

"Sounds big." Jackson commented, several of the residents pagers going off as Helena pulled her hair into a low bun, in their lounge. "I bet an MVC."

"Multiple MVCs or an apartment fire." Alex suggested, leaving as Helena finished off her hairdo.

"When is the staring gonna stop?" April leaned into the group to ask.

At that, Helena furrowed her brows, looking at the other residents in the room. As she noticed them staring at the group, she bit her bottom lip in anxiety.

"As soon as the novelty wears off." Jackson shrugged, pulling is scrub top over his head. As he noticed Helena's fear filled eyes staring at the small crowd, he nudged her gently. "Hey, just ignore them."

"Right..." The small girl sighed, sitting down next to her people.

"Owen washed my hair." Cristina told them, nodding to the snack I'm her hands. "And he told me to eat this grainy nut bar. And he booked me into surgery this morning. He's in charge of me. I'm a bride and I'm going with it."

"I'm sure he's just worried about you..." The brunette shrugged.

"Plus, the trauma guy didn't clear you." Meredith teased.

"Yeah, but he said he would figure that out." The curly haired woman explained.

Noticing Lexie look at the people who stared, from her cubby, Helena reached for her hand, asking. "You ok?"

"They're staring. I'm sick of the staring." The younger Grey explained.

"I know..." Helena gave her a sad smile, before her friend snapped at the crowd.

"Yes! I am the crazy one! I am the one that freaks out and screams at people, like that." She shrugged before her pager went off, looking down to it.

"Go gawk at each other for a while." Meredith added, the crowd dispersing as she turned to her sister. "Are you ok?"

"Will everybody just stop if I'm ok, ok?" The brunette asked, leaving the room as Helena looked at her, worriedly. Even is she didn't want to worry this much, she's been the one to commit her friend to the psychiatric floor and, ever since, she hadn't been able to stop worrying for her.

"Did he clear you yet?" Cristina asked the blond. At the woman's face, her mouth opened. "No? Still?!"

"I resorted to tears, I wore bad mascara so he wouldn't miss them..."

"I yelled at him before he cleared me. Maybe yelling will help?" The short girl suggested, stealing a sip of Meredith's coffee. "What did Derek say?"

"Ugh, I will be avoiding him today..." Meredith groaned.

"So you don't have to talk to him about the baby thing?" Cristina asked, furrowing her brows.

"No." Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Because she left him in the pokey." Helena giggled as she got up to leave, Meredith nodding. "I should go, I have a peds case..."


Meredith and Helena sat in the gallery, watching the surgery Cristina was scrubbing in on. Absentmindedly, the girl fidgeted with her pigeon necklace, reading the article on her lap.

"Have you told him, yet?" Helena asked her older friend, glancing over at her.

"No, not yet." The blond sighed, leaning back on her chair. "How are you holding up?"

"I heard one of the peds nurses today ask another if I was the surgeon who got shot in front of them..." Helen shifted in her seat, her hand moving instinctively to her scar in her abdomen. "They were talking bout how traumatizing it was for to see the puddle of blood after Callie got me out of there and they moved Alice."

"That sucks." Meredith gave her a sad smile.

"Yeah..." She agreed sighing.

Suddenly, in the OR bellow them, Avery went against on of the surgical trays, the impact making a bang. At that, Helena winced slightly. However, when she noticed Cristina had dropped to the ground and didn't get up, she shot up from her seat, Meredith following shortly behind.

"Crap, crap, crap..." The short girl whispered to herself as they reached the scrubbing room, April in it.

"You can't be in here, Mer..." She started, the blond shooting her a look as Helena grabbed a mask. "...but we're friends now so I'll just shut up."

"Good girl." Meredith told her, the two doctors rushing into the OR.

"Dr. Grey, you can't be in the OR!" Teddy reprimanded, Helena sighing as she turned to her friend.

"I've got her, wait outside." The short girl nodded, Meredith sharing a silent agreement with her as she left, Helena laying down on the floor next to her friend.

"Cristina?" She whispered, looking at her friend, who seemed frozen. "Cristina?"

"I can't be in here. I ." The older woman told her, panic in her eyes.

"Ok. Do you want to go?" Helena suggested her voice soft.

"I-I can't feel anything." She muttered, almost ignoring the words directed at her.

"I know..." She sighed, soothingly.

"I-I can't move. I can't move my legs, I can't feel anything." Cristina cried, her voice broken and slightly scared.

"Alright." Helena told her, getting the surgical glove off of her friend's hand. Then, she placed it on her cheek. "Can you feel that? Can you feel my face?"