wouldn't explain how he was able to move at the speed he did back in the quirk apprehension test. While he could've moved himself telekinetically, his brain would have to keep up with the usage of the quirk, or else it's simply impossible. This isn't something that can be bypassed with years of training. Then, it has to be something else. It could-"

Izuku continued to mutter in his seat as a few classmates giggled at his antics. Katsuki however, was having none of it, "Oi, shut up you nerd!"

That worked. With silence dominating the class once again, Sora took that chance to drop a bombshell on them, "While other quirk classes might overpower a class above theirs, EX-class is an exception. No quirk can hope to contend with an EX-class, even SSS-classes such as All Might's quirk."

This time, a commotion broke out that was unlike any other. However, a certain student seemed to be completely unaware of his surroundings as he stared at Sora with widened eyes. Sora was also looking back at him.

'One for All' Sora mouthed but didn't say out loud. That was more than enough to send a shiver down Izuku's spine. He really knew.

Out of everyone, only two students noticed what just happened. Though, they chose to not speak up about it – for now, that is.

Suddenly, the students found themselves frozen once again, but were released in a few seconds. The silence is what Sora wanted.

"Anyway, you will all be given a better opportunity to figure out the truth about my quirk tomorrow. I will drop a few hints here and there. And, before you ask, yes, I enjoy doing this."

Then, Sora walked back to his seat and sat down.

"The second rule," Shota began, "is that you're banned from using your quirks outside of classes and emergencies."

"The third rule," his eyes were fixated on Katsuki, "bullying will be dealt with on a zero tolerance policy."

Sensing the teacher's gaze on him as he said that, Katsuki only huffed in annoyance before muttering something to himself.

"That's all," Shota concluded with a yawn, "class is over for the day. I'll be seeing you all tomorrow."

And thus, Class 1A's hectic first day came to an end. Many had various questions eating away at their

As the class prepared themselves to go home, Sora was already done and was making his way out of class. Seeing that, Izuku rushed to catch up with him. "Wait, Hado-san!"

Outside of class, Sora slowed his pace, allowing Izuku to catch up with him easily. Once the two were side by side, Sora spoke up, "As you might've noticed, I know about One for All. Don't worry, I have no intention of exposing your secret. In fact, I am actually close friends with your favorite hero."

Taken aback, Izuku didn't know what to say for a while before he spoke up, "T-thank you for earlier. I c-can now use One for All w-without breaking a limb."

"No need to mention it. Though, there is something that I must tell you. Before that, tell me, what defines how great a hero is?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, how k-kind and caring they are? By how they s-stand up for what's right and help others, I guess?"

"Good answer, however, there is one thing that defines the core of heroism. Their attitude. A hero that is not confident in their speech and acts is nothing more than a liability and will only remain as a third-rate hero at best. However, what about a confident hero that knows what to say at what time and what to do no matter the circumstances? That's a true hero."

Izuku immediately understood what Sora was getting at: Fix your confidence issues. However, that was easier said than done. After all, just because things were taking a turn for the better doesn't mean that all those years of being treated as an outcast will just go away.

"I am aware gaining confidence isn't something easy. But, is this how you want your journey to go? Ending it before it can even begin? Let me ask you something, who is at fault for you being born without a quirk?"


"Don't be surprised." The two continued to walk, and Izuku noticed that not a single student spared them a glance, "If I knew about One for All, it's only to be expected that I would know about your… circumstances."


"So, tell me. Who is at fault? Is it your mom?"

"W-what?! O-of course, not!!"

"Then? Is it your father's? Yours? The answer is quite simple: Nature. In other words, no one is at fault. Yet, you take others' words for it being your own fault. Accepting the false statement of you being useless or worthless as the truth for no apparent reason. You seem to completely lack the ability to comprehend the fact that each and every individual that has insulted you in that manner was only projecting their insecurities on you – including Katsuki."

Izuku didn't respond. He didn't know what to say. No one has ever said anything like that to him. The idea itself was so beyond whatever he had thought of to the point that his brain could barely process it.

"Wait!" A voice came behind the two, causing them both to turn, only to be met with the sight of a brown-haired girl and a tall boy with glasses approaching them hurriedly.

Beside Sora, Izuku practically froze up. Seeing that, Sora could only smile wryly as he shook his head in exasperation.

Once Ochaco and Tenya were close enough to the two, Ochaco went ahead and asked, "You guys are going home, right? How do you go home?"

"I-I go the train station nearby," Izuku spoke up first after taking a moment to regain his composure.

"It's complicated," Sora simply said, gaining a curious look from the three.

The three continued to walk through campus, discussing their first day at school. Tenya had a lot of comments to make regarding their teacher and Sora, with the latter simply shrugging them off. Ochaco was more curious about their relationship, since they acted more like old friends than teacher and student. Sora confirmed that she wasn't too far off with her assumption. As for Izuku, he was solely interested in Sora's quirk. It was simply too interesting for him. However, much to his disappointment, Sora refused to make any further comments about his quirk, only making an ominous statement about how he will be seeing it in action tomorrow.

Once the three were at UA's front gate, they noticed someone standing right in front of the gate with an impatient look on her face.

"Is that…?" Ochaco uttered with a doubtful look on her face.

"It is. It's actually Mirko. What's one of the top three doing here?" Izuku said curiously as he observed the pro-hero who was currently dressed as a civilian. Did she have a relative attending UA?

"That damn rabbit…" Sora muttered to himself, but Ochaco overheard him, her eyes widening in surprise.

Izuku, Tenya, and Ochaco naturally didn't approach her as they swerved to the side. Sora, however, simply continued to walk toward Mirko with a neutral expression.

"Seriously?" He asked the moment he was in front of her. Around them, quite the number of students were watching on with keen interest. Earlier, they had naturally approached her to get an autograph, but were simply told to "fuck off" by the rambunctious woman. Now, seeing a student approach her once more, they were looking forward to a show – that never came.

Mirko was grinning as she lifted her head to look Sora in the eye. "I'm surprised. I didn't expect you to be be accompanied by students. What happened to friendship being pointless?"

"It was pointless, back then, anyway. I've already made it clear, haven't I? About this round being the last one."

"Woah, you were actually being serious?"

"Obviously," Sora frowned, "you thought that I was joking?"

"Can you blame me? Mr. Perfection," she responded half-mockingly.

"Whatever. We should get going," Sora stated as he glanced at his three classmates that were staring in their direction.

"Yeah, yeah," Mirko moved closer before wrapping her arms around his waist.

"You…" Sora sighed. "Whatever."

Before the crowd could react, the two suddenly vanished from sight. It happened in an instant. There was no warning or anything. Among those that were wondering about what happened, Izuku was the one that was the most intrigued. Another application of the quirk: Mass teleportation that appeared to depend on physical contact.

It truly was a hectic first day…

After having gone through numerous MHA fanfictions, I was fueled with the drive to write one of my own.

I write for fun, and appreciate all forms of feedback. As long as you're not being a d*ck, I will respond to all comments, be they negative or positive.

This is an AU, but not actually AU fanfic. (This will make sense later, though you can also deduce it from the end of this chapter.)

Exalted_Felixcreators' thoughts